Masamune was a little confused.

Master, are you here?

Opening the door, Izumi Takatsuki, who was inside, immediately turned his head in surprise and looked at Masamune.

In front of the two of them, there was a familiar girl.

It was Senju Village Zheng. At that time, Masamune ordered Takatsuki Izumi to deal with him carefully if he found out that the other party did something again, but he did not expect that Takatsuki Izumi would actually arrest him.

At this moment, Qian Shou Cun Zheng's hands were locked by chains, spreading directly towards the shadows in the corners on both sides.

Her feet were raised on her toes. Only in this way could she barely maintain a sufficient height without being dragged down by the iron chain.

It looks like the girl has been locked up for a while.

The beautiful kimono was now clinging tightly to her body, and her forehead was covered with crystal beads of sweat, as big as beans, which dropped from her forehead from time to time.

what is going on?

Looking at the scene in front of him in surprise, Zhengzong turned around and asked.

Not long ago, this guy found your editor, and then compared your previous novels with the current novel author, saying that he could not allow you to continue writing books like this, saying that Acorus is a person who will only squeeze you and destroy you. Your future existence. I am about to take drastic measures later, so I have to take action.

Takatsuki Izumi said.

Kagurazaka Iris, as Masamune's favorite female editor, naturally had protection around her, and what happened caused by Senjumura Sei, after it was judged that there might be trouble, she was also arrested.

Is that so? It really is.

Zhengzong covered his head with a headache.

Qianjumura Zheng didn't have any ill intentions, it was just because the author he liked suddenly changed his style of painting and he couldn't accept it, so he started to make trouble. Trying to crush your own opinions through fiction.

I just didn't expect that the other party would actually go back to find Kagurazaka Iris' theory, and also try to use other methods, and then the trouble would reach this point.

In fact, Takatsuki Izumi did nothing wrong, he was just afraid that there would be trouble on his side. Therefore, Qian Shou Village was conquered.

Then, what should I do with you, Qianju Cunzheng.

The authentic voice came, and the purple-haired girl lowered her head weakly.

Actually, there is no necessary conflict between us at all.

Zheng Zong approached Qian Shou Village and said in a deep voice.

Qian Shou Cun Zheng raised his head and looked at Zheng Zong,

I like it, I like the battle novels written by Mr. Zheng. I heard that without your novels to read, I can no longer write novels.

The voice was a little hoarse, but still firm.

Even now, it has not changed.

People will grow up after all. I used to like to write novels about battles, but now as my experience changes, I will naturally like other genres. This kind of thing should be very common.

For this kind of guy, if he didn't think he had no ill intentions, he wouldn't bother to care.

No, no, you can't be like this. We have plenty of time. You will remember it slowly in the future. Drive away that black-hearted guy who only forces you to write other novels for profit. Let me kidnap you home. , taking care of you gently every day, sooner or later you will wake up and remember how to write novels in the future.

Qianju Cunzheng said excitedly at this moment.

The violent shaking of his body caused the chains on his wrists to keep ringing.


Tie yourself up and belong to her alone from now on.

This must be a yandere, this must be a yandere.

Why did a good literary girl suddenly change her style?

Although in the memory of his previous life, Sei Senjumura seemed to be a relatively cold and mature type, but in fact he knew that he was actually very shy and cute inside, so why did he suddenly become like this.

Obviously, it was still fine before, and according to 'destiny', he tried to use the method of novels to attack Zhengzong.

But now it suddenly turned into wanting to abduct him home.

‘Or is it because of physical effects? ’

Zhengzong suddenly had a guess.

Because the previous Kasumigaoka Shiyu was similar to this kind of performance, wasn't it?

After finding that the normal method was fruitless, he chose the method of drugging and tried to perform reverse MJ against Zhengzong.

As for the Qianju Village Zheng in front of him, he had received the authentic influence on himself, but he had a natural rejection of the topic of H. The problem accumulated over time was quite serious.

Then I used to be a fan of authentic novels, but I was dissatisfied with the changes in the style of the previous novels.

Under the intertwining of various complex emotions, he has become such a weird state at the moment. He only wants to take Zhengzong back. When he serves well by himself, he can also get satisfaction and satisfaction at the same time.

Zhengzong touched his chin and felt that he had found the problem with Qianju Cunzheng.

You guy.

While Masamune was thinking, Takatsuki Izumi had already stood up directly.

Although she has received Zhengzong's blood, it is not like other girls who will die if they don't communicate with Zhengzong for a long time.

But the relationship between the two does not represent alienation, but has reached a further level.

It has gone beyond a simple physical relationship, just like the previous Nishikino Mizubi. During this period of time when Masamune ignored her, the woman even asked whether her daughter would be knocked out and brought up for Masamune to play with. proposal.

At this moment, Takatsuki Quan heard Senjumura Zheng's thoughts, and Hezi had emerged behind him.

Okay, it's okay.

Patting Takatsuki Izumi on the shoulder, the hair on the other person's body began to lose color at this moment, and then completely shattered.

It looks like you really want to arrest me.

Zhengzong approached Qianju Village, and the girl's movements suddenly became intense.

Then you haven't thought about what would happen if you were caught by me?

He gently touched the girl's face with his palm.

Smooth and delicate, with some water stains caused by the hot weather.

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