Sagiri still has a very high impression of Nanami because of her previous food offerings and their previous interactions during the Golden Week.

At this moment, I couldn't help but feel very worried when I saw Nanami suddenly acting so strangely.

Don't panic, it's just that I choked on the water.

Masamune waved his hand, signaling Sagiri not to worry yet.

When a person is unlucky, he will choke on his saliva and be unable to speak.

This kind of thing is not a joke, it actually happens.

Because the human trachea and esophagus are side by side.

Just like Nanami, the wagashi she eats and the air she inhales are both swallowed.

Among them, the air enters the trachea through the larynx, while the wagashi enters the esophagus.

In the middle of the two channels, there is the epiglottis cartilage like a switch, which allows the air to flow unimpeded.

Passed selectively, but when Nanami was eating, she was so angry that another accident happened because of a series of things.

As a result, when swallowing wagashi, the epiglottis cartilage cannot reach under the lid and directly enters the trachea.

How to do how to do.

Sagiri looked at the scene in front of her in panic.

Because she has truly faced life and death before, Sagiri is very sensitive and fearful of these things.

This was the first time for Zhengzong to see Sagiri's terrified look at this moment.

Yes, artificial respiration, brother, hurry up and give artificial respiration to Sister Nanami.

Sagiri jumped down from the chair.

Then he expressed his opinion anxiously.

Idiot, I asked you to go to school properly but you won't go to school. Artificial respiration is used to deal with drowning, electrocution and other breathing stops. It is completely different from choking!

Masamune patted Sagiri's head.

I decided in my heart that after a while, no, in the next semester, I must let Sagiri go to school well.

It's terrible to be a cute girl but turn out to be uneducated.

Not everyone can be a genius without going to school like Yamada Fairy.

Let me tell you, artificial respiration is to provide oxygen. The human heart and brain need to be continuously supplied with oxygen. If it is not supplied for a long time, it will be like if I ignore you for a long time, what will happen to you.

Well, Sagiri will die.

As soon as Sagiri heard that Masamune ignored her for a long time and did not have the energetic Masamune energy flowing in, Sagiri would definitely die.

Just thinking about these things makes Sagiri go crazy.

Yes, then artificial respiration is equivalent to me doing it with you, like this...


Nanami pointed at Masamune with trembling fingers.

When she heard that she was going to be artificially resuscitated, Nanami had subconsciously wanted to refuse, but now that Masamune refused so decisively, she didn't relax for a long time when she heard that Masamune actually started to give Sagiri such terrible science.

The angry Nanami was waving her hands constantly, trying to attract Masamune's attention.

Brother, Sister Nanami.

The girl who had been being educated by Masamune breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Nanami like this and quickly pointed at Nanami.

Okay, okay, don't worry, I'm here to help.

Masamune comforted Sagiri.

He is not worried because his room has been set up with a special barrier by Gabriel.

Not only is it isolated from other demons and ghosts, but it is also equivalent to a small paradise in the Izumi family. The souls of those who die inside will be temporarily left behind. As long as you pay a set of coupon equipment as soon as possible, before being discovered by the heaven, Gabriel can be saved.

So Masamune is not worried about Nanami for now.

But seeing the girl in such a bad state, she could only step forward to help.

Come here, lie down on the table for me.

Masamune waved to Nanami and said directly.

The girl stared at Zhengzong with wide eyes.

Aren't you coming over yet?

Seeing Nanami hesitate like this, Masamune also lost his temper.

With a backhand, Nanami was pinned to the table.

She is not a very strong girl, and she is usually very hungry. Now Masamune exerted a little force, but poor Nanami couldn't bear it.

Do not move.

Masamune said, then directly grabbed Nanami's legs and spread them wide.

Brother, brother.

Sagiri's big eyes blinked.

The phone in my hand was clenched and unclenched.

What are you going to do? This is wrong.

The girl seemed to be in a tangle. Facing Masamune who seemed to want to play hardball or even play with corpses at this moment, she was caught in a situation of whether she should kill her relatives out of justice.

If you really want it, you have to wait until Sister Nanami's problem is solved. Even ordinary people know that you should take advantage of the heat. Being cold is not good at all.

Sagiri said seriously.

Nanami, who originally seemed to be helping her through Sagiri, heard this and was not choked to death. At this moment, she felt that she was going to be angry to death.

Sagiri, being beautiful is indeed a bonus, but you also have to study hard. Being silly is kind of cute, but you can't be ignorant.

Masamune covered his forehead, unwilling to look at Sagiri.

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