Nanami couldn't help but waved her hands angrily to show her innocence.

I know, I can see it.

A qualified girl, even the most beautiful, must have basic decorations.

To sum up, it can be divided into ordinary makeup and clothing matching.

Typical figures among them can be listed as Yuigahama Yui and Kasumigaoka Shiha.

Yuigahama Yui is very good at makeup. She is a super cute girl. After putting on makeup, her cuteness increases all the way. These cosmetics are all expensive.

As for Kasumigaoka Shiyu, although Kasumigaoka Shiyu looks sleepy on weekdays and doesn't seem to dress up much, in fact the other person's hei is changed every day.

Depending on the mood, time, and atmosphere, choose different styles and thicknesses to wear. Be sure to wear them in a sexy and sexy way.

These things are expensive, and Masamune learned a lot from them.

And poor Nanami.

Now I can add some points to my cute appearance and stubborn personality.

To be able to be so strong, Nanami has really worked very hard.

Things will be over soon. When the summer vacation is not far away, I will have enough time to work during the summer vacation. By then, whether it is tuition, rent, accommodation fees, etc., I can pay them all at once .”

Nanami seemed to have thought of something, and now she couldn't help but feel full of motivation.

Strong and optimistic, Nanami works so hard that it makes people feel heartbroken.

By the way, including your wagashi money, I will work an extra hour today.

One bite, two bites, Nanami lowered her head and kept eating with a red face.

She also knew how much advantage she had taken by being one-sided.

I was even more determined in my heart to work hard enough and work hard in the next hour.

If you are very anxious about these things, how about I help you find a house?

Zhengzong thought for a while and suddenly said.

Of course, Nanami is not allowed to live in her own home.

If this were the case, Liuli, who could still maintain her balance, would definitely go berserk first.

However, other locations are still available.

With Nanami like this, I really don’t know how she could hold on until the plot of her sophomore year begins.

As for funds, I will provide you with some every month in the future. If you continue to work at such an intensity, you will really die suddenly.

It would really make me die suddenly just thinking about Nanami's work progress during this period.

However, it did not come as expected

Give me some every month?

Yes, I don't want you to pay it back for now, wait until later.

Zhengzong thought about it. Nanami's character obviously couldn't allow her to eat and drink for free like that, so Zhengzong would give her some time.

As for whether Nanami will be able to catch up, Masamune is confident about it.

Successful people do not necessarily need to work hard, but those who work hard will definitely receive huge rewards.

Nanami's success was only a matter of time.

Don't even think about it, you big bastard! Cough, cough, cough.

Nanami was so angry that her whole body seemed to be bulging, and she looked at Masamune with extremely embarrassed eyes.

What do you mean by giving you some money every month? Do you really treat her like one of those high school girls who are easy to keep?

It felt like her whole character had been insulted. The pressure on herself, the current activities, and all kinds of emotions were intertwined. Nanami was so uncomfortable that she couldn't speak.

Why, I'm kindly helping you. What are you doing? If you don't have money, let alone continue to pursue your dream. Even if you starve to death here, it's not impossible.

Ahem, that's impossible to do, you big bastard, ahem.

Nanami was so angry that she seemed to be looking for something to smash, but found in despair that she couldn't afford to pay for anything she smashed.

The wagashi I was eating just now was stuck in my throat.

His whole face was red.


Tears were already welling up in his eyes, and his whole body seemed to be on the verge of collapse.

Zhengzong looked at the guy in front of him speechlessly.

Just now, he was just in a weird mood, but now Masamune has naturally reacted. Nanami in front of him probably mistakenly thought that he wanted to support her.

She doesn't understand herself at all.

It is really low-level to use money to support others. This kind of simple use of money to support is the most stupid thing. You know, the money you spent may be used by others to support other men.

If he met someone he liked, of course he would catch her directly in the basement and then applaud her and educate her.

If she doesn't obey once, do it twice; if she doesn't obey twice, do it three times. Sooner or later, she will be tamed.

Sooner or later, that strong and pretty face will turn into a Hei Yan who giggles and gestures.

This is the real tough strategy.

In comparison, the others are far behind.

Well, just like the Yan Yi shown by Nanami now.

His face was pale, his eyes were lifeless, and his mouth was breathing heavily.

! ! !

Zhengzong looked at Nanami, who suddenly transformed into an untouchable person in front of him, and felt that the world was changing too fast and he couldn't accept it.

Sister Nanami, what's wrong with you?

The two little feet next to her were swinging back and forth in the air. Sagiri looked at Masamune and Nanami interacting with a smile. At this moment, she was also looking at Nanami worriedly.

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