What's wrong?

His face is calm, and Zheng Zong is very courageous.

Why do you still call mother Mrs.

Yui's words made Masamune An'an sigh in relief.

I also want to call you something else, it depends on Yui's choice.

Before Yui could finish speaking, Masamune stopped him from talking.

The first day of Golden Week.

The real 'cold' was also cured immediately and in just the right way.

When they got up early in the morning, the three sisters from the Wugeng family came over excitedly to help Zhengzong tidy up.

And since she knew her brother was going to attend a book signing event, Sagiri, who was exhausted from playing every night and slept soundly in the morning, now woke up early with excitement.

He shouted that he wanted to go to a book signing with his brother.

However, after seeing that this guy wanted to go, he just let himself hold the computer and watch and cheer up through video chat.

Not wanting to spread bad stories such as the tragic past of a genius high school student and the painstaking creation with the photos of his younger sister, Zhengzong directly took the little guy to the bathroom and tidied him up with a dark face.

She came out refreshed, and then continued to dress up with the more well-behaved Hinata on this side.

Although on the authentic side, just its own mutation is enough to handle most problems, and it can turn a book signing into an idol meet-and-greet, but just watching the three sisters help you prepare with all their heart, you will It makes people feel happy.

After waving to Sagiri who returned to the room and planned to continue taking a good rest, Masamune took Ruri and rushed towards Akihabara.

I still remember the last time I came here, but when I met Nan Xiaotiao, the girl was gentle and considerate. Even now, Zhengzong is still impressed.

Of course, what follows next is Kasumigaoka Shiu's coma plan and that super awesome love hotel equipped with almost all kinds of materials and props.

The one near Akihabara at that time was much better than the one Hiratsuka Shizuka went to before. The two were almost completely different concepts.

While Zhengzong was thinking wildly, Zhengzong and Liuli had arrived at their destination this time, the place where the autograph session was held.

The original intention for the book signing was to hold it in a big bookstore on the other side of Tokyo, but later on, considering the convenience of the authentic book, and also understanding that it would be better for the authentic light novel to be held here, we finally changed it to another one. The place came to Akihabara.

Masamune, here!

As soon as I walked through the door, I met Kagurazaka Iris, who had been waiting here for a long time. The female editor was wearing a black and white professional attire, and a black short skirt that just reached her knees, which highlighted her exquisite curves.

After noticing Masamune's arrival, Kagurazaka Iris's eyes lit up and he walked over quickly, waving to Masamune and Ruri.

It's not too late.

Saying hello to him, he would feel more at ease if it were someone else, but for Kagurazaka Airi, a guy who would come up with some unexpected surprises from time to time, Masamune was really worried.

It's okay, it's okay. The bookstore staff haven't prepared yet. Zhengzong, it's okay for you to go have a meal now.

She carefully looked at Liuli next to Zhengzong. This was the first time she saw a girl following Zhengzong for such a long time.

Following the female editor, I walked up. This time, the book signing will be on the second floor. As soon as I stepped onto the second floor, I could see the bright banner and a huge display board.

The above is an illustration related to the release content of the first volume of the novel.

This is the place where Zhengzong will hold a book signing later. Starting around 12 o'clock, a live Q\u0026A session with book friends will begin. You also have experience. Faced with this kind of thing, just You just need to communicate well and smile, those guys are actually better off fooling you.

Kagurazaka Iris is still very confident about authenticity.

Only Liuli next to him listened with a confused look on his face, feeling that the novelist and the shrewd and capable editor in his mind who were originally extremely sacred were completely destroyed in one fell swoop.

Then there's no problem, but there may still be some emergencies, so.

Zhengzong made a gesture towards his editor, who immediately understood.

‘Ginza treats me to three meals. ’

Kagurazaka Iris glanced at Masamune. It was a rare encounter. This troublesome writer of his own needed to get rid of himself.

‘Two meals. ’

'make a deal. ’

Well, Wu Geng Liuli, right? Come with me. Your novel recently became the number one, and there are still some issues regarding its specific publication.

After completing the dirty deal with Masamune, Kagurazaka Iris directly told Ruri to let him pass.

Preparing for the novel? I'm here to help.

Actually, you can learn more by following me, and it can help Zhengzong even more.

The female editor successfully convinced the girl with just one sentence.

After Gogeng Ruri and Kagurazaka Iris both left, Masamune breathed a sigh of relief.

Because Gai acted too casually in the past, he caused a lot of troubles at autograph sessions and the like. If he continues to stay here, it will probably be very lively.

But this time the girl wanted to come and help, and I couldn't refuse emotionally or rationally, so I could only end it now.

Without Liuli at the scene, things wouldn't be too big.


Lying on a chair alone, squinting his eyes comfortably, Zhengzong thought quietly in his heart.

Well, there are so many people.

While Zhengzong was resting inside, the sun was scorching hot at noon. Nine girls wearing gray coats, pink scarves wrapped around their necks, and black sunglasses were standing side by side in front of the street.

Be patient, this is the only way to be an idol. A celebrity must dress like a celebrity to blend in with the crowd.

The girl with black twin ponytails put her hands on her hips and kept warning her eight other friends.

The bored Nan Xiaotiao looked at the surrounding scene.

Suddenly, I noticed the words on the poster board, the famous writer Izumi Masamune's new book signing event.

‘A book signing? Izumi-kun? ’

The girl suddenly remembered that when she was chatting with Zhengzong not long ago, Zhengzong had mentioned that she would hold a book signing on the first day of the holiday.

But I didn’t come over at that time because I and my partner were also training for an idol group.

But after seeing this, the girl suddenly had the idea of ​​giving Zhengzong a surprise.

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