Yui, who is kind-hearted, naturally understands her mother's difficulties. When she saw her anger, she immediately stepped forward obediently.

The relationship between mother and daughter has always been very good.

You girl.

He gently stroked the girl's hair and arranged the messy dumpling into position.

What else can I do with such a daughter, just like with such a bad son-in-law.

After taking a look at Zhengzong, he thought of the man who had brought him back to life just now. That kind of poor knowledge reserve was definitely not the meekness and kindness that Yui said.

But if she could deceive Yui for the rest of her life, then she would admit it.


He turned his head away guiltily.

The Yuigahama family is so short of a man.

It’s not just my daughter who needs it. You also need it yourself.

Instead of finding a strange man and letting Yui adapt, it would be better to stay with Masamune.

With that kind of physical strength, there won't be any accidents, but it will be a hardship for Yui. It would be nice for me, as a mother, to help out occasionally.

Mrs. Yuigahama thought in her heart, her body became a little soft again.

At this moment, Yui looked at her mother's sudden retreat with confusion, but she realized that she had lost her composure and quickly got out of her mother's arms.

He glanced at Zhengzong shyly and expectantly.

At this moment, Zhengzong looked at a mother and daughter standing together. It's really touching, especially the expression of helplessness and compromise on Mrs. Yuigahama's face. It really makes me think, and I feel that if I work hard, I can consider perfect achievements.

Okay, come and eat with us. Don't stand, sit down quickly.

Consciously taking the position of the head of the Yuigahama family, Masamune entertained.

Because she and Masamune spent a lot of time together, Mrs. Yuigahama only prepared three dishes.

However, because Zhengzong had devoted himself to transmitting positive energy, the mother and daughter were enough.

After listening to Masamune's words, Mrs. Yuigahama sat opposite Masamune, while Yui sat on Masamune's right side.

From time to time, he affectionately served Masamune with food, and found that Yui seemed to be really scared of being fucked. She was so docile, and Masamune naturally praised Yui's performance. The girl was encouraged like this in front of her mother, and she smiled all over her face after hearing this. .

The frequency of picking up food on his hands became much faster, which was fine at first, but after a while Zhengzong found that his plate was full of dishes, but when he saw Yui's sweet smile and the piercing anticipation.

Zhengzong could only eat the mountain of food.

Mrs. Yuigahama, who was sitting opposite, looked at the genuine joke with a smile in her eyes.

Especially when I thought about the scene when the man forced himself to swallow something, I felt that the cycle of heavenly retribution was unpleasant, which probably refers to the current situation.

Mrs. Yuigahama, who was very satisfied with her daughter's behavior, suddenly became a little stiff.

Then there was a hint of blush.

Mrs. Yuigahama looked towards Masamune who was directly opposite, and she saw Masamune dealing with Yuigahama Yui with a smile on his face, the happiness on his face, as if he couldn't see any problem at all.

But Mrs. Yuigahama clearly felt a foot rubbing on the side of her thigh, moving up her calf to an even worse position.

The silly daughter is still laughing. Among the three people sitting here, only Zheng Zong can do this.

What's even more annoying is that while he's feeding Yui, Masamune below is actually getting more and more aggressive.

Because Mrs. Yuigahama's momentary confusion was regarded as connivance by Masamune.

He actually took the opportunity to take a step forward, even though it was through a thin pajamas.

But Mrs. Yuigahama could clearly feel that she was back to the scene of getting along in the previous room.

Mrs. Yuigahama immediately controlled the foot that was restlessly provoking her. ,

Although these things happened secretly under the table, the two parties involved were doing their own thing quietly.

Masamune was still struggling to eat three-quarters of Yuigahama's meal with Yui's enthusiastic help. Mrs. Yuigahama maintained a calm expression except for a trace of blush on her face.

Yui had her mother by her side at the beginning, so she couldn't let go.

After all, if you do something like that in the room, even if you do it as quietly as possible, it is impossible to hide the bloody list.

At the beginning, it was like hiding one's ears and stealing the bell, a little closer to the original.

But later I saw my mother just looking at me and Zhengzong with a 'loving' look on her face.

Coupled with the thought of going to school and even facing the challenge of my friend Xiaoxue, I slowly got closer to Zhengzong.

In the end, even the whole body was half leaning on Zhengzong's body.

Although the blush on Mrs. Yuigahama's face on the other side was a bit strange.

But in her opinion, it might be her mother's joy. After a long time, the Yuigahama family finally had a man, and this man was her boyfriend, although he was actually a bit too much.

Little did he know that the color on Mrs. Yuigahama's face was actually related to the boyfriend beside her.

Mrs. Yuigahama on this side, although she succeeded in temporarily controlling Masamune's evil behavior by relying on her own strength.

But we just completed the exchange with Zhengzong.

Once the switch that has been immersed for more than ten years is turned on, it is not easy to completely release it.

Just now, she felt that she needed to take a shower again.

Mrs. Yuigahama knew that if she didn't leave, she might make a fool of herself in front of Yuigahama Yui later.

I wasn't very hungry, so I saw that the time was almost up, so I stood up and said.

Yui and Masamune-kun, you go ahead and eat. I've already eaten and I'm going back to my room to rest.

On the other side, Masamune, who was still dealing with Yui, also quietly put down his movements.

Looking at Mrs. Yuigahama running away, she was not doing anything.

You need to have a good rest, Mrs. Yuigahama, your health is important.

No, something is wrong.

On this side, Yuigahama Yui, who was watching the excitement, suddenly spoke out.

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