Is that so?

When Gabriel heard this, he actually took out a dagger and looked at Zhengzong kindly, as if he was looking for a good place to strike.

After seeing Zhengzong's healing ability, the girl seriously doubted that Zhengzong's call for help before was definitely because of other things about herself.

Just when Gabriel was eager to try, Gu Li touched Yue Xiong's mouth and murmured to herself.

What kind of feeling is this?

Gu Li jumped directly to the bed, her whole body was close to Zhengzong, and her two soft balls were directly pressed against Zhengzong's heart.

Warm, slightly urgent breaths tickled Zheng Zheng's neck.

Looking at the girl up close, Zhengzong suddenly felt that his heart was beating very fast for a moment.

No matter how much I think Gu Li is stupid and happy.

No one can deny that the birth of the other person, as the daughter of a god and a candidate for the devil, Guli's own perfection and charm are beyond the imagination of others.

Not to mention, the other party’s identity bonus.


He directly kissed Gu Li who was still in a daze in front of him.

Ice and cold.

Gu Li didn't seem to realize what was going on, and just stared at Zheng Zong with her bright purple eyes.

Then he actually responded to Zhengzong subconsciously.

The two of them breathed together and seemed to be able to sense each other's heartbeats at the same time.

‘There is no difference between angels and humans. ’

Such an idea suddenly appeared in Zhengzong's mind.

Gabriel next to him looked at this scene in stunned silence.

My eldest daughter, the future heir, has been tainted by a human being. What should I do? Chop him up, chop him up, or chop him up.

Gabriel took a step forward, trying to separate the two people.

However, before she could take action, Gu Li suddenly raised her head and looked at Gabriel.


Just saying this, Gabriel's body stiffened.

As the daughter of a god and the former devil king, Guli, who has already started working, is much more powerful than Gabriel, who is still in school and unable to take on her responsibilities.

A single order can make Gabriel, who is relaxed and unresisting, unable to move.

Is this love? In theory, it's just pure harassment. According to dad's education, it should be punched away. It feels so strange.

Gu Li touched her heart again.

That intense and vigorous beating, this is from birth to now, no need to work, you can see those handsome men's BL, another kind of heartbeat, let him know that he is different at this moment.

Gu Li waved her hand, and Gabriel, who was still standing there, flew over.

Put it directly on Gabriel's heart, and then compare it.

so small.

Gu Li's subconscious words made Gabriel's expression change all of a sudden.

Hundan, the next god is amazing. Believe it or not, I will overthrow you right now.

Gabriel's eyes were suddenly filled with murderous intent.

As a companion artifact, he is the most talented student in the world who is also the world-destroying horn.

When Gabriel grows up in the future, he will not be weak at all.

Well, my heartbeat is also very fast, but it's always a little different.

Gu Li gestured curiously, and she could naturally see that the emotions in Gabriel's body were still different from those of Mai Sakurajima just now.

Puzzled, she made a fist with her right hand and clapped her palm. As if thinking of something, she pulled Gabriel directly. At this moment, the three of them just lay together.

Of course there is a difference.

Looking at Gu Li, Zhengzong also spoke up at this moment.

On both sides, one above and one on the right were angelic girls with soft breasts. Masamune felt like he was about to explode at this moment.

Don't you really want to feel the difference in the heartbeat? Let me tell you what to do.

The arm moved forward slightly, and the deep, seemingly endless power, activated from within the body, quietly emerged along with Zhengzong's heart that was constantly growing at this moment.

The long chain of light that was still locked to Zheng Zong was broken free and broken. Zheng Zong directly held the restless fool's body tightly at this moment.

He no longer cares about whether this situation will cause any other problems at this moment. Zhengzong just wants to do what a man should do at this moment.

Slowly guide this guy to move downward slowly.

Hiss. You guy, don't use tiger fangs.

Although it has always been said that a tiger's tooth can hurt a human being, Zhengzong has never really encountered it.

This idiot actually used it nervously just now. If she didn't know that this guy really didn't know anything and was an idiot, Zhengzong would have doubted whether she did it on purpose.

Gu Li raised her head and glanced at Zhengzong.

She had always been smiling cheerfully, but now she maintained a strange silence. Her eyes were not as confused as Nishikino Mizubi's, but instead, there was another kind of burning flame.

At this moment, it was just my obedient instinct to continue following the authentic instructions.

By the way, show your wings.

Thinking of the girl's identity, Zhengzong ordered Gu Li, and this time, Gu Li finally controlled his fangs.

Seeing the hard work of the girl in front of him, Zhengzong felt relieved.

Gabriel, who was lying next to him, looked like he could kill Zhengzong when things got to this point.

Didn't you just not believe in my physical ability? Maybe you are convinced now?

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