When he found the girl looking over, Zhengzong could only comfort her like this.

Do not worry.

Hehehe smiled, but Mai felt that it was becoming more and more unreliable after Gu Li's guarantee.

But looking at Zhengzong's encouraging eyes, he made a decision and left directly with Korali.

Well, then it's just your problem.

Ever since Korali came over just now, Gabriel had been smiling the whole time, as if Gabriel, who had a holy head, softened immediately when he saw Korali leaving.

Return to that salted fish appearance.

Looking at Gu Li who was looking over curiously on the other side, Gabriel threw a bottle of Coke over.

The other party also opened it and took a sip. The two of them made gestures with an inexplicable rhythm.

I can take you to play in the Age of Legends.

As if feeling that Gu Li had nothing to do at the moment, Gabriel directly recommended it to Gu Li.

According to the authentic thinking, this guy definitely did not have good intentions to let Guli relax, but just to let Guli, a new generation of gods, introduce the game to the heaven from top to bottom.

Masamune, who was watching from the sidelines, had black lines all over his head.

I feel that Gu Li is basically doomed just because she has this guy Gabriel, not to mention that she fell into trouble because of not having a job.

The world of heaven is indeed coming to an end.

Okay, now it's just your problem.

Being looked at by Zhengzong like this, Gabriel turned his head, and then seemed to finally realize that there was still an outsider here, so some of his original thoughts disappeared, and he continued to look at Zhengzong.

Well, study the body for me.

Instead of fighting this guy, Zhengzong took a deep breath and said directly.

The two guys are unreliable, but they still have a high degree of trust, and under such circumstances, even if something goes wrong, they can directly declare for resurrection, which is not bad.

It's a physical problem.

The two people looked at each other, and then there was a flash of holy light. The next moment, both of them were wearing pink nurse uniforms at the same time, and the worst thing was that at this moment, Gabriel actually took out a full It has an authentic needle as thick as an arm.

Hey, hey.

Being pinned down on the table by the two of them, Zhengzong felt for the first time whether he could trust the two of them too much.

The chain transformed by the power of light directly locked Zhengzong's two wrists. Gabriel looked at this side and Gu Li, who didn't know the details of the matter and was just watching curiously, nodded with satisfaction.

There's nothing we can do about it. Things like boys will always turn into wolves. Especially for you, you must be on guard.

Having seen Zhengzong do things many times, Gabriel didn't trust him at all.

Are you saying now that you will find that your body is hugely attractive to others?

Gabriel looked over seriously. If Zhengzong hadn't noticed the smile in the corner of his eyes, he would have really taken it seriously.

Well, about a month ago, my body suddenly had other changes. First, other girls stole my things, and then I discovered that my body can have an impact on those girls, similar to having sex.

Remember carefully.

Although the first time I saw it was Sagiri's behavior in the bathroom at night, if you think about it carefully, the loss of Masami's clothes started a long time ago.

Will it affect all girls?

No, they are a very special kind.

He shook his head. If it was really everyone, then it would not have been so troublesome to deal with Miura Yuko at that time.

The physical influence may be strong or weak, but those who can be passively and directly affected are the main heroines.

Then if Zhengzong takes the initiative, it will have more influence.

But Zhengzong didn't know how to introduce Gabriel.

Young people, take care of yourself and stop daydreaming.

Gabrielle directly patted Zhengzong on the shoulder and said expressionlessly.

What I am saying is not fake, it is real. It is just that it is stronger or weaker in dealing with different beings. As for you angels, if you don't believe it, you can try my blood.

Zhengzong was also very unhappy with this lazy angel thinking like this.

Said directly.

As for itself, it is affected by emotional changes.

Anyone whose hands and feet are bound by chains would find it difficult to think about those things.


Gabriel looked at it hesitantly, and then Guli on the other side had already taken out the dagger and struck it in front of Zhengzong's arm.

Hey, be careful, I'm not immortal like you angels.

Zhengzong looked at Guli speechlessly, who was so excited and unwilling to strike.

The blood flowed out quickly from the thumb-length wound at first, but soon began to leak out in strands. The original wound had already begun to ease and disappear as it healed.

In less than a second, the wounds on his body were no longer visible.

Tsk, this ability, if it weren't for the fact that it's not shown in the Second Secondary Symptoms, I would really wonder if you are also suffering from the same disease.

Seeing this scene, Gabriel's eyes couldn't help but condense, but his personality made him not want to admit defeat directly like this.

Then let me try.

Gu Li, who was extremely curious, had already approached Zhengzong's arm, and the agile perfume gently wiped the blood stains.

Smacking her tongue, Gu Li seemed to still be savoring the original taste.

How's it going? Is it effective?

Gabriel also looked over curiously at this moment.

It's sweet and tastes good. It's better than Coke.

Under the gaze of the two people, Gu Li looked at the ceiling, as if savoring the smell.

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