Twenty minutes later, Kasumigaoka Shiyu was still shaking his head alone, his face red.

Next to the two of them, there were three bottles of red wine that had been opened, and Zhengzong was still drinking one at a time.

Why, why won't you fall?

The woman just leaned against the bed and became stronger to support herself.

He looked at Zhengzong who was still drinking in front of him with sadness and anger. It was clear that the dose he had given could have caused a dozen people to faint.

Because I drink a lot. Okay, you're already drunk. Just have a good rest. I'll leave first. This wine really doesn't taste good.

No, leave it to me.

Thinking of what she had experienced over the past week, Kasumigaoka Shiyu felt sad in her heart and went straight forward to throw Masamune to the ground.

He lowered his head and looked at Zhengzong who fell to the ground, with a firm look in his eyes.

Are you really not considering drinking some more?

The woman opened her bath towel, raised one hand up, poured the red wine between the two halves, and let the red wine drip slowly.

The aroma is lovely.

It's all your fault, you big bastard, do you know how much trouble your bad body has caused me?!

In the authentic last time, I drank the drink in the wine glass in a new container, and every inch of it was not leaked. Still so awake.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu finally couldn't suppress her emotions, exposed her problem, and rushed directly towards Zhengzong, hitting it with her fists weakly.

The more I hit it, the lighter it became, and in the end it was powerlessly swinging over it.

It's like a little kitten trying to get close to her.

Of course I know. No matter what the problem is, I understand it clearly. Otherwise, how could I face you like this? Either ignore it at all, or find a way to get closer, well, like your little Like the book lover Zhijun, he quietly deceived you.

Zhengzong is very scumbag, but he is also scumbag and very upright, and he never hides his thoughts. Especially, after mentioning a certain guy, I felt the woman's body suddenly move.

Don't think that I will succumb and become one of those shameless women.

Gritting his teeth, Kasumigaoka Shiyu made his declaration.

I know, I know, but now let me help you solve your own problem.


The girl who was blocked could only make a weak sound.

At night, Zhengzong was walking silently.

Then they responded to the messages one after another.

His eyes are also a little vacant.

I spent a lot of time playing with Kasumigaoka Shiu. The girl's physique is a bit special. The overflowing girl brought Masamune extremely pleasant enjoyment, especially when the cover was removed, leaving only the two long legs wearing When wearing black silk, the contrast between black and white really makes you feel like you are going back and forth between heaven and hell.

Even now, it still makes him reluctant to leave.

It was a pity that he had no choice but to get up early as Liuli was waiting for him in the other room.

Under the gaze of Shiyu Kasumigaoka who looked in disbelief, he first took a few photos of him, but unfortunately he only took a picture of A Heiyan. The remaining few wanted to come out, and then the girl was as angry as a little lion. jumped up and snatched it away.

Zhengzong can only lament that time waits for no one.

I didn’t have enough time to take pictures of them, so I just spit out my hair, and I couldn’t take pictures of many pleasant things. But it’s not a pity, since there will be plenty of time in the future.

He took a taxi directly and took him home. After a while, he was greeted by his mother's formidable gaze. Zhengzong gritted his head and headed straight for home.

The reason why he slowed down at this moment was because he still smelled of alcohol. At that time, he only focused on sending Kasumigaoka Shiyu back, but he forgot the worst thing now.

Then there are things like how to explain to Liuli and carefully explain what he did with Kasumigaoka today. Masamune is really having a headache. And just as he was thinking about a way out, a familiar figure came into view.

He has a tall figure and long blue hair styled into a neat ponytail.

He was wearing a black one-piece bartender overalls.

Zhengzong narrowed his eyes. This guy seemed familiar. If he remembered correctly, who in the class was he?

Shaking his head, he still knew something about beautiful young women.

Kawasaki Saki, a low-end version of Yukinoshita Yukino.

I saw that this guy was surrounded by two tall boys at the moment, talking non-stop. The woman seemed very impatient and wanted to leave, but she was blocked by the two men and refused to leave.

It is naturally clear what happened in this situation.

No matter where it is, it is not safe for a girl to go out at night, and she doesn't know what Kawasaki Saki is doing.

If it were anyone else, he would probably just say I deserve it, and then things will end like this.

But it's a pity that Zhengzong is a very good appearance control.

After watching the show almost, I walked straight up.

Hey, it's not good for you two to be around a girl.

He stepped forward and pulled Sahir Kawasaki down and looked at the two supporting troops in front of him.

We just came to make friends with this lady...

The two of them watched Zhengzong grasp the knife in their palms, and then twisted it into a ball with one hand.

It's made of metal, right? It's made of metal. What does your paper-like quality mean?

Facing the smiling Zhengzong, the two of them didn't even have the courage to say a harsh word, and ran away immediately.


Looking at that scene with a little regret, he originally wanted to find these people to test how powerful his body was.

Or maybe we can go find that Kirishima Touka?

Zhengzong suddenly remembered the guy who attacked him. He got his student ID card at that time, but he never had time to go.

The other party also disappeared immediately after that, which made him feel regretful.

Hello, can you let go of me first?

On the other side, Kawasaki Saki, who was being held by Masamune, asked.

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