I don't know what the purpose of Kasumigaoka's series of actions is, but Zhengzong will never refuse. At this moment, he turned around and went directly to the bathroom.

Seeing Masamune enter the bathroom like this, Kasumigaoka, who was still looking lazy, immediately woke up.

The whole person turned over directly.

He quickly ran to the bedside cabinet.

Just pull that apart.

The main purpose is naturally all kinds of bad props, used to enhance the fun between young lovers.

Naturally, Kasumigaoka Shiyu didn't do this. She flipped through it and finally saw that there were several transparent glasses for the extra paid red wine provided here.

He opened it directly and took out the first-generation powder from his white satchel.

Just like that, they all poured in secretly.

Hmph, I didn't want to do this originally, but if I fall directly into the hands of such a guy, I will definitely be pissed to death.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu whispered to herself.

Ever since she discovered the physical problem with Zheng Zheng, the woman has had a terrible headache and felt like she was becoming strange.

For Masamune, if he could become his girlfriend directly, it would indeed be a good choice.

Even though she is arrogant, she has to admit that Zhengzong is a very suitable partner.

But just today, together with Zhengzong, I met two suspected competitors one after another, and I was still resentful that today's prize was given away by them.

She, Kasumigaoka Shiyu, is no longer a human being.

Plan B, start.

Kasumigaoka Shiha, as a student of Toyozaki, has been the top student in the school year since she entered school. She is the object of admiration of her junior students.

The novels written by myself were also successfully sold after going through certain twists and turns, and I achieved financial independence early.

No matter from any angle, he is a very outstanding existence.

Being excellent will naturally have its own troubles.

Just like a certain lovely Yukino Taira.

However, the other party chose to use his arrogant and unreachable aura and his iceberg personality to exclude those people.

But she chose another way and retorted.

Through appropriate words without any curse words, you can arouse the mood of those little bitches, and then obtain your own pleasure.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu has never been the kind of person to sit back and wait for death.

We also need to take the initiative when facing Zhengzong.

The first time I discovered the problem with my body, I took the initiative to try to solve it.

When Zhengzong and she often get separated because of their equally arrogant personalities, and she doesn't want to be the weak one and become a pitiful, kneeling female animal, she decides to change her approach.

It is the best solution to prevent Zhengzong from knowing that it is best to teach a certain guy a lesson while also being able to solve his own problems.

If you want to achieve this, the best solution is to hand over Zheng Zong and then faint, as long as Zheng Zong faints.

Then you can completely take the initiative and do whatever you want.

Solve the problem before ensuring that your bottom line is not breached.

Anyway, men are all idiots, they all like to act according to their own desires. If they pretend a little bit, they will only mistakenly think that they are really having a relationship.

In the future, we will make appointments every once in a while until we find a solution.

Zhengzong, on the other hand, would be foolish enough to really think that the two of them had a relationship, but in fact, he was being toyed with and applauded.

Thinking of this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu was a little excited.

But at this moment, she didn't realize that there was a sight not far away, staring at her.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu misjudged one point, that is, the speed at which men bathe is far beyond what girls can imagine.

‘Does this guy want to drug him? ’

Zhengzong touched his chin, quietly turned on the shower again, and then continued to look at a guy who smiled like a fox through the gap.

I already know it in my heart.

What's this?

After I came out from the shower, even though I knew it, I still had to go along with the trick at this moment.

I probably brought my own wine bar just for fun, and it's not worth much. Masamune-kun, are you interested in trying it?

The girl raised her wine glass with a bright smile and made an invitation.

Before drinking, you should take a bath first,

Looking at the woman, Zhengzong shook his head and said, extremely determined.

It wasn't until he walked into the bathroom leisurely that Zhengzong had time to look at the situation at the moment.

He picked up the cup directly. It was an ordinary red wine cup, but Kasumigaoka's cup had a small mark made of lipstick on it.

Women are still very smart and are afraid of accidentally doing something wrong.

With a chuckle, he poured the contents of the two cups directly into the trash can, and then filled them up again.

A lot of time passed, and the girl just walked out of the white bath.

The wet hair was let down casually.

The white bath towel couldn't hide the girl's charming figure.

She looked at Zhengzong with a smile, and Zhengzong returned the same smile.

After glancing at the cup, the two of them raised the cup together, smiled at each other, and drank.


Smashshe is just an ordinary drink provided by the hotel. Compared with what Lin Mo drank at home, it is really different. The only thing he can look forward to this time is Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

Looking at the other party, he was unwilling to look forward to it again. Zhengzong raised his palm to express his willingness.

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