Hey, Masamune.

The intense pleasure engulfed Ichika's mind, and his body felt as hot as fire. Extreme happiness can almost destroy a girl's dignity.

Facing the man, she still called his name softly and gently.


Standing close to each other, Izumi Masamune asked softly.

Although I am used to the bustle of so many people.

However, this kind of mutual caring will also make Izumi Masamune think about marrying the person he loves in 0.01 seconds, although he will start to regret it 0.02 seconds later.

I seem to be pregnant. The one didn't come this month.

The open arms seemed to be expecting, worrying, and pleading. They were all complicated and unforgettable.



Of course I wouldn't ask such a question.

Such a guy is a fool.

Well, when did it come?

He still considered the issue of future generations.

It's no joke that the more powerful you are, the harder it is to have offspring, so he doesn't make any preparations anymore.

It once scared a few ladies to death.

This even led to the incident where Minami Kazuko sought help from Mizubi Nishikino, and the two wives discovered the truth about each other.

With his frequency, having a child is not impossible.

But after actually hearing it, I couldn't help but feel a little hesitant.

Is it too early?

Just like how Xiaojing looked a little at a loss when she proposed to him not long ago.

And it's different from before.

The child with his own blood represents him and truly leaves a mark on this world.


Masamune Izumi's voice was a little soft for the first time.

Don't know what to say.

Looking at the girl's crying face for a moment, her eyes that seemed to have lost everything, Izumi Masamune looked a little nervous.


Just when Izumi Masamune was about to promise, he suddenly stopped and looked at the girl in front of him.

Combined with the frequency of recent and one flower, combined with the last time the girl's relatives came.

There is no way this situation would happen so long after the school trip.

So this guy is a liar?

But the joy that came with it was not fake.

With his mind spinning, Izumi Masamune quickly had the answer.

The originally slightly flustered heart calmed down at this moment.

Ichika, please stop school first. Stop doing everything. Accompany me to see my grandparents and other things. Nino and the others also have to say, don't worry, I will be fine.

He said that he still wanted to separate from the woman.

We don't want the next ten months, no, the next year. You just have to take care of yourself, even if it becomes the next May.

The girl looked at the man in front of her with a smile.

The originally panicked heart suddenly fell into tranquility.

After hearing that she was going to see her grandparents, the girl was still a little happy in her heart. This could be considered a real recognition.

Then when I went to talk to Nino and the others, the girl was already a little withdrawn. Her heart was trembling when she heard that she would no longer be able to have fun with men and that she needed to rest for the next five months.

This was going to cost her Nakano Ichika her life.

No, authentic, actually...

Ichika was in a panic, and while explaining what happened this time, before he could say anything, he just hummed softly.

Feeling the stormy offensive.

Looking at the man's smile, he still didn't understand that he had been seen through.

Do you know you're wrong?

Compared with the little tacit understanding between each other just now, Izumi Masamune showed no mercy towards a certain naughty guy.

The poor girl tried not to make a sound.

I was right.

Ichika said aggrievedly to Izumi Masamune, Ichika was still very proud at this moment.


That's right. Because of our children, the release date of Metronome of Love has already been decided. It's Christmas the day after tomorrow.

Ichika couldn't help but talk to Izumi Masamune intermittently.

Although in fact during the filming of the movie, the protagonist was not her Nakano Ichika.

It was Mai Sakurajima and Yuki Morikawa on the other side.

Even Toyohama Kazuka, who changed bodies with her sister midway, had more than her.

But for her only role, which was a small supporting role in Yoko Okino's movie Zombie Blade: The Dinner Party of the Dead, and she was the one who later turned into a zombie, this role is her most recent. worth commemorating.

He was filming the movie seriously, and it was also at this time that he broke through his relationship with Masamune Izumi.

As for the subsequent temptation, it was actually just a sudden idea.

However, I didn't expect that before I had time to study the man's specific thoughts, I would have been discovered.

I was wrong.

He looked at Izumi Masamune pitifully.

Girls' natural advantages are so inexplicable.

Knowing that she was wrong, Ichika took the initiative to hug the man's face and lean it against her heart.


In the bathroom, Nino, who calmly took a shower just now, finally walked out after a long time with the girl.


There was a sudden movement, which made Izumi Masamune, who was playing with Ichika, calm down instantly.

The water was dripping against the ground, which seemed to be a hint of blood flowing on the spot.

Nino was wearing a white towel at the moment.

Her long red hair hangs down her back.

Facing the two of them squarely.

The girl's eyes looked a little hollow.

It's as if it has lost its color.

He looked as if he was frightened by the situation in front of him and completely shattered.

Izumi Masamune was a little embarrassed, and as for Ichika, he couldn't even speak.

Izumi Masamune, who was connected to the girl, clearly felt Ichika's current state.

Nakano Ichika is panicking now.

Very panicked.

Although he has all kinds of thoughts, he still wants to have his own child with Izumi Masamune.

The sudden whim just now was not the manifestation of his own thoughts.

But she couldn't hide the fact that she was the man who secretly took away her sister.

Taking advantage of the opportunity while filming, I took the initiative to accompany the man out. When faced with a room with only one room, I agreed to move in without asking and was prepared.

It was also because of this that when faced with the closeness of Izumi Masamune, Yotsuba Satsuki and others, although he was a little bit offended, he did not say anything.

Because if she has a clean foundation, she is not qualified at all.

However, now, I met Erno.

Just when Masamune Izumi was planning to put away all the knives around his house, Nino spoke up.

Is anyone here?

He had a confused tone, as if he didn't see anything.

Izumi Masamune suddenly hesitated.

An idea came to mind.

Is this because Nino's high emotional intelligence comes into play?

What's wrong, Nino?

Ichika smiled dryly and tried to calmly talk to her sister.

Er Nai turned around and looked around, looking a little uncomfortable. I just finished taking a shower and when I was getting dressed, I accidentally knocked off my contact lens.

What are ups and downs?

It probably refers to this time.

As for whether Nino has a high emotional intelligence, based on what Ichibuki said before, Izumi Masamune felt that other issues were indeed more important.

I dropped my glasses on the floor, and I didn't know how much bacteria and dust they would collect, so I came out alone first. Azong, are you there?

Even at this time, the girl still longs for her boyfriend's arms.

After making a calm gesture towards Ichika, Izumi Masamune walked over. What's wrong? Of course I'm here. Do you need my help drying your hair?

No, no need.

Still thinking about the teasing from the previous exercises, Nino felt a little fierce when facing her unscrupulous boyfriend.

Because of the confused look in the girl's eyes at the moment, this behavior was unexpectedly coquettish.

It's just that even when watching the animation before, I already knew that the girl's vision problem was somewhat serious, but I never expected that it would reach this point.

The real thing is that things within one centimeter cannot be seen clearly.

My contact lenses, I remember I have a spare. They're in the drawer under the TV cabinet.

It’s okay to not be able to see clearly like this all the time. Nino thought about it and said to Ichika.

Is that so? Then I'll get it for you.

Listening to the man's answer, Nino let out a sigh of gratitude.

Izumi Masamune chuckled and said you're welcome, then walked forward with Ichika in his arms.


Ichika felt like she was almost going to faint at this moment.

A certain guy actually became more excited under such conditions.

Ichika, who had never experienced any big battles, couldn't help but exclaimed at this moment, and could only hug Izumi Masamune in a hurry to prevent himself from falling.

Nino naturally heard such a voice and couldn't help asking worriedly: Are you okay, Ichika?

The eldest of the five sisters, Ichika, who has always been the little devil who teases others, has her face twisted and her body trembling violently, tightly holding Izumi Masamune to make her excited again.

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