But the desire for knowledge made May no longer care about anything.

Are you serious?

Izumi Masamune hesitated.

The only ones who haven't come into contact yet are May and Yotsuba.

Both girls have good personalities.

Theoretically speaking, the idiot little angel Yotsuba should be better at conquering the enemy. Even if something happened, he would not say it directly.

But Wuyue looks normal. In fact, he is just an honest person, and he should be easy to bully.

Who should we attack first?

So, what are you going to pay me? For your private lessons in May.

I was thinking in my heart, but Masamune Izumi had already asked the question directly.

Well, how about giving my meat buns to the teacher?

May hesitated, and then took out three items from the bag that she had not eaten just now because she was in a bad mood.

With a sad face, he took out two of them.

Two big steaming meat buns were served. 847

Looking at May, who offered overtime pay seriously. Izumi Masamune was also very speechless.

The food offered by the girl was very large. After all, it was food with the goal of serving people in large quantities and making them full.

Only then could Izumi Masamune's hand be held.

It’s no wonder that May can have such excellence.


Sure enough, compared to other places, Izumi Masamune actually prefers the cellulite on both sides of May.

Teacher, don't feel bad for me. In fact, there are extra in the refrigerator at home.

Looking at Izumi Masamune who fell silent at this moment, thinking seriously, and was 'surprised' by such a gift.

Wuyue tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, raised the corners of her lips slightly, and said with a smile.

Under the influence of the amazing genes of his mother, Reino Nakano, he was able to defy common sense and gain more weight than his four other sisters. Naturally, this was only possible because he had enough food reserves.

At the same time, in the girl's eyes, the meat bag she contributed was a really good gift.

I only gave it to Mr. Izumi.

Other people’s words won’t.

It tastes very good. Teacher, you can give it a try.

He was eager to invite, as if he wanted to learn about the delicious food from Izumi Masamune.

Nino has done all these things for me. Compared to these, I like other things better.

Waving his hand, Izumi Masamune refused directly.

In his previous life, he always had steamed buns and rice porridge for breakfast.

So in this life, I have no interest at all in thinking about drama.

Something else?

Wuyue was stunned for a moment, watching the man staring straight at his heart.

Lower your head.

Bright red hair fell on her chest.

No toes visible.


The red face is even more moving than the sunset.

Satsuki took a step back in panic, fell on the sofa, and waved her hands towards Izumi Masamune.

The little Yotsuba next to him turned his head around, curiously watching the changing expressions on both sides, as if he was watching a very interesting drama.

Ahem, I think, regarding May, your current results are not determined simply by hard work or not.

Nino controlled the kitchen knives in the Nakano family, so Masamune Izumi calmed down his worries a little.

Teacher, do you think so too? As I said, I have obviously tried hard, but my method must be wrong.

Clapping his hands, trying to resolve the embarrassment just now, May looked at Masamune Izumi expectantly, hoping that the other party could have some unique way to solve it.

If you think the method is wrong...

Izumi Masamune hesitated for a moment, then took out a dice and handed it to May.

Is this the legendary examination blessing item?

May looked expectantly.

Next time, just throw the dice and decide ABCD. Trust me, it's 30 points and 15 questions. It's not a big problem to get 8 points.



The girl drew out her voice.

No matter what, you can't look down on her like this, right?

I really think you can get eight points no matter what you choose. I really doubt that there is anyone with a lower score than you here? Forget it, it's unfair not to mention your weakest point.

Mathematically, the calculation of May is probably as easy as counting ten meat*packs from now.

Among the five sisters, she has the worst mathematical logic ability.

But it's amazing that this guy dared to apply for science.

It depends on your science score. Is there anyone lower than you?

Yes, I have.

As long as you know...is there really anyone lower than you?

The original words stopped abruptly. Izumi Masamune opened his eyes wide and looked at this guy. Is there really one?

We have a classmate there, Fumino Furuhashi. I remember that his grades in other subjects seemed to be a little poor, and his scores in May were the same.

The four-leaf little angel raised his hand and explained to Izumi Masamune.

Covering his face and looking at May, who was inexplicably proud, Izumi Masamune stopped talking.

If I remember correctly, that guy probably chose the wrong subject.

Don't mention these things, May, if you really want to study hard, then you must first correct your thinking, just like when calculating, don't think about using your fingers to calculate, you must cultivate science thinking.

Although he was very interested in the other guy, Masamune Izumi decided to catch the guy in front of him first.

Sitting cross-legged with his hands on his knees, Wuyue looked like he was listening attentively, Scientific thinking?

Scientific thinking, you can understand it this way, for example, isn't it autumn now? When the leaves fall in autumn, the first thing you think of is the effect of abscisic acid, instead of thinking about things like, 'The wind is blowing gently, The leaves on the branches fell and danced in the sky, as if they were like yellow butterflies singing there.

Izumi Masamune thought for a moment and gave the answer.

Then what I saw was May, who started to look up the name of abscisic acid with his head down and his mobile phone.

In short, that's about it. Start with your daily routine, start thinking carefully, and learn to be a science student. Not only your math scores, but also other science subjects, I believe it will also improve rapidly.

Izumi Masamune explained, and then under the girl's puzzled eyes, he took out a bunch of beautifully packaged books from the package.

This is an exercise book I bought from the other country.

Izumi Masamune smiled and handed the thing over.

When I was playing in Kyoto, the people I saw most were Chinese people.

And then there was this pitiful little cutie who was doing exercises even at that time. Masamune Izumi had an idea and bought several sets.

Ha, ha, ha, it suddenly occurred to me that I have homework that I haven't done yet.

Even when Izumi Masamune was staring at his breasts just now, he was not so quick. May turned over gracefully, took the green fat with him, turned over to the back of the sofa, and ran away.

The four-leaf little angel used his amazing athletic talent to run very fast with his big white legs.

Sanjiu, everyone who sees it has a share, and you need it too.

Izumi Masamune laughed and shook his head, handed the thing over, and was greeted with a nice eye roll from the girl.

She was going back to the house to attend the lecture.

Sure enough, no matter what time it is.

Those who send exercises are always the most disliked.

Snickering, he put things away for the fifth grade scumbag. This is a must.

How could you bully my sister like this?

With heat in her ears and premeditation, the girl came over and pressed herself against Izumi Masamune's body. The beautiful transformation in front of her body was pressed against Izumi Masamune's body, but the corners of her eyes were full of smiles.

Without her sister's presence, Ichika naturally shrank into Izumi Masamune's arms.

Teacher Izumi, I wonder if there are any teaching materials on health and physical education?

Well, that country doesn't exist yet.

That's it~~

There was disappointment in his voice.

Then, can the teacher teach me personally?


PS: I like Yihua.jpg

Exquisite face, exquisite body, and charming charm.

Even Izumi Masamune knew that Nino, who was taking a shower on the other side, might come out at any time.

Knowing that the three girls on the other side were hiding because of their own exercises, they might regret coming out to find him to take the exercises the next moment.

But Masamune Izumi still did it.

He hugged the girl tenderly, and then the dress slipped off with his fingers and the bodies accidentally touched each other.

Izumi Masamune has always been thinking about why he is so impulsive sometimes?

Why do people suddenly lose their reason and do these things?

Put it in my own heart, it's hard and solid, put it in the girl's heart, it's as soft and comfortable as a marshmallow, so extreme that if you word it wrongly, it will be wrapped up and swallowed by the magical power.

But the two have something in common.


That's the emotion you carry with you after you love someone to the extreme.

The longest time I spent with Nakano Ichika was probably when I took him out for an outing while on the set.

Things between men and women are inherently delicate, and sometimes they are so complicated and difficult to understand that people have to say that a woman's heart is at the bottom of her heart. But in fact, a man's heart is also inexplicable. Just a moment ago, he was still shouting Ms. Yu Long live, the next moment, it can become three years of bloody profit, and the death penalty will not be a loss.

Even though he was used to the strangeness of girls during his school trip, at this moment, facing Nakano Ichika, his heart was still beating so fast.

Originally, he resented his sister Nino's open relationship, and resented Yotsuba and Satsuki's company with her.

But later, I found that during that time of solitude, Ichika had already put on a smile and allowed the man to think.

Each other's movements are very careful.

Probably because he was worried that someone else would appear and break the peace at home.

It's as if it has 0.5 times speed.

With a smile on his face, Ichika's eyes moved as he looked at the man who was going up and down.

Movement is relative.

In his eyes, it was the man moving.

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