It would be too embarrassing for both parties if this matter was exposed.

Better to avoid it.

Not long after Sonoda Umi left, Sonoda Fukora took a deep breath and stood up.

After discovering the inconvenient situation he was in at the moment, Sonoda Fukong couldn't help but feel a little shy but had no choice.

Those red cheeks could almost light up the entire room.

Obviously, I just want to train a normal disciple who can compete in competitions.

In the beginning, he was called Izumi Masamune because he wanted to have a relationship with the Kondo family and develop the Sonoda Dojo in a greater direction.

Sonoda Fukong really didn’t have any other intentions.

It's just that things that were still serious at first changed after Na took it upon himself to help correct the moves.

I exercise regularly to stay energetic and young, but I have been single for more than ten years.

As a serious thirty-year-old wolf.

Facing Izumi Masamune, who was full of youthful vitality and vitality, like a large melting pot, Sonoda Fukong had no ability to resist.

Just a few inadvertent collisions made her feel bad.

What the hell is this?

I lamented in my heart.

Obviously, I was quite normal before. Although I had some other thoughts, I tolerated it because I had a daughter to take care of.

Later it became more natural and I no longer had to think about those things.

However, this time it was as if it had bottomed out before.

After feeling uncomfortable for a while, Sonoda Fukong finally came to his senses.

Clean it up quickly.

Fortunately, it has not been discovered yet. If you are well prepared, you can still ensure safety.

I happened to see Umi still chatting with Izumi Masamune. If he didn't show up like this for a long time, that would be a big problem.

Thinking worriedly.

Sonoda Fukora stumbled to his feet and walked outside.


[Now, that's it. Please don't misunderstand too much. I'm just worried about Senior Sister Nozomi, so I want to show you that we are all working for you. Don't think too much. 】

Maki's awkward and not frank voice came from the other side.

Inform Izumi Masamune about Tojo Nozomi.

The problem of Muse’s song selection still exists.

After Zhenji went to inquire, she also knew the reason.

The first thought was to find Izumi Masamune for help.

In fact, not long ago, Ayase Eri also called to ask for help from Izumi Masamune.

The girls are all surprisingly cute and helpful to each other.

[Don't worry, I will take care of it, don't worry. 】

Masamune Izumi sighed in his heart, and hung up the phone after comforting Shinji.

Senior, senior Yukinoshita also asked me to join the student union.

Before Izumi Masamune could think about this time, Ishiroha rushed over with a smile and hooked Izumi Masamune's neck.

Some time ago, Ichiroha was forced to participate in the student union election because of the petty tricks of other jealous people.

I suffered from this headache for a long time and sought help from the Ministry of Service.

Yukinoshita Yukino also considered this. After thinking about the possible extra points for joining the student union and dragging Yui in, and a series of other reasons, she participated in the election for the student union president.

An inauguration ceremony was also held recently.

The first thing I did when I came here was to form my own student union team.

Yui, who had been prepared for it, Izumi Masamune, who was watching the show, and Isiroha, who actually really wanted to go, but couldn't let go due to his low self-esteem.

Okay, don't get excited. Yukino is a very nice person, so he will naturally be able to do these things.

Being strangled by a girl was nothing, but rushing towards her was a bit meaningless. Before he needed to press the gun, Izumi Masamune pushed her away first.

I know, it's all senior, you are awesome.

Isshiki's eyes flickered. In his opinion, Yukinoshita Yukino could be so friendly to him.

The biggest reason is still Izumi Masamune.

My senior is really a good educator.

Although I am actually one of the educated people.

So, how are you going to thank me?

The gratitude of girls, especially the gratitude of beautiful girls, always makes people happy.

Izumi Masamune is no exception.

how about this.

With a slight smile, the girl came forward and tapped it gently.

The cold lips are soft,

Noticing the footsteps of someone beside him, he hurriedly took them back.

This won't work. I think we need a better way to express gratitude.

The school girl is not really a natural girl, so she naturally knows the meaning of the other party's hints, and is a little moved, but she is a little hesitant.

But you have to work hard.

With this thought in mind, Isshiki pulled Izumi Masamune and walked towards the other side.

Came to the student union office.

The girl took out the key and opened the door.

Only the cadres of the student union can have the key.

Ishiroha explained.

Izumi Masamune said nothing.

Last time, that guy Yukinoshita Haruno took out the key.

When that guy was in Sobu High School, he wasn't even on the student council.

Pulling Izumi Masamune in. This is the key that Yukinoshita-senpai gave me long ago. As of today, I was the one who called me first, so only me and senior have it. How about this place? With the location provided by senior, we can .”

Eyes sparkling.

The little devil is really good at reading men's thoughts.

This place was provided by Yukinoshita Yukino, but it became a small base for the two of them.

Iroha-san is also very good at playing.

Before the girl could say anything, Masamune Izumi had already placed the girl on the table and lifted up the long skirt.


Yukinoshita Yukino had a headache.

I just feel like my head hurts right now and I want to cut it open to calm down.

She has been there since just now.

I made an invitation to join the student union to the girl I thought was suitable.

Yukino, the newly promoted student council president, started the final handover work with senior Jo Egami.

Including coming over to sort out the student union documents.

Things like asking the city patrol to move away your belongings.

Although the purpose itself is to invite Yui to join the student union to find a bonus point project for future university interviews.

By the way, it also changed from the empty and desolate place of the service department to a better place.

For example, the student union office.

The special entrance is the discussion hall, and there is a small compartment with a horizontal door next to it that is used as an office.

It can be said that Yukinoshita Yukino is very satisfied.

I just didn't expect that Ishiroha, a stupid school girl, actually thought that she was not here, and then she couldn't control herself and started doing things with Izumi Masamune.

Don't even think about it.

As the new student union president, her first destination will definitely be the student union activity room.

As for Izumi Masamune, Yukino was very clear that the big bad guy must have known about it.

It's just that I don't want to expose things for the sake of my own happiness.

It's not like it hasn't happened before.

And it definitely has other small thoughts.

Ministry of ministry became a real ministry of ministry.

And according to Izumi Masamune's rhythm.

The student union activity room is now going to be a happy place for someone.

Yukinoshita suddenly doubted that she had no problem inviting Yui in, and whether she had made a wrong choice by inviting Izumi Masamune over.

On a normal day, Yukinoshita Yukino would be very angry.

It was only not long ago that I discovered that my mother and sister had fallen into someone's trap.

However, Yukino found that she was surprisingly able to accept these things.

It's just that I'm still a little angry.


He looked at Senior Sister Shiro Egami next to him.

The other party was fidgeting, but the other party didn't say anything.

That kind of fear is not because of his own personality, but because he has experienced certain things that made him like this.

He wants to expose him, but is afraid of what will happen to him. His body that keeps moving shows that the other party also wants to join in.

The previous hunch was not wrong.

Izumi Masamune, in addition to the first-year seniors, including the third-year seniors, did not hesitate to attack.


The cat held in his hand felt the owner's bad mood at the moment.

Mainly because of the sudden increase in strength in the cool and comfortable palm, which made him meow with some sadness and anger.

The cats are very well-behaved, but they are left alone at home on weekdays, and their mother and sister are out, so Meow is a little worried.

So after Yukinoshita became the president and used public interests for personal gain, the cats had all come to live in the activity room.

I can make an exception for Yukinoshita-san who insists on his own justice.

There are only Yui, Izumi Masamune, and these cats.

What was originally a somewhat awkward but unexpectedly gentle embrace suddenly turned into a state that made Meow uncomfortable and painful.

Cats don't have much patience.

The direct voice woke up Yukinoshita Yukino at this moment.

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