Especially a girl who has always been very conservative under the traditional teachings of her mother. In fact, she has already had the idea in her heart that she can only live like this with Izumi Masamune for the rest of her life.

Thanks to the natural relationship, Sonoda Umi will also work hard to get along well with Izumi Masamune.

Just as he stopped to put down his things, Sonoda Umi made tea early and handed it to Izumi Masamune.

The gentle look surprised Izumi Masamune.

I don’t know what kind of thoughts this woman had.

With such a tired and sweaty look, it looks like he has been training for a long time.

Kindly handed the handkerchief to Izumi Masamune.

This is the girl's own.

Not shy about it, after all, more actions have been taken.

However, Sonoda Umi didn't know that the sweat on Izumi Masamune's body was caused by his mother.

If you know this, I believe the expression will be very wonderful.


Wreathes of smoke rose.

With the aroma of tea leaves.

Although it is not the black tea that Izumi Masamune generally likes.

But you can also taste the girl's intentions.

Umi, did you just come back from practice?

Masamune Izumi put away the girl's handkerchief. Looking at the man's actions, the girl felt helpless and could only choose to give up.

But he didn't know that the other party was trying to hide the scent of Sonoda Fukong from the girl.

Masamune Izumi asked Sonoda Fukong curiously.

Izumi-kun, I haven't paid much attention to you.

There was no answer, Haiwei said quietly.

Obviously, here we are all working for you.

Since the incident on the crew, Koizumi Hanayo and Koizumi Toyo, mother and daughter, can only rely on each other. Although they have a lot of complaints about their mother and Izumi Masamune, it is already the beginning of everything. The growing Kayo Koizumi finally signed a contract.

At this point, everyone has already fallen into the trap except for Rin Xingzong, who has not yet signed the contract but has limited funds due to various problems at home and can only continue to follow everyone's efforts in carrying out activities.

The success of Project 994 made Izumi Masamune finally feel the joy of his farmer uncle in this early winter.

Most recently, Muse was a guest performer at a Halloween event in Akihabara.

It's just that this has nothing to do with Izumi Masamune. He had just returned from a school trip at the time.

In addition to seeing Yui dressing up as a cat girl and having fun, Izumi Masamune and Yukino worked together to make her feel comfortable.

There is nothing more to do.

We did a great job at the Halloween special guest event, and the popularity is also very high. What we are struggling with now is what to choose for the next new song.

When talking about the activities of himself and others, Haiwei couldn't help but beam with excitement, but ignored what happened before.

Xi's intention is to make a love song. However, we are always a little worried about unfamiliar song types. Xiaoniao was indeed very supportive before. However, although I tried to simulate a scene suitable for a love song, I always felt that it was a little bit wrong. As expected, if we want to be together, it would be best for everyone to continue using the past songs.

At this moment, Haiwei couldn't help but lower his head.

I thought about something that wasn't very good.

Simulating a love song situation?

Touching his chin, Izumi Masamune was curious about what girls would look like.

Composing something like this naturally requires concentration.

Moreover, the nine people have experienced interesting things together, so that they can come out with resonant music.

It's really difficult.

Just like those writers who go outside to collect materials from time to time, they actually have a theoretical basis.

Or maybe we can have a nine-square date?

However, love songs should generally be relatively popular. Have your team never sung these songs before?

Although he is a school idol, he is different in his own place.

When high school students in District 11 fall in love, many parents approve of it, so no one would refuse such things as love songs.

What's that look in your eyes?

He held his arms in vain and took a step back.

Haiwei was nervous and at a loss.

I always feel that the source of the problem is you, Eri, are you embarrassed about anything?


Why do you guys always become so sharp at times like this?

It's not because I haven't been in love yet, so...


It’s not the rhythmic clapping that comes with communication.

It was the sound of a girl being slapped directly on the face.

Giving up on herself, the girl said angrily, Well, I'm so shy. I admit that I have never been in love. Every time I mention this, I always...

what do you mean?

Finding that Izumi Masamune's compassionate eyes were filled with complex expressions, Umi felt uncomfortable inexplicably.

No, no, no, I just feel that the relationship between us is obviously so good, Haiwei, you actually feel that we have never been in love.

Then what is love? All I know is grabbing others and turning them over and doing whatever they want. They haven't held hands properly yet, they haven't even gone shopping together, and they haven't even gone through the most basic process of falling in love.

Thinking about it, Izumi Masamune couldn't help laughing.

I always feel that we are already in love like this. If we fall in love with the purpose of getting married, isn't this our responsibility to each other?

He grabbed the girl's hand with his palm and said with a smile.

The girl who was so panicked and puffing out white smoke was also so interesting.

Anyway, that's it. Everyone doesn't think it's good, but for some reason, Eri keeps insisting like this. We haven't decided yet.

He stuttered out his words, as if he couldn't bear to be with Izumi Masamune like this.

Looking at the girl's appearance, Masamune Izumi shook his head helplessly and said nothing more.

I didn't expect that Hai Wei would become like this just by saying the last sentence.

After chatting with the girl for a while, I realized that she was really wary of him, so Izumi Masamune comforted her with a few words and left.

I noticed that Izumi Masamune's figure disappeared in the distance.

Only then did the beating in Haiwei's heart calm down.

The scene of someone daring to act recklessly behind her mother's back really made Umi Sonoda worried about her own safety.

Especially when you find out that someone will be practicing kendo at home for a long time.


Haiwei looked around in confusion, where did his mother go?

I haven't seen her since I came back.

With doubts, Hai Wei walked towards the room.

Not in the living room, not in the kitchen.

Finally, the girl thought of a place.

Quietly he followed the path to the bedroom.

The door was ajar, and Hai Wei, who was full of curiosity, took a look inside.

But then the whole person was stunned.

In a dark room.

But there is nothing hard to look down upon.

His mother was lying lazily, her knees slightly bent.

A bamboo sword was held in front of him.

And his face was covered with a dark blue kendo uniform.

This is a men's kendo uniform.

There is also a white cloth label on the back with Izumi Masamune's name on it.


It seemed like he was sniffing something.

Although I think I have never been in a serious relationship, I have just overcome countless obstacles and reached the final step.

I can't figure out the exact meaning of the love song.

But on the other hand, Sonoda Umi, who was already familiar with the situation, didn't understand what he was doing.

The whole picture that appeared shocked Haiwei.

Received a strong shock.

My kind, gentle and considerate nature.

In her mind, she is the best mother.

Heroism and gentleness coexist.

The mother who has always been an idol.

Now he is messing around with his bamboo sword.

What kind of expansion is this!

Sonoda Umi's brain was completely shut down at this moment.

Don't know how to do it.


Izumi Masamune practiced at his family's dojo.

After taking it for daily training, I sort it out and put it here so that I can take it directly when I come over next time.

Sonoda Umi could clearly see just now that Izumi Masamune changed his clothes and put them in the storage room, and then came over to drink tea and chat with him.

However, this set of clothing now appears next to her mother.

The results speak for themselves.

The other party secretly took Izumi Masamune's clothes and then did something that only a pervert would do.

In the bottom of Sonoda Umi's heart, in addition to the worry about his mother, bursts of lemon sourness suddenly appeared.

The other friends among the muse obviously have a hostile love rival relationship with her.

But mother, what are you doing with these things here?

Do you even want to compete with me?

At that time, how should I call Izumi Masamune.

Do you still think things around me are not chaotic enough?

Sonoda Umi said that he was very shocked at the moment.

It was just a soft cry from the deep sky in Sonoda that was about to reach the end.

Sonoda Umi didn't dare to stay any longer and ran out in a hurry.

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