My Best Wife

Chapter 3387: lost contact (seventeen)

"Sister Yaxin, it's okay, I just told Uncle Da that the relationship between the missing person and us is very important, so I ask him to help. Uncle Da also said that he will do his best. So sister Yaxin, don't worry, I I know you must be very worried about Qiangzi now, but with so many people helping, Qiangzi will definitely be safe in the end." Li Xiaoxiao's voice was gentle and sweet, and Wang Yaxin was very comfortable listening to it.

Wang Yaxin could think that if Fang Zhiqiang had an accident, Li Xiaoxiao would still try his best to help. But Wang Yaxin didn't expect Li Xiaoxiao to comfort herself so intimately. Thinking from another perspective, if Wang Yaxin was in Li Xiaoxiao's position, he would probably just help Fang Zhiqiang silently, or find an intermediary to pass on information, but would not take the initiative to contact Li Xiaoxiao, let alone comfort Li Xiaoxiao.

Wang Yaxin was very grateful for Li Xiaoxiao's simplicity, frankness, and said sincerely: "Xiaoxiao, I'm really grateful. Although I shouldn't be so polite, I still want to thank you for your simplicity."

After Li Xiaoxiao hung up the phone, she wrapped her arms around her knees for a moment. The emotions between men and women are really complicated and subtle. It feels as if Wang Yaxin cares about Fang Zhiqiang's comfort, and he shouldn't care so much anymore. This kind of feeling is very strange. Li Xiaoxiao doesn't know whether it's because the relationship between the two has changed, and he doesn't care that much, or because Wang Yaxin is too concerned and worried, and accordingly, he should be less enthusiastic.

What Li Xiaoxiao is worried about is that if she becomes emotionally numb and less enthusiastic, this is a terrible thing. You can't love again because you fail once. Li Xiaoxiao hated her senseless thoughts and forced herself to calm down. Thinking about what to do tomorrow, force yourself to fall asleep.

Wang Yaxin is destined to have insomnia tonight. Maybe it's the effect of coffee, maybe it's because of excessive worry. When I look at my phone, I feel that my head is going up, and I have tossed all night, and I can't sleep.

Lin Shan also basically didn't sleep all night, so she followed the route of the plane to check. After hacking into several highly confidential aviation authority websites, Lin Shan basically determined that the plane that crashed was from the Juying Group branch. The one that flew away. Looking at the time at four in the morning, Lin Shan didn't want to call everyone anymore, and it was inappropriate to send messages in the group. After thinking about it, I sent a regular email to Old Bi Wangxia and the others, and then rubbed my head and started to make up for sleep.

In the morning, Wang Yaxin saw the email for the first time. Without any hesitation, he got up to pack his luggage and started checking the tickets. There were two flights to the island country where the plane crashed. One in the morning and one around 9pm. Looking at the family portrait photo on the table, Wang Yaxin thought that she wanted to fly over immediately, not wanting to delay for a minute. Reason told himself that the morning time was too tight, and Wang Yaxin still booked the morning flight first, and at this time, he could no longer care about rational sensibility. I instructed Zhang Ling that she might be on a business trip for a few days, and asked Zhang Ling to post photos and statuses of Xin Sheng and Xiaoyu every day to reassure herself.

He rushed to the company in a hurry, Lao Bi and Wang Xia were already there, Lin Shan would be making up for her sleep, and it is expected that she might come over later. Wang Yaxin discussed with Lao Bi that she wanted to fly to the place where the plane accident happened first, so that she could respond in time if there was any news. In fact, Lao Bi didn't agree too much. He wanted to fly over by himself first. Wang Yaxin thought that if there was no news today, he would let Lao Bi fly to Dongzhou and fly to the island country where the plane accident happened. No matter if there is progress over there, if Fang Zhiqiang can be found, then there will be someone to follow.

After thinking about it, Lao Bi thought that this proposal was reasonable, but if someone from the Dongji Group also participated in this operation, then the plane crash must have been known. They will definitely send someone to the accident site, so Wang Yaxin went there alone, and Lao Bi was not very relieved.

Wang Xia's suggestion is very simple. Don't go. The reason is very simple. If Fang Zhiqiang is fine, it makes sense to go. If there is something wrong with Fang Zhiqiang, there may be a bigger conspiracy waiting to be caught.

Wang Yaxin nodded noncommittally, and asked Wang Xia to ask Li Xiaoxiao if there was any new progress on Uncle Da's side. The first time the call was not connected, after a while, Li Xiaoxiao called back. Said that Uncle Da had left a message for her, and she called Uncle Da to confirm the information. It probably means that the overall progress is not great. The only thing that can be confirmed is that the Juying Group branch is now extremely heavily guarded. According to the insiders, it seems that a few terrorists have escaped. There is no other valuable information.

Wang Yaxin glanced at the time, and found that the morning flight was too late to catch up, so she decided to refund the ticket, booked the evening flight, and started to call Dongji. Several hours have passed, but Dongji has not responded positively. Even if Wang Yaxin said that the people who were traveling with Dongji may have encountered a plane crash, it is still inconvenient to respond, and we will talk when they arrive at Dongji.

Fang Zhiqiang's cell phone was still turned off, Wang Yaxin finally made up his mind, Lao Bi flew to Dongji in the afternoon, and flew to the island country by himself, but after Lao Bi passed by, don't take the initiative to contact Dongji. Lin Shan and Wang Xia did not agree that Wang Yaxin would go alone. Wang Yaxin had already prepared and had already told the bald head in advance that the bald head was already on his way, and the bald head would accompany him. Seeing that Wang Yaxin was so determined, the others stopped insisting. At least with the bald head, Wang Yaxin's personal safety could be guaranteed.

Everyone went through all the details again, and then Lao Bi was going to drive back to say goodbye to Liu Yan. Everyone knew that this was dangerous. Wang Yaxin also planned to go back to see Xin Sheng in the afternoon, and then met Bald Head directly at the airport. Wang Yaxin asked Bald Head if he wanted to stay with Zhang Ling for a while, Bald Head refused directly.

Wang Yaxin arrived at the airport. In fact, there were still three and a half hours before departure. This time was enough to pass the security check. Mainly because Wang Yaxin couldn't stay at home, so he wanted to get to the airport earlier, as if Fang Zhiqiang was able to get closer. There is another reason, Lao Bi's flight time is more than an hour earlier, so he can be with Lao Bi. After all, Lao Bi also went to danger alone for Fang Zhiqiang. After Wang Yaxin and the bald man finished sending the old man off, they quickly passed the security check and arrived at the terminal.

Finally, when it was time to board the plane, Wang Yaxin and the bald head boarded the plane with the crowd. After the luggage was placed, the bald head phone was turned off, and he closed his eyes and began to rest. Wang Yaxin glanced at the scenery outside the window and prepared to shut down.

At this moment, an unfamiliar number on the mobile phone came in, and the plane had entered the taxiing stage. Wang Yaxin hesitated and hung up the phone. A few seconds later, the unfamiliar number rang again. Wang Yaxin glanced at the flight attendant, hesitating whether to pick up the unfamiliar number.

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