My Best Wife

Chapter 3386: Lost Contact (16)

Seeing that everyone didn't answer Lao Bi's stubbornness, Lao Bi also smiled awkwardly, took out a cigarette at random and lit it, smoking a suffocating cigarette. Wang Xia glanced at everyone's status, and knew that it would be meaningless to spend so much. After thinking about it for a while, he said, "Well, Xiaoxiao Yaxin, you all go back first, after all, you all have children, so go back and take care of the family first. There are a few of us here, so let's go back together with Lao Bi, go back and help Liu Yan, there are I'll call everyone with Lin Shan again."

Wang Yaxin sat down on the seat, shook her head and said nothing. Li Xiaoxiao looked at Wang Xia, then looked at Wang Yaxin again, trying to comfort Wang Yaxin, but she didn't know what to say at first, and finally shook her head, saying that she didn't want to leave either.

This fell into a depressed atmosphere, and everyone knew that it was useless to continue to spend here. But he didn't want to leave first, as if he was the first to leave the team at this time.

"I can understand everyone's feelings, but it's really not worth much if we continue to spend here. The body is the capital of struggle, everyone should go back and rest. We can come back early tomorrow morning." It was Wang Yaxin who recovered his emotions first. , stood up slowly, smiled and said to everyone: "Thank you for your hard work, as Lao Bi said, Qiangzi will be fine, everyone can rest assured."

Wang Yaxin came over and took the hands of Li Xiaoxiao and Wang Xia, looked at everyone and said, "Come on, Xiaoxiao and I will take the lead, let's go together."

Li Xiaoxiao thought about it for a while, and wanted to call Uncle Da again. So far, it is better to tell Uncle Da directly that the person looking for it is Fang Zhiqiang. Anyway, I'm not afraid of any exposure. The Juying Group already knew Fang Zhiqiang's identity. But this will be at this node. After thinking about it, forget it. This will make a phone call, which will mobilize everyone's emotions again. Thinking of this, Li Xiaoxiao also nodded, echoing Wang Yaxin's suggestion: "Okay, everyone, let's go back and rest early."

Lao Bi put out the cigarette, got up and patted the ashes on his body, and said calmly, "I'll pack the necessary luggage when I go back. If I need it tomorrow, I'll go directly to the airport. Let's all go back tonight. Keep your mobile phone unblocked at night, and if there is any news, please synchronize it as soon as possible."

Wang Yaxin nodded gratefully to Lao Bi, and led everyone downstairs together. When they got downstairs, they finally decided that Li Xiaoxiao and Wang Yaxin would drive home directly, and don't give anyone away. Tomorrow morning, Li Xiaoxiao doesn't need to come again, it'll be good if there is news from Uncle Da's side.

Wang Yaxin returned home in dismay all the way, Xin Sheng was already asleep, and Xiaoyu's light was still on, but Wang Yaxin really didn't have the energy to communicate with Xiaoyu for a long time today. After a long time, I was afraid that Xiaoyu would find out that I was in a bad mood, so I simply knocked on the door and said hello to Xiaoyu: "Xiaoyu, my mother has work to do, so go to work first, and you should rest early."

Wang Yaxin's face was still discovered by Zhang Ling, and she worriedly asked Wang Yaxin if she was feeling unwell. Wang Yaxin shook her head. She wanted to tell Zhang Ling about Fang Zhiqiang's loss of contact, and informed her bald head. talk later.

Zhang Ling went to the kitchen to bring a bowl of porridge over, and was about to get something else to eat. Wang Yaxin waved her hand, took the porridge, and sipped it. I’m really hungry. I haven’t eaten anything for a day. Three cups of coffee make my stomach uncomfortable. I’m really hungry. I want to eat, but after taking a few bites, I immediately feel uncomfortable and lose my appetite. Forced to finish drinking the porridge, Wang Yaxin wiped his mouth and sat on the sofa to rest.

Zhang Ling brought the fruit, Wang Yaxin glanced at it and didn't want to eat it at all. He said thank you to Zhang Ling, then got up and went back to his room. Wang Yaxin took off her shoes and went to bed, lying in bed, closing her eyes and wanting to rest for a while.

Home is really a good place, and I need to create an image of a strong woman outside. You can show your helplessness freely at home.

There are not many group photos at home. Wang Yaxin and Fang Zhiqiang consciously avoid some romantic scenes. The two of them have no wedding photos and no intimate photos. The only one is an incomplete family photo, a photo of Fang Zhiqiang, Xiaoyu and Xin Sheng together. The photo was taken by Wang Yaxin, and it was taken with a mobile phone when we went out together last time. As one of the few group photos, Wang Yaxin washed it out and put it on the head of the bed.

At this time, seeing the photos of Fang Zhiqiang and the children, Wang Yaxin's psychological defense line collapsed. Tears began to swirl in her eyes at once, and Wang Yaxin was worried that her hard-won happiness would be suddenly taken away by accident. Before I started to enjoy plain happiness, I lost the warmth of the so-called home that I have worked so hard to manage. Wang Yaxin stroked Zhiqiang's smile above the photo, and kept praying in her heart: Let Qiangzi come back quickly, I'm willing to exchange anything for it.

Wang Yaxin's cell phone suddenly lit up. She picked up the screen like an electric shock and looked at it. She was immediately disappointed. It was a message from Wang Xia: "Sister Yaxin, don't worry, I asked a few more friends to help me find it. There will be certain news tomorrow. Sleep at ease, don't worry too much.

Almost at the same time, another message came. Lin Shan's, with roughly the same meaning, was comforting Wang Yaxin. Wang Yaxin replied one by one to express her gratitude. After replying to the message, she carefully placed her mobile phone beside her, with the screen facing up, so that she could see any news immediately. Picking up the photo album again, holding it up and covering your chest, the most fearful thing is not not getting it, but the most fearful thing is that you will lose it later. Tears still flowed unsatisfactorily. Wang Yaxin tried his best to control his emotions. So many years of suffering forced him not to be kidnapped by his emotions, and he didn't know why he was so vulnerable at this moment. It's like I can't control my emotions all of a sudden, I desperately find an outlet to vent all my grievances, helplessness, anxiety, and fears in the recent period.

After spending a long time trying to control his emotions, he picked up a tissue and wiped away the tears. Just saw the phone screen light up, Li Xiaoxiao's call. Wang Yaxin controlled her emotions, lowered her voice, and took a few breaths to make sure that she would not hear anything strange, and then connected the phone.

"Hey, Xiaoxiao? Why haven't you slept yet?"

"Sister Yaxin, I'm Xiaoxiao. I think you can't sleep at this point. I wanted to send a message, but I still want to talk to you on the phone. I had two more phone calls with Uncle Da just now. "

"It's okay, Xiaoxiao, say it." Wang Yaxin sat up all of a sudden, still looking forward to whether Li Xiaoxiao could bring some valuable news.

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