My Best Wife

Chapter 3374: Lost connection (3)

Wang Yaxin rarely thinks wildly. Since working as a lawyer, he has always been rational. The law believes in a rational chain of evidence, not perceptual guesses.

Even when he was in the emotional vortex with Fang Zhiqiang, Wang Yaxin seldom thought about it by herself and rarely guessed what might happen. So today the restlessness is also very strange, and I think it is quite abrupt, has it become sensitive after giving birth.

Wang Yaxin gently got up from Xinsheng's bed, checked whether the quilt was properly covered, and gently withdrew, closing the door. When she walked to the living room, she found that Zhang Ling was still waiting for herself, watching the drama on her mobile phone alone.

Seeing Wang Yaxin coming out, Zhang Ling quickly stood up and took off her earphones: "Sister Yaxin, do you want to have a bowl of porridge for you in the kitchen." Wang Yaxin hurried over, patted Zhang Ling on the shoulder, and told Zhang Ling sit down.

"Stop drinking it. If I drink it again, my belly will get bigger and bigger." Wang Yaxin looked at her belly under her pajamas and smiled and said to Zhang Ling: "After giving birth to Xinsheng, I won't be able to recover my figure. , More and more like a yellow face woman."

"Sister Yaxin, look at how good your figure is. You are blessed to have a strong brother." Zhang Ling feels that Wang Yaxin's figure is already good enough. Said: "Look at my chubby legs, even half as thin as Sister Biahin yours."

Wang Yaxin picked up the leftover fruit from Xin Sheng on the table, chatted with Zhang Ling for a while, and then asked Zhang Ling to rest quickly, and then went to work.

Back to the house, Wang Yaxin was a little sleepy for a moment, and when he lay on the bed, he felt that he could fall asleep immediately. He took out his cell phone and looked at it again, but there was still no news. Wang Yaxin wrote a memo to her notepad: When the strong son comes back, make an agreement, and when it is inconvenient to travel on business later, he must also have a secret sign to make an agreement to report safety, such as Arrange for a communication software to change the avatar, and go to a common friend in the Moments to give a thumbs-up or something.

I feel so stupid after finishing writing. Qiangzi must be inconvenient to use mobile phones, or he can think of ways to send messages. Moreover, Fang Zhiqiang cannot be allowed to have another time. After seeing Nie Qian and Chen Qinghe in the hospital today, Wang Yaxin felt that Fang Zhiqiang would no longer be allowed to play tricks on his life safety.

Thinking of this, I was a little angry. I didn't discuss this kind of big matter with myself in advance, and I was still so arbitrary. Thinking of Nie Qian and Chen Qinghe, Wang Yaxin was also envious. What's so good about being the wife of the boss, so she put herself in to work for Fang Zhiqiang's company. And you have to report to him and think about his company everywhere. Hua Qiang, a lawyer of his own level, simply can't afford it. Fang Zhiqiang didn't appreciate it very much. It was fine and occasionally reprimanded Wang Yaxin for not being so familiar with the business. As for playing a drama with him, don't even think about it.

The more Wang Yaxin thinks about it, the more he feels lost. Although she is quite satisfied with the life in front of him, people always have endless desires. After getting used to the current state of life, it is the so-called love. But if you have a stable home, which A woman can hold back the extravagant hope for the attention and love of the other half.

Thinking of this, Wang Yaxin was very upset, thinking about something, grabbed a hand of her face, turned on the computer, and started working. After entering the working state, the mentality soon returned to normal.

Wang Yaxin first found similar related industries that had been audited before, and found BPs corresponding to the A round and B rounds, and compared the changes in the financial statement data of the past two years at the time of the audit, corresponding to the changes in the business curve and how the business model was elaborated. Because Fang Zhiqiang was a layman when he first cut into this track, he didn't talk too much about some strategic ideas to Wang Yaxin or others. Wang Yaxin had to rely on his own understanding of the industry and the track to analyze Huaqiang's business model. Unknowingly, two hours later, Wang Yaxin simply sorted out a little clue. Tomorrow, I have to go to the company to talk to Lin Shan about some technical details.

Wang Yaxin yawned, stretched, saved the computer data, went to the bathroom, and came back to sleep. Passing by Xin Sheng's room, he quietly went in and took a look. The quilt was well covered, so he could sleep at ease. After lying down for a long time, I couldn't fall asleep anyhow, my body was very exhausted, and my brain was in a state of chaos, but I just couldn't fall asleep. After giving birth to Xinsheng, there was a nervous breakdown for a while, and he didn't rest well. After staying with Fang Zhiqiang, I slowly went to bed and became more stable, and the frequency of insomnia became less and less. When he occasionally suffers from insomnia, Fang Zhiqiang also sleeps like a dead pig, completely unaware. Now when it's night time, Wang Yaxin doesn't dare to drink coffee or tea. When he was young, he used two or three cups of coffee a day as a primer, and he fell asleep peacefully at night. It doesn't work anymore. When I get insomnia, it will be dawn. The next day I feel muddy and unresponsive all day long.

Wang Yaxin turned over, took out the phone and looked at it, but there was still no news, and silently turned off the mute, so that news would be known as soon as possible in the morning. Force yourself to empty your brain and stop thinking about things, and then slowly enter your dreams.

When I woke up in the morning, I was awakened suddenly, as if I had a nightmare, but I couldn't remember what happened in the dream when I woke up. The first thing is to open the phone to check the messages, there are no missed calls, and no messages. Wang Yaxin couldn't help it anymore and called Lao Bi. On the other side of the phone, Lao Bi answered the call and was obviously still in a state of confusion. After confirming that Lao Bi did not receive the call from Fang Zhiqiang, Wang Yaxin suddenly became sober and called Lin Shan again, with the same result. Then he agreed with Lin Shan that he would go to the company to discuss it in person.

Wang Yaxin took a quick wash, and there was no time for breakfast. She apologized to Xiaoyu for not having time to send Xiaoyu to school today, and Xin Sheng hadn't gotten up yet. Wang Yaxin drove all the way to the downstairs of Huaqiang Company. At this time, there were not many people coming from the company. Wang Yaxin didn't even bother to buy some breakfast. When she arrived at the work station, she confirmed again that there was no new news in her email or mobile phone. I settled down, turned on the computer, and first browsed the official websites of Juying Group and Dongji Group for any new news, and then looked at the corresponding Facebook, but there was no effective information. After thinking about it, I immediately started searching for news about the city where Fang Zhiqiang was located, the Juying Group branch, for any emergencies. When I browsed a local newspaper news item, I was stunned: The Juying Group branch was invaded by a group of unidentified people last night. The two sides exchanged fire. The casualties are still unclear.

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