My Best Wife

Chapter 3373: Lost connection (2)

The car drove into the underground parking lot of the community. Wang Yaxin turned on the phone again and found that there was still no news of Fang Zhiqiang. Tilt the driver's seat backwards, give yourself a comfortable angle, and lie down for a while. I've been busy today and haven't caught my breath. I'll be busy with the children again when I go back. Tonight, I have to work overtime to sort out the outline of what BP needs.

The exhaustion was okay. The invisible emotional pressure and tension that Fang Zhiqiang was in a dangerous situation brought to Wang Yaxin this time, especially Wang Yaxin felt broken. No one can tell, he can only digest it silently. Wang Yaxin took out his mobile phone and set a bell to remind him five minutes later, lying on the seat and closing his eyes to rest. As soon as I closed my eyes, I still thought about the progress of various work matters and Fang Zhiqiang's side. Open your eyes, turn on the phone, cancel the alarm, wake up, close the car door and walk home.

As soon as he opened the door and the warm air in the room enveloped him, Wang Yaxin saw Xiao Xinsheng sitting on the carpet with bare feet, leaning on the sofa, Wang Yaxin's makeup mirror on the table, and a pile of dolls on the floor. "Mom~Mom's house~~" When Xin Sheng saw Wang Yaxin coming back, he quickly got up and ran towards Wang Yaxin.

Wang Yaxin was worried that Xin Sheng’s feet would be cold, and could not bother to change his shoes. When he put the key and bag on the shoe rack, he ran in to meet Xin Sheng and hugged him. Xin Sheng was picked up by Wang Yaxin, his arms were wrapped around Wang Yaxin's neck, and his cheek was pressed against Wang Yaxin's cheek, very affectionate. Wang Yaxin touched Xin Sheng's feet with her hands, and it was not cold, so she felt relieved.

Wang Yaxin touched Xin Sheng's swollen **** and rubbed his nose against Xin Sheng's little nose: "My dear, did you miss your mother today?".

Xiao Xinsheng shook his head and shook his head horizontally to the song, nodded solemnly, and then suddenly broke free, trying to get to the floor. Wang Yaxin slowly held Xinsheng down, and Xinsheng ran to the door with his feet away, took out Wang Yaxin's slippers on the shoe rack, ran past and put them on Wang Yaxin's feet: "Mom~~shoes~~".

Although it was a very simple action, Xiao Xinsheng would repeat this action every day after get off work, but Wang Yaxin was particularly moved because he didn't know what was going on today. Wang Yaxin hurriedly bent over, took off her high-heeled shoes, put on the slippers Xin Sheng had brought, then picked up Xin Sheng and kissed, and put the black high-heeled shoes on the shoe rack. Xin Sheng pointed to another pair of slippers on the shoe rack and muttered, "Dad~~shoes~~".

Wang Yaxin's nose was sour, she held Xin Sheng tightly against her body, and controlled her emotions to prevent her from crying. At this moment, Wang Yaxin only felt that she was so happy. It was a blessing from heaven to have such a lovely daughter as Xin Sheng. Wang Yaxin walked back to the living room holding Xinsheng, said hello to Zhang Ling, asked Xia Xinsheng and Xiaoyu about their evening meals, and handed Xinsheng to Zhang Ling. Zhang Ling also asked Wang Yaxin if he had finished eating. Wang Yaxin smiled and nodded and said that he had eaten.

Wang Yaxin watched Xiaoyu's door closed tightly, then went to the kitchen to cut some fruit, walked over with a fruit plate and a glass of water, and knocked on Xiaoyu's door.

Xiaoyu knew that it was Wang Yaxin who had come back. He came over and opened the door, and then went back and sat on the desk. Xiaoyu was reading. Wang Yaxin put down the fruit plate, and then handed it to Xiaoyushui: "Xiaoyu, drink a glass of water and look again, don't be too tired."

"Well, I see." Xiaoyu took the water and took a sip, then put it on the desk.

Wang Yaxin patiently asked about Xiaoyu's anecdote at school today, if there is anything special. After chatting for a while, Xiaoyu was also in a much better mood than in the morning. Wang Yaxin slowly became relieved, and asked Xiaoyu to rest early, and then took the door to go out.

It was getting late, and Wang Yaxin told Zhang Ling that she should go take a shower and coax Xinsheng to sleep when she came out. In order not to miss Fang Zhiqiang's call, he took the phone into the bathroom. I looked at the hair in the mirror and it was not messy. I was too lazy today. I stopped washing my hair after thinking about it. After washing and wiping the body, first turn on the phone and check it. After making sure that there are no missed calls, then close the screen of the phone if something is missing, and quickly do a simple skin care.

When he came out, there was no one in the living room. Wang Yaxin walked to Xin Sheng's room. Xin Sheng was eating fruit. Seeing her mother come in, she was about to go out while pulling her mother. Wang Yaxin hurriedly told Xinsheng that he was going to bed, and Xinsheng blinked his eyes and looked at Wang Yaxin: "I haven't said goodnight to my brother~".

Wang Yaxin couldn't help but took Xin Sheng out and walked to the door of Xiaoyu's house. Before Wang Yaxin came and knocked on the door, Xin Sheng began to pat the door with his hands: "Brother~ Open the door". Xiaoyu opened the door and looked at Xin Sheng and Wang Yaxin, meaning to ask what's the matter. Regardless of this set, Xin Sheng ran in from under Xiaoyu's arm, and climbed onto a chair next to Xiaoyu's desk, "Brother, what are you doing?"

Wang Yaxin hurried in, supported Xin Sheng, and said to Xiaoyu: "Xin Sheng is going to come over and say goodnight to you." Xiaoyu was helpless, picked up the orange in the fruit bowl and stuffed Xin Sheng. Just as Wang Yaxin wanted to stop, Xin Sheng had eaten a lot of fruits tonight. He would eat so many cold fruits before going to bed, worried that his stomach would not be digested. When it came to my lips, after thinking about it, I decided not to say anything, lest Xiaoyu think more about it and unhappy.

"Okay, Xin Sheng, say goodnight to my brother, we have to go to bed too", Wang Yaxin picked up Xin Sheng and faced Xiaoyu. Xin Sheng still wanted to take Xiaoyu to play, but Wang Yaxin was forcibly taken to go outside. Xin Sheng could only look back and kiss Xiaoyu goodbye. Xiaoyu looked at this cute sister and just smiled.

Settling Xin Sheng on the small bed, Wang Yaxin took off her clothes, turned off the lights, and accompany Xin Sheng to sleep. Xinsheng didn't mean to sleep, he turned on the tuberculosis mode, and occasionally added: "Mom, you are so beautiful~", I don't know where Xiao Xinsheng learned this. Wang Yaxin resisted the urge to laugh and interact with Xin Sheng, and lightly patted Xin Sheng's back to make Xin Sheng fall asleep as soon as possible. Xin Sheng seemed to have more energy than children of the same age. He was used to going to bed late, but he was still excited when he went to bed.

"What about Dad, why haven't you gotten off work yet?" Xin Sheng muttered this sentence again. After a while, he calmed down slowly, and finally fell asleep with the doll in his arms. Wang Yaxin remained motionless in the darkness, gently covering Xin Sheng with a blanket, thinking, yes, Qiangzi didn't have any news today, just like losing contact. Come back quickly, the family is still waiting for you, the company still needs you, otherwise you will not be able to handle any changes.

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