My Best Wife

Chapter 2830: Rare opportunity

Fang Zhiqiang originally thought that she didn’t let Wang Yaxin participate in this matter. She was uncomfortable. But watching Wang Yaxin’s reaction at this moment, Fang Zhiqiang realized that things didn’t seem to be as simple as she thought. This is what Wang Yaxin has never had. What happened to her at the moment when she showed up in front of her? What are you thinking about?

Thinking of this in his mind, Fang Zhiqiang immediately frowned and asked Wang Yaxin: "Yaxin, what happened to you today? Why did you make such a big fire? What is your mind, or we did something wrong today. You can say anything, but the way you are now makes me very confused."

Of course, Fang Zhiqiang wanted to figure out what was going on. Now he recalls that when he forcibly brought Wang Yaxin to the hospital before, Wang Yaxin mentioned to himself more than once, saying that for Huaqiang Company today, This is an unprecedented opportunity. You must not miss this opportunity today. For Fang Zhiqiang at the time, what he thought was very simple. Juying almost messed up everything by himself today, and was exposed by the staff first. After following their previous practices, the representatives of Juying made those crazy moves, which were exposed by the entire media, and they were still broadcast live, so for Fang Zhiqiang, he didn’t have to do almost anything, Juying Even if the reputation of Wang Yaxin is completely ruined, Fang Zhiqiang's heart is still extremely puzzled by Wang Yaxin's reaction. Isn't it in Wang Yaxin's eyes that this is not the case today? In other words, what other ways does Wang Yaxin have to solve this matter?

The reason why Fang Zhiqiang asked Wang Yaxin at this time was not actually concerned about Wang Yaxin’s better way, but she was still worried about her body, coupled with her current unstable mood, it also made Fang Zhiqiang Very worried.

Hearing Fang Zhiqiang’s words, Wang Yaxin didn’t look back, but just laughed coldly. Hearing this laughter, not only Fang Zhiqiang, but even the bald head beside him was instantly dumbfounded, and then he turned his gaze involuntarily. There was also Fang Zhiqiang with a blank face on the side. Looking at Fang Zhiqiang at this time, he was speechless, and his bald head spoke again: "Lawyer Wang, you... don't be angry, Brother Qiang is just worried about your safety. Well, since everyone is safe now, wouldn’t it be better for us to say something directly? Just like what Brother Qiang just said, do you have any thoughts or dissatisfaction with us? We didn’t know until we came out, what you look like now..."

"What's wrong with me now? Bald head, do you want to squat inside and eat roast chicken?!" Wang Yaxin said viciously when interrupting bald head.

When the bald head heard this, he took a step back in horror, and then he dared not say one more word. At this time, Fang Zhiqiang was still at a loss. Until now, Fang Zhiqiang didn't know how. What's the matter, I don't know why Wang Yaxin suddenly became so angry. For himself, today's things seem to be over. If this is the case, why is Wang Yaxin angry? What is the reason for her anger?

"Yaxin, don’t be like this. You were not like this before. You have always been a rational person. I admit that when I saw the blood from your wrist dripping on the ground today, I lost my mind and I admit that at that time. I took you to the hospital without asking for your opinion. If you are angry because of this, I apologize to you.” Fang Zhiqiang explained sincerely again.

But for Wang Yaxin at this moment, what she wanted was not Fang Zhiqiang’s explanation, nor her apology. She also took a long breath again, sorted out her emotions, and then turned her head again. Staring at Fang Zhiqiang solemnly, he said, "Do you still know that I am rational? Then why are you stopping me? Don't I know what I should do?"

"I didn't mean that, but the situation at the time. I really couldn't bear to let you go in and take risks. I think there is nothing wrong with me doing this." Fang Zhiqiang said innocently.

"Haha, strong son ah strong son, I thought you have grown into a mature businessman, but after today, I am going to look at you with admiration. You gave your own best opportunity directly to hand in hand. , It was wasted directly. This is the first time I have seen this in the entire business circle. When you continue to do this, when will Huaqiang be able to do it? When do you think you can lead your own group Brothers have grown into beings that others don't dare to bully?!" Wang Yaxin's tone was extremely cold, and at this moment she was obviously still angry about what happened before.

And looking at Wang Yaxin with the bald head at this time, Wang Yaxin's mood was still a little out of control, and he couldn't help but step back again. At this time, he didn't have the courage to provoke Wang Yaxin.

Fang Zhiqiang finally came to understand at this moment. It turns out that the reason why Wang Yaxin was so angry today was that he felt that it had delayed an opportunity for Huaqiang. Zhiqiang was finally relieved a lot, as long as he was not angry because of himself, other things It's all easy to say.

However, Fang Zhiqiang was also very clear at this time that if he directly explained this matter, it might make Wang Yaxin more angry, so Fang Zhiqiang pretended not to know, and said: "This is indeed something I should not consider. Zhou, don’t get angry anymore. Anyway, things have become like this. No matter what we say, we won’t change anything. Rather than making ourselves angry like that, it’s better to be happy."

"You can think about it. If you missed today, you may never have such an opportunity again. You think it's nothing, but for me, and even for all the technology companies in our entire territory, this is a rare one. Opportunity, it seems that this time it is only a private matter of Lingwei Company, but in fact, it involves all the technology companies in the whole territory. I did not do well in this matter, and did not do what I should do. Will make me regret it for a lifetime!" Wang Yaxin continued to complain.

At this time, Fang Zhiqiang's heart was already clear, and he probably guessed what Wang Yaxin wanted to do today. In such a mess at the scene, he would use the black box of searching friends that Juying had done before. All the operations are exposed, and a very surprising effect will be achieved, and at that time, it will be an unprecedented good thing for Huaqiang Company and all technology companies in the country.

But Fang Zhiqiang still won’t change her mind. In her heart, Wang Yaxin’s safety is the most important thing. Even if Wang Yaxin returns to the scene again today, she has completed herself according to the wishes she thought in her heart. Everything that Fang Zhiqiang wanted to accomplish was not what Fang Zhiqiang wanted to see. Fang Zhiqiang would not allow Wang Yaxin to drag such a tired body and make her move forward with injuries. Fang Zhiqiang would never allow it.

"Fang Zhiqiang, let me tell you that you left me with a lifetime regret today. In this lifetime, whenever I think of this regret, I will definitely think of you. You made me like this! I won't forgive you!" Wang Yaxin turned her head again, glared at Fang Zhiqiang, and said viciously.

Although Fang Zhiqiang has already explained it, for Wang Yaxin, the more he thinks about it, the more annoying he feels. If he does what he should do today, then the entire science and technology industry in the territory may undergo tremendous changes! The new pattern of the world's scientific and technological world that I have conceived in my mind may come ten years or even twenty years in advance!

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