My Best Wife

Chapter 2829: Wang Yaxin's stubbornness (2)

All representatives of Juying have been detained, including all the troublemakers today, the Juying jury, after all, was not able to beat the staff.

With this incident, all the media, large and small, in the entire Pearl City. All started to report in the first time. This earth-shattering event that happened today, coupled with the use of live broadcast at the time, transmitted everything on the scene to every mobile device through the network. The news The speed of circulation is obviously beyond everyone's expectations. Almost immediately, the entire Pearl City became a household name.

After such a big event, no one can sit securely. Even an ordinary person, his heart is like a stormy sea. The court, a place with the most lawful laws and a place to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the people, will cause such a big incident. From now on, can I believe them? Should I believe them?

For those business people, the battle between Wang Yaxin and Juying is no longer news. As early as when the Mingda Group was still in existence, there were various grievances between Wang Yaxin and Juying, but it was so long. Since time, the two sides have basically no division of victory or defeat. In court, almost all relations ended with Wang Yaxin's victory.

However, Wang Yaxin's victory did not represent the victory of the Mingda Group. In the end, the Mingda Group declared the result of the battle between them and Juying in a way of destruction.

And now, Wang Yaxin once again chose the opposite of Juying in her own way, but this time the Mingda Group no longer exists and is standing with Wang Yaxin. It is Lingwei Company, but business people have unique vision. They can clearly see that Lingwei Company is just a middleman. After all, this is a battle between Huaqiang Company and Juying Group. If you analyze from this starting point, it is not difficult to see that, in fact, this time it was Huaqiang Company and Wang Yaxin who were fighting together against the Juying Group.

There was no problem with the two sides fighting well, but the incident that happened today astounded all business people. The collusion between the Juying Group and the staff is no secret. Regardless of the previous Wang Yaxin or all business people, anyone who has been in contact with this matter can easily analyze why Juying’s lawsuits in the territory always wins repeatedly, in fact, it is not because Juying itself did it. Everyone knows how good they are before, as well as all the black box operations.

Having said that, even those people who know all the dark-box operations of Juying Group are forced by the pressure from Juying Group and the difference in strength between the two is extremely large, so almost no one dares to stand up and criticize during this sensitive period. Juying, over time, Juying became more and more presumptuous. They thought that this piece of land in the border was already under their control.

What they did not expect was that there was a Mingda Group before and a Huaqiang company afterwards. Even more coincidentally, the president of Mingda Group and the president of Huaqiang Company are one person, and that person is Fang Zhiqiang.

It is precisely because of this that Fang Zhiqiang has become the thorn in the eye of Juying Group. This time, as early as the moment when Huaqiang Company was just budding, Juying Group noticed this. Their ultimate goal is obviously to get rid of Huaqiang. Company, and Fang Zhiqiang.

Fortunately, Fang Zhiqiang always has a variety of capable people around to help. After breaking Huaqiang’s financial avenue, Liu Jiaying jumped out to invade Huaqiang’s system backstage, and Wang Yaxin popped out. It seemed that Fang Zhiqiang was always surrounded by various people. Can find particularly suitable defensive personnel.

In desperation, Juying had to choose the most despicable way. They knew very well that they would not use these methods as a last resort. After all, he is also a dignified and world-leading technology company. The use of such a despicable method by a small Huaqiang company is bound to be insulting and gentle, and it is also very difficult for Juying to deal with the huge pressure of online public opinion.

In the hospital, Wang Yaxin was lying on the bed with an anxious look. Even at this moment, her heart was still difficult to let go. Although there was a bald guard at the scene, Wang Yaxin knew how to deal with the scene is the best, and she also knew how. Coping can make this matter ferment the greatest power.

The fact is indeed the case. Wang Yaxin is not at the scene, and Bald and Bi Luochun do not know how to deal with the follow-up of the scene. They think that after everyone calms down, even if it has been resolved, it is very clear to Wang Yaxin. This, quietness, is just the beginning. If you want to keep this matter going, you need to use some means. Juying finally encountered such a big wall. If they are not allowed to pay their due price, Wang Yaxin Naturally unwilling.

But what made Wang Yaxin helpless was that Fang Zhiqiang and Bald had no idea what was going on. They just wanted to stop themselves. This also made Wang Yaxin extremely helpless.

After thinking that he had settled on the scene, Fang Zhiqiang couldn't wait to rush to the hospital. On the one hand, he wanted to tell Wang Yaxin of the good news so that Wang Yaxin could rest assured. On the other hand, he wanted to see it. What is Wang Yaxin’s injury? After all, Fang Zhiqiang had seen Wang Yaxin drip so much blood with his own eyes before. Besides, Wang Yaxin’s body has always been relatively weak after the previous operation. That is why Fang Zhiqiang was in this case. In matters, he is also extremely concerned.

In front of Wang Yaxin's hospital bed, Fang Zhiqiang stood on the spot properly, staring at Wang Yaxin intently. After a while, Fang Zhiqiang said weakly, "Then...they have already been dealt with over there, don't worry. "

Hearing this, Wang Yaxin immediately frowned and turned her head, staring at Fang Zhiqiang with a look of anger. If Wang Yaxin showed anger just to behave, then she at this moment is truly She got angry, because in her heart, the reason why she missed this golden opportunity today is all because of Fang Zhiqiang and the bald guy.

"Take care of it?" Wang Yaxin stared at Fang Zhiqiang's eyes, which made Fang Zhiqiang feel a little uncomfortable at this moment, but he listened very carefully to Wang Yaxin's words.

"Do you think you have handled it? You are really capable!" Wang Yaxin continued to say angrily. At this time, no matter how angry Wang Yaxin's tone was, it seemed that she could not express her inner dissatisfaction.

"Yaxin, we..." Fang Zhiqiang looked at Wang Yaxin's rage, and he quickly wanted to explain. After all, Wang Yaxin was in front of him, but he rarely got out of control like this. He got along so much together before. One point, Fang Zhiqiang was still clear in his heart, but this time, Fang Zhiqiang could also feel that Wang Yaxin was really angry.

"What do you do? Do you think you are very good? Do you think you have solved it well?!" Wang Yaxin interrupted Fang Zhiqiang again. After speaking, his eyes turned to the bald head on the side again. His bald head was too scared to speak. He noticed Wang Yaxin's gaze, and his bald head immediately explained: "Then, attorney Wang, I have already visited the person you just told him, and he is now awake. "

Compared with Fang Zhiqiang, the bald head still knows what is important. After saying this, Wang Yaxin’s attitude is indeed much better than before. The bald head naturally knows that for Wang Yaxin, the safety of the person before. It is extremely important, so after telling her that there is nothing wrong with that person, Wang Yaxin can naturally feel more at ease.

Sure enough, after hearing the words of the bald head, Wang Yaxin also sighed for a long time. It seemed that his mood had calmed down a lot.

And just when Fang Zhiqiang breathed a sigh of relief, Wang Yaxin waved his hand impatiently again: "Forget it, a bunch of brainless guys, tell you that you don’t understand! Go out, don’t stay here. Bother me!"

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