My Best Wife

Chapter 2818: Everything is possible (2)

The scene was quiet again. Wang Yaxin sorted out his emotions, and then said all the things the staff had said before. Even though the staff didn’t seem to want Wang Yaxin to explain anything for himself, Wang Yaxin never stopped. After saying everything, Wang Yaxin took a long breath and looked at so many dumbfounded people at the scene. Wang Yaxin said again: "I don’t expect each of you to understand him, but at least, please don’t slander him if It’s not his bravery to stand up today, maybe such an inside story, we will never know! At least, none of you have his courage!"

Wang Yaxin's voice fell, and everyone at the scene was silent for a long time and no one said a word. On the other hand, Fang Zhiqiang in front of the screen could not help but rub his forehead at this moment. If it weren't for Wang Yaxin, everything behind the staff , It’s never going to be possible to see the sun, and Fang Zhiqiang never expected that the truth of the matter was actually like this. Before, when I heard the staff say that he and Juying were in the same group, Fang Zhiqiang and everyone else The same, scolding him in my heart, after all, if it weren't for those things before, maybe Mingda still exists now, maybe Juying won't develop into what it is today.

But later, when Wang Yaxin dug up these inside stories about him, Fang Zhiqiang realized that Wang Yaxin was very right. He was a great man. If he hadn't made the sacrifices like this, even his relatives would Then he fell into a crisis, but he still had no hesitation, and finally let all the truth come to light. Such a thing is indeed not something that everyone can do. Fang Zhiqiang in his heart admires him for what he did today, despite what he did before. Evil, in Fang Zhiqiang's heart, still can't truly and completely forgive.

The silence of the people lasted for a long time. At this moment, the staff also bowed their heads. He felt that he had no face to face everyone on the scene. He did something like this by himself. He didn't even expect to be forgiven by everyone. Someone speaks for himself, but in fact, for the staff, he has already set himself a death sentence in his heart, and he also knows that everyone can't forgive himself, because there is really nothing to forgive himself, even himself. How can people who forgive themselves expect to be forgiven by others?

After the silence continued for a while, someone on the scene suddenly said: "We blamed you, sorry..."

Although this person spoke very quietly, in such a silent environment at this moment, everyone still heard clearly, and after this sentence landed, everyone on the scene finally opened their mouths and said: "I'm sorry! "

Gradually, everyone’s voices became louder and louder, and the staff’s lowered heads now raised their heads again. Seeing the shouts of so many people at the scene, the tears in his eyes could no longer be controlled. At this time, Wang Yaxin also showed a gratifying smile on his face, and finally exchanged for such a result. At least for Wang Yaxin, it can be regarded as a little comfort to his heart. The staff ignored themselves in order to tell the truth. His identity and status, and even his life safety, even the lives of his family members have all been dedicated, and all this is done only to allow everyone to see the true face of Juying!

Although the price is high, it is also very worthwhile for the staff. Because Juying's terrible place is clearly seen from beginning to end, if he can take down Juying by himself, then what he has paid Everything is worth it.

Amidst the shouts of everyone, the staff wiped the tears from their eyes, lowered their heads again, and their expressions became distorted again. Even though I was able to get everyone’s understanding, it was an unexpected joy for me. The pain in his heart still couldn't be eliminated, and he choked for a while, but he still couldn't get over.

When Wang Yaxin noticed this scene, he looked at the staff again and asked, "What's wrong? Is there anything I can't let go of?"

Of course, Wang Yaxin also knows, for him, what kind of situation he will be next, maybe tomorrow, he will have nothing, maybe his family has already begun to bleed at this moment, so when Wang Yaxin asked this sentence, his face The expression is also very sincere, even in the eye sockets, there is still a hint of moisture.

Hearing Wang Yaxin’s question, the staff member slowly raised his head. The muscles on his face were trembling, and he looked at Wang Yaxin. At this time, Wang Yaxin was the only one who could say some sincerity in his eyes. The person who spoke, after staring at Wang Yaxin for a while, the staff finally spoke slowly: "Lawyer Wang, you said my family, can you understand what I have done?"

One sentence made Wang Yaxin feel a heart-wrenching pain, especially when he watched the staff say these words, the trembling muscles on his face and his trembling voice, even more so. It made Wang Yaxin feel as uncomfortable as a knife.

Controlling his emotions, Wang Yaxin tried his best to make his expression look flatter, and then said to the staff member again: "Don't worry, they will understand you, just like everyone in the room, they can understand. You made such a decision!"

Wang Yaxin admires the man in front of him very much in his heart. He obviously has the opportunity to keep his family alive. As long as he continues to obey Juying’s arrangements, he will do what Juying’s people ask him to do. Then he The safety of his family’s life can naturally be guaranteed. However, he did not give up the principle of life for the safety of his family. Wang Yaxin knew that, in a sense, he chose to end his family’s life, and it was also his own. , Choose to ruin yourself.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Yaxin has great admiration for him. However, at this time, Wang Yaxin also knows that simple comfort is obviously not enough to persuade this concern in his heart, so Wang Yaxin just said that Sentence.

The staff immediately understood the meaning of Wang Yaxin’s words. So many people at the scene, after listening to their own explanations, could understand why they had made so many evils and wrong decisions before, so for their family members Said, I must be able to understand why I decided to push them into the abyss with my own hands. Although Wang Yaxin has something in his words, I have to say that for the staff at this moment, it did make him understand at once. Others, in fact, did not. I imagined it so bad, I thought they couldn't understand myself, but in fact it was just my own self-righteousness. Sometimes, others are more reasonable than I thought.

After listening to Wang Yaxin’s words, the staff’s inner emotions were twists and turns, and finally they finally sighed, and then looked at Wang Yaxin and said: "I believe what you said, and I believe my family will understand me, but to be honest, Even if they really can’t understand me, in fact I still can’t do anything. So now I can only expect them to understand me and even forgive me. When I get to the bottom, after meeting, I will follow They explain!"

After speaking, the staff finally rushed away fiercely, and everyone on the scene was still shouting loudly, as if they were sending off, but in fact, this was just the last glimmer of glory before his fall. At a moment, after leaving the court, no one knows where his life will go. Maybe only he knows whether he should end his life directly or whether he should continue to live for his family.

Wang Yaxin stared at the back of him leaving, the respect on his face still did not diminish in the slightest. It was not until his figure completely disappeared that Wang Yaxin slowly turned his head again, and then faced everyone, although the staff member’s The matter was very touching, and he was greatly touched, but Wang Yaxin knew very well that there were some things that had to be solved, and he was still waiting for him. The staff made such a big sacrifice. Obviously he could not let him sacrifice in vain. , What he wants to do, and then do it for him, this is also a way to express his admiration for him!

"Everyone, have you seen the truth about Chi Guoguo?" Wang Yaxin said in a very low voice facing everyone.

In front of the screen, Fang Zhiqiang was already rubbing his hands with excitement. For Fang Zhiqiang at this moment, this scene on the screen may be the most incredible scene in his life. He had fought with Juying before. For a long time, but this kind of accident has never happened before, but this time, Fang Zhiqiang truly realized that everything is possible!

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