My Best Wife

Chapter 2817: Everything is possible

Facing the roar of the crowd, Wang Yaxin finally couldn't help it at this time, turned around and shouted at the crowd: "Can you let him continue to talk?!"

The court staff was obviously ruined at this time. After he said these words, everyone would never listen to any of his words. However, in their eyes, Wang Yaxin was still the most powerful lawyer. Therefore, the staff They can be regarded as deaf, but Wang Yaxin's words, they obviously still listen.

After the scene calmed down, Wang Yaxin's eyes turned to the staff again. At this moment, Wang Yaxin, whose eyes were already red, with tears in her eyes, continued to speak to the staff: "Go on, anyway, you don't care. What do others think of you, right?"

The staff member looked at Wang Yaxin’s expression at this moment, and his heart was also very moved. He knew very well that for everyone, he was not worthy of sympathy at this moment, just like everyone on the court. At this time, no one stood up. To speak for themselves, the staff is naturally very clear in their hearts. However, from the performance of Wang Yaxin, it is obviously not difficult to see that when everyone does not care about the truth of the matter, Wang Yaxin is still keenly aware This point, but for the staff, all of this really doesn’t matter. At this time, I don’t care what others think of me, let alone whether I am great in their hearts. Anyway, I’m already ruined. The next step is myself. It completely disappeared from the sight of everyone, and no one should remember himself in the future.

However, Wang Yaxin’s sincere attitude made the staff start to waver again. At this time, there are still people who want to know why they are doing this. At this time, there are people who sympathize with themselves. , Even if only Wang Yaxin is alone, she must not let her down!

If Wang Yaxin, like everyone else, only knows to blame himself, then for the staff, there is obviously no need to continue to explain. After all, in their hearts, he is already a bad person, and he doesn’t care how they think of himself. , The bad guy is the bad guy, I don’t care anyway!

However, Wang Yaxin’s reaction made the staff unwilling to care so indifferently. Everyone thinks that they don’t care if they are a bad person, but they must not let Wang Yaxin think like them. Therefore, I have to explain, even for Wang Yaxin alone. , Even if only Wang Yaxin knew that he was not as bad as they thought, that was enough.

Thinking like this in his heart, the staff no longer hesitated. At this moment, everyone was not important, so he looked directly at Wang Yaxin, and stared at Wang Yaxin intently. He finally started his explanation.

"Lawyer Wang, I know that I can't explain anything next. I have done all the things that shouldn't be done. Even if I confess everything now, nothing can be restored. I didn't want to get rid of any responsibilities that belonged to me. The reason why I want to say it, I just don’t want you to think that I am a heartless person. After all, like you, I am also a native of this land. I also have a heart to respect the motherland. Of course I Know what to do and what not to do."

Faced with the staff’s confession, Wang Yaxin nodded very seriously. Wang Yaxin knew that at this time, there may be no one who can patiently listen to him express these difficulties, but he can do this in public today. Wang Yaxin really admired his decision from the heart. Even if he was willing to work hard for Juying, he also admired him, because he could at least realize that his current approach was wrong, even if he was a little late in repentance. After all, it can be considered a turnaround.

"Lawyer Wang, maybe you can't imagine that my life as a legal worker is a mess. I can't protect my daughter or wife. Even an unborn child is under the care of Juying. As long as I say anything that shouldn’t be said in the court, they will be killed immediately! So...everything before is actually my helpless action, I don’t want to do that, but I have no choice. With justice on one side and my family on the other side, Lawyer Wang, if it was you, how would you choose?"

Speaking of the last time, the staff's emotions have completely collapsed. Wang Yaxin can see the muscles on his face trembling, and the voice of the whole person is constantly trembling. Wang Yaxin still listens to the crying after the suppression. Clearly, and the constant tears on his face made this man in his forties look so vulnerable.

After listening to all this, Wang Yaxin finally took a long breath. This was not much different from what he had expected before, and the truth was indeed like this! Wang Yaxin also heard his words very clearly. He allowed himself to make a decision from his standpoint. To be honest, Wang Yaxin thought about it for a long time, but still couldn’t make a decision. It’s not difficult for Wang Yaxin to imagine if this happened. If it really happened to me, what kind of choice would I make, not to mention other things, just say my two sons, any one of them encounters such a thing, it is like the sky is falling to Wang Yaxin. The incident about Xiaoyu before has taught Wang Yaxin a profound lesson.

Therefore, after pondering for a moment, Wang Yaxin said to the staff member: "Don't be too sad. After all, things have already come out, and I can understand your feelings. You didn't do anything wrong, don't go again. Regardless of what others say about you, you only need to know clearly that you are not wrong. I also believe that those who understand you will definitely not think that there is any problem with your approach."

"Hehe, how I hope you are true! But no one thinks like that. Even if you think that way, how about others? In everyone's eyes, I am still a heinous villain! But I I don’t care about this anymore. I can’t even protect my family. What qualifications do I have to be a good person? My behavior today killed all of my relatives. At least I think I may not be a good person anymore. People!"

The staff continued to speak weakly. The words he just said were not loud, as if they just wanted to speak to Wang Yaxin alone, so everyone at the scene did not hear what he said, just watched His face was full of tears, and he still felt like he was acting.

At this time, Wang Yaxin knew that if he didn’t speak up for him, maybe he would never have the chance to turn over again. After pondering for a moment, Wang Yaxin first spoke to him again: "Everything you did today , I will remember it in my heart, at least in my eyes, you are a great person, I will never forget everything you did, if one day Juying is really defeated, there will be no Juying like this in the world. Your company is rampant and domineering, so you have indelible credit! Maybe others don’t know this, but I will always remember this in my heart!"

After speaking, Wang Yaxin ignored the staff’s reaction and immediately turned around again and faced everyone. At this moment, everyone on the field had begun to whisper, but most of the discussions were about the bad side of the staff. Listening to those words vaguely, Wang Yaxin immediately roared: "Quiet!"

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