My Best Wife

Chapter 2805: Growth and right or wrong

Speaking of it, Yao He’s words are not a problem, but Xiao Zhang can perceive very keenly. In fact, in Yao He’s heart, he had his own concerns at the time. Although he said beautifully, he really got to the CEO’s side. , He will still mix his personal feelings. In order to prevent extra-junctions, Xiao Zhang immediately said again: "I understand you, Mr. Yao, but it is not easy for me to come here. Since we met today, what can I say? Just spread it all out, it can be regarded as expressing our mutual sincerity. For me, I have explained the general situation of our new Asian law firm. What is wrong in Mr. Yao's heart, or is there? You can raise any concerns with me now. If they can be answered for President Yao, Zhang must know everything!"

"Hehe, attorney Zhang, please rest assured, I don’t have any problems here. Your words are very persuasive. I have been thoroughly persuaded by you, but I have already said that the final decision is made by our president, so this I must ask what the president means, so I can’t give you the answer now. If nothing happens, let’s end our conversation. I will also report this matter to the president as soon as possible. I will personally contact your new Asian law firm." Yao He's words are still so ambiguous, and for Xiao Zhang, the final result is obviously not the completion of his task. Seeing Yao He finished his remarks After that, he was about to stand up, Xiao Zhang suddenly said in a panic again: "Mr. Yao, are you worried that you are on the wrong team?!"

When he said this sentence, Xiao Zhang’s tone was not as polite as before. It sounded like a cold feeling. It was this sentence that made Yao He's body just standing up suddenly froze. On the spot, he raised his head and looked at Xiao Zhang again.

The two people looked at each other and remained silent for a long time.


Li Xiaoxiao finally came out of the shadow of his father's death during the recent period. Although his mother's mood is not particularly stable now, under Li Xiaoxiao's persuasion, it can be regarded as a little better.

And Wang Xia, who has been staying in their house, is finally relieved to see that her state has picked up recently, but she still can't bear to leave after seeing Li Xiaoxiao being so tired with her children every day. Everyone is a relative. After all, there are not many times in your life when you really need your relatives. At this time, you can't leave. Just staying here does make Wang Xia feel uncomfortable, especially seeing her aunt. State, Wang Xia's heart is even more uncomfortable.

Li Xiaoxiao had actually seen this a long time ago, but her thoughts in her heart are the same as those of Wang Xia. As her mother is now, she really needs the company of her relatives. Sometimes, she alone is not enough to drive her away. The hateful sense of loneliness, Wang Xia will naturally be much better to stay, but now, seeing so long passed, if we continue to let Wang Xia stay here, Li Xiaoxiao also feels uncomfortable in her heart, after all, this belongs to her own family. Although Wang Xia can be regarded as a relative, after all, they also have their own lives here, and they are always delayed here, and they are still so unhappy. Li Xiaoxiao obviously does not want to see this.

So, just today, after dinner, after Li Xiaoxiao put Xiao Ai Li to sleep, he called Wang Xia to her bedroom. Since this time, Li Xiaoxiao wanted to talk to Wang Xia several times. Have a good talk. Today, I finally found such a good opportunity.

When she first came in, Wang Xia was still at a loss. She didn't know what Li Xiaoxiao wanted to talk about today. Li Xiaoxiao was just talking about it, and it seemed that there was nothing serious about it.

Realizing this, Wang Xia was also a little impatient and said, "Xiaoxiao, just tell me what you have. I know you feel bad now. If you want to cry, there is no shame in crying in front of my sister. Yes, my sister feels equally uncomfortable."

Seeing that Wang Xia was still speaking so directly, Li Xiaoxiao stopped pretending, and her expressionless face was restored again. After a while, she finally said, "Sister, how do you think I am now?"

"You? What do you look like now?" Wang Xia frowned in confusion, and asked Li Xiaoxiao.

Li Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment, and then smiled again: "It's just like... who doesn't care about anything..."

"Do you think you are acting like this now? But what I want to tell you is that you are wrong. Maybe you think you are in a good state, but in fact, in my eyes, It has to be clear. At least, I am your sister. In fact, I can see the thoughts in your heart clearly, but sometimes, I don’t want to expose you. After all, you just hope that you can get better and better. Okay." Wang Xia did not conceal the slightest bit. If it was the innocent Li Xiaoxiao before, perhaps Wang Xia would still not speak so straight, but now Li Xiaoxiao has undergone significant changes. As her sister, Wang Xia will Naturally, all of this can be seen clearly, so when she speaks in front of Li Xiaoxiao now, she doesn’t need to care about so much, she says everything she thinks in her heart, and sometimes it saves a lot of things. .

"Then what do you think I am thinking about?" Li Xiaoxiao was a little surprised. She did feel that she had been hiding well in the recent period. At least the emotions in her heart were never exposed again. On the one hand, it was because I have always been by my mother's side. Originally, my mother's condition was not particularly good. If I see myself so unhappy every day, it will make her feel uncomfortable. On the other hand, it is just like what Wang Xia just said. Li Xiaoxiao really hopes that she can get better and better, and she understands better and better, in fact, she is getting less and less important to some things, especially emotional matters.

"I won't talk about the changes after coming back from outside, just the changes within these three days. To be more precise, it was the changes after you met the Hadron that day." Wang Xia was still straightforward.

"Really? What do you think has changed?" Li Xiaoxiao continued to ask.

"You have to ask yourself, what exactly did you and Qiangzi say, or you want to hide something deliberately, I think it should be clear to you. As for me, I can only see I don’t know your external changes but your inner thoughts."

After listening to Wang Xia’s words, Li Xiaoxiao was stunned for a long time. She did feel that she had been shocked. She thought she had done well enough, but she thought she had hidden those emotions deep enough, but she did not expect. It can be seen at a glance. Although Li Xiaoxiao is very reluctant to mention this aspect, listening to what Wang Xia said just now, Li Xiaoxiao knew that although she did not question herself, in fact, she was waiting for her Those words were said, after all, I took the initiative to bring her over to talk today. If I didn't say anything, it was obviously inappropriate.

"Why? When it comes to the lips, I can't say it anymore?" Looking at Li Xiaoxiao's hesitant expression, Wang Xia didn't force her, but said lightly, and then stared at Li intently again. Xiaoxiao’s expression, until a smile appeared on Li Xiaoxiao’s face, Wang Xia said again: “In fact, you don’t need to say, I can guess it, there is still something in your heart that can’t let go, just like you did before. What I said is the same, you regret it, so I want to see the attitude of Qiangzi to you now. As a result, it is naturally very unsatisfactory. That’s why you look like this now, making you look like you don’t care about anything. Look, but in fact, the more you are like this, the less the pain in your heart can be released. Think about the previous you. No matter what you encounter, as long as you make yourself unhappy, you will say it, or even vent it. Come out, although doing that will make people feel that you are naive, even naive, but at least, that will not hurt yourself."

Wang Xia’s words always hit the nail on the head. After Li Xiaoxiao listened to it, she couldn’t help but look up at Wang Xia in front of her. This sister of her was always by her side. She seemed to have nothing in every moment of her growth. Missed, perhaps it was precisely because of this that she could be so clear about what she was thinking, or what she was hiding.

"Xiaoxiao, I said to you a long time ago. In fact, in many things, no one is right or wrong at all. You think you are right, but if someone says you are wrong, you will never be able to satisfy everything. People. For me, in fact, I have always envied the innocent you in the past, even if others would call you naive, at least you are easier to make yourself happy, and now you hide everything in yourself In my heart, do you feel that you are happy? Maybe, just in the eyes of others, are you happy? But in fact, this is meaningless, because a person is happy or not, only he knows best."

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