My Best Wife

Chapter 2804: Juying ban (2)

After hearing this sentence, Yao He's expression immediately became serious. I have to say that so many things Xiao Zhang said before did not actually attract Yao He, but as Xiao Zhang said this sentence After that, Yao He's expression immediately changed significantly, from the calm face before to the solemn face at this moment.

"What are you talking about?" After groaning for a long time, Yao He still stared at Xiao Zhang with a stunned look. Although he simply said four words, he fully expressed all the surprises in Yao He's heart at this moment.

Xiao Zhang finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene. At least it means that Yao He has begun to be interested in everything he said. Then, Xiao Zhang is naturally ready for the next thing. He hesitantly said: "Lingwei is a very good parts manufacturer. I also know that Lingwei still has many loyal customers around the world. If the ban of Juying makes Lingwei compromise. , I believe it must be a very difficult thing for you as a vice president. For the time being, let’s not say how many customers and performance will be lost to Lingwei. After so many years of hard work, it is finally difficult to finally break through the technical difficulties again and again. To this point, if the ship capsized this time because of this incident, it should be a very sad thing for Lingwei. In fact, we all know that this time, Lingwei is just a scapegoat. It is between Huaqiang and Juying, but it has reached Lingwei. Speaking of it, Lingwei is actually a completely innocent party, right?"

"Lawyer Zhang, you probably don't know what happened, right?" Yao He still couldn't believe this. As the vice president of Lingwei, facing the current situation, he could only sigh helplessly. He knows very well that at least the current Lingwei cannot afford to offend a super enterprise like Juying. Therefore, although the request made by Juying is very hateful, at least, there is still a chance for Lingwei to survive. If Juying works against it, it means that Lingwei will soon disappear completely in the entire market. With this one-to-one comparison, Lingwei's senior management will naturally weigh the pros and cons. They know very well that although this chance of survival It is unfair to Lingwei, even very slim, but it is better than disappearing.

It is precisely because of this that Yao He at this moment felt incredible when he heard what Xiao Zhang had just said. He even felt that Xiao Zhang was too young to know the terrible aspects of Juying’s enterprise. If not, he Why would you say something that is impossible to do? As the saying goes, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. In Yao He's eyes, this Xiao Zhang at this time is in such a state.

However, Yao He was obviously wrong. Xiao Zhang's next words made Yao He once again caught in a moment of astonishment: "Mr. Yao, if you were not prepared for everything, I would not come here to disturb you, and I understand you. It means that Juying is indeed a very strong company. They have very terrifying control, not only you, but not just Lingwei. Even the original Mingda Group is not an opponent of Juying, but I am This time, it represents not only me personally, but also our entire New Asian Law Firm. Listening to Mr. Yao’s previous words, it should be regarded as a preliminary understanding of New Asian Law. I don’t need to say too much, just say a word. Then, you should understand what I mean."

In fact, Xiao Zhang did not intend to leak his hole cards so early, but the smoothness of the negotiations with Yao He today was beyond Xiao Zhang’s expectations. Just look at the moment when Yao He looked solemn, Fang Zhi Qiang suddenly understood that today’s negotiations should be over here, because as long as Yao He is interested in the sentence he just said: “I want to restore business freedom to Lingwei”, Then his next words will definitely leave him without any resistance.

Sure enough, after listening to Xiao Zhang’s words, the expression on Yao He’s face became more solemn again. At this moment, he stared at Xiao Zhang seriously and waited for Xiao Zhang’s next words. The subtle changes in expression naturally cannot escape Xiao Zhang's attention. Although he is not a professional negotiation expert, Wang Yaxin also explained many details to himself before coming.

Seeing that the whole negotiation process was so smooth, Xiao Zhang did not intend to continue wasting too much time. After all, time is very important to Huaqiang, and the same is also very important to Lingwei. Xiao Zhang thought It is very clear that Yao He is also unwilling to delay too much time on this matter. If this can be resolved as soon as possible, he will definitely not delay forever.

"New Asia Law Firm was founded by Lawyer Wang Yaxin, and one of the reasons she founded this law firm is because of Huaqiang Company." Xiao Zhang stared at Yao He intently and said word by word.

After listening to this sentence, Yao He couldn’t help but a touch of horror suddenly appeared on his face. Although Xiao Zhang’s words were not so clear, Yao He could naturally understand the meaning of Xiao Zhang’s words. Yao He also fell into a very long time of thinking.

He also thought about what Wang Yaxin wanted to start the new Asian law firm this time, but after thinking about it, he couldn’t think of a suitable reason. But after listening to Xiao Zhang’s words, Yao He also I slowly remembered that Huaqiang Company was founded by Fang Zhiqiang, and Wang Yaxin and Fang Zhiqiang had a very mysterious scandal before. Although I don’t know if it is true or not, since it can be spread, at least it shows two Individuals have a certain relationship, and now I hear Xiao Zhang say this, it is already obvious, the scandals between the two people should be true.

However, what Yao He cares about is of course not the scandals between them, but whether the New Asia Law Firm was established for Huaqiang Company. If this is the case, Huaqiang Company will have a very powerful helper. , And for Lingwei, this time is also a time when you need to stand on your own team. If you choose Huaqiang at this time, it happens that Huaqiang Company has achieved a very good result in the next confrontation with Juying. , Then for Lingwei, it is naturally happy to see the result.

On the contrary, if Huaqiang Company really died out this time, and he happened to choose Huaqiang Company, then after Juying ended its targeting of Huaqiang, the spearhead would naturally point to his side. This is obviously not for Lingwei. Got a good new.

Therefore, for Yao He, it is impossible for him to make this decision in a short time.

Xiao Zhang naturally could see that Yao He fell into deep thought again at this time, and then Xiao Zhang continued: "Mr. Yao, you probably don’t understand what I mean. Attorney Wang Yaxin has chosen her own team. Said, she naturally understands the difficulty of this matter, but she has already made her own choice. I believe you should also have a certain understanding of Lawyer Wang Yaxin. In the past cases, she has rarely failed. It happens to be able to explain how accurate lawyer Wang Yaxin’s vision is. Although no one can guarantee the final result, at least for Lawyer Wang Yaxin himself, it is absolutely necessary to go all out. Next, it depends on Mr. Yao, you Attitude."

Xiao Zhang said so much, of course, just to let Yao He make a decision as soon as possible. In this way, his task is also completed, and Juying's side has another opponent, and before he comes, Wang Yaxin I have told myself very clearly that at this time, all companies that oppose Juying are friends for Huaqiang, and they will naturally become friends of New Asia, especially those special ones like Lingwei Companies should actively respond.

However, what Xiao Zhang didn’t expect was that after he had said so much, Yao He’s answer was still disappointing: "Lawyer Zhang, I understand what you just said, but I still can’t. To give you the answer, this is not a trivial matter after all, nor can I make a decision by myself, but you can rest assured that I will convey what you just said to the president as it is, and what will be done in the end Decided, I dare not promise you this now."

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