My Best Wife

Chapter 2781: Li Xiaoxiao's "fight"

In the photo, she was sitting on the sofa and Wang Yaxin was sitting next to her, nestled in her arms, with one hand blocking her neck and the other holding a mobile phone. The photo was taken, and the photo is clear. , Even on the computer, it still looks very clear.

What made Fang Zhiqiang stunned was the rare smile on Wang Yaxin’s face. When the photo was taken at the time when the two people had just announced their marriage, Wang Yaxin wore a lovely pajamas with a pink head. The colored headband looks full of girlish air.

And when I realized that Wang Yaxin was about to take a photo, there was a brilliant smile on her face, and even the crow's feet of the smile leaked out.

However, since then, I have rarely seen such a brilliant smile on Wang Yaxin's face again, and I have never seen her as a girl again.

Wang Yaxin always looked mature and rational in front of him. Even when he announced his marriage, Wang Yaxin was a more rational person than himself, but it was also during the period when he was just married. It was indeed a girl who had been for a few days. At that time, she was full of sunshine and enthusiasm every day, really like a girl, as if she would always have inexhaustible strength all over her body.

Time has passed for so long. If you hadn’t seen this photo today, perhaps Fang Zhiqiang would have forgotten that a good and happy time had been. Seeing that Wang Yaxin has returned to a mature and rational appearance now, Fang Zhiqiang could not help but Recalling that, in fact, everyone is not born with mature rationality, perhaps because of life, perhaps because of the past, so that a girl who was originally so innocent and innocent has become the mature and rational appearance now, in fact, This is not a good thing for any girl. After all, who doesn't want to keep the most innocent side of herself? At least, for myself, that should be the happiest and worry-free time in my life.

"Yaxin..." Fang Zhiqiang stared at the photos on the computer, he couldn't help but fell into a daze. He even couldn't help but stretched out his palm and gently placed it on Wang Yaxin's smiling face, but it came from his fingertips. The touch is just a cold screen.

At this moment, Fang Zhiqiang's cell phone suddenly rang, causing Fang Zhiqiang's body to tremble. He picked up the cell phone and saw that it was Li Xiaoxiao who was calling.

"Xiaoxiao." Fang Zhiqiang didn't say much after answering the call.

"Qiangzi, do you have time now? I want to meet with you." Li Xiaoxiao was straightforward.

Half an hour later, Fang Zhiqiang and Li Xiaoxiao sat opposite each other in the Roushi restaurant. The two did not order much, but each ordered a glass of juice.

"Although it hasn't been long since we met last time, I think it's been a long time since we saw each other." There was a smile on Li Xiaoxiao's face, and a serious Fang Zhiqiang said.

Fang Zhiqiang nodded slightly when he heard the words, and then said: "Xiaoxiao, you have been working hard during this time."

"It's nothing hard. Anything that happens in life must happen, and I must endure it. For me, this can be regarded as a kind of experience." Li Xiaoxiao said this sincerely. In fact, there is a very important reason for her to be able to figure it out, that is, Fang Zhiqiang’s father’s death before, Fang Zhiqiang’s situation is completely different from her own, she has always grown up in the arms of her parents, and Fang Zhiqiang Qiang did not have such a blessing, so for Fang Zhiqiang, his father's meaning to him at that time was also very different. Maybe the two people didn’t have much overlap or words in the day, but his father was to Fang Zhiqiang. , Is the last relative in this world. Losing him means that in this world, I no longer rely on and can no longer be a child. From then on, everything must be done on my own. Solve it by yourself.

The spirit is pinned at the moment of collapse, it is very easy for a person to go crazy. This time, Li Xiaoxiao has a very deep experience, but he has lost his father, after all, there is a mother by his side, but Fang Zhiqiang , But never had the opportunity to be someone else's child again.

It is precisely because of those things in the past that Li Xiaoxiao can realize these truths.

"I am very happy to see that you can come out. Although I can't do anything, I still hope you can always be happy and happy." A smile appeared on Fang Zhiqiang's face, and he sincerely congratulated Li Xiaoxiao.

Li Xiaoxiao smiled again after hearing the words, "You may not know yet, but you have a lot of credit for being able to walk out so quickly."

"Me?" Fang Zhiqiang obviously had no idea what this matter had to do with him.

"Well, but it's all things from the past, don't mention it, but there is one thing I must still say." Li Xiaoxiao continued.

Fang Zhiqiang looked suspicious, waiting for Li Xiaoxiao's next words, in fact, before coming, Fang Zhiqiang thought in his heart, today Li Xiaoxiao suddenly asked himself, what exactly did he want to say to him? After thinking about it, I still didn't understand it. Fortunately, I didn't want to. When Li Xiaoxiao spoke, he naturally knew.

"I already knew what my father said to you before he died."

Fang Zhiqiang was immediately dumbfounded after Li Xiaoxiao’s words came to the ground. If he remembered correctly, Li Yonggui called himself to the front and only said those things to himself, and seeing the situation at the time, Li Xiaoxiao was totally wrong. Knowing these things, but how did she know?

"Actually, you don't have to be so surprised. It was not my father who told me before, but my mother who told me." At this point, Li Xiaoxiao sighed slightly, and maybe she has adjusted her state now. But his mother was still in grief. Although Li Xiaoxiao was anxious about this, there was no good way, only to enlighten her little by little.

"After my dad passed away, my mother was emotionally unstable, so I would talk a lot with her every day. Once again, she inadvertently mentioned a conversation she had with my dad before, and then she said something about this. After my questioning, she told me everything."

Li Xiaoxiao didn't conceal the slightest bit. After speaking, she stared at Fang Zhiqiang intently. She seemed to be waiting for Fang Zhiqiang's reply, and she seemed to want to see some expressions on Fang Zhiqiang's face.

Sure enough, Fang Zhiqiang at this moment is still at a blank expression. In fact, this matter has always been hidden in Fang Zhiqiang's heart. Until now, Fang Zhiqiang still has no way to make his own decision. Speaking of which, Li Yonggui at the time was telling himself. For the rest of his life, take good care of Li Xiaoxiao, but how can Fang Zhiqiang take care of her in his current state?

"Do you know how my mother told me?" Li Xiaoxiao stared at Fang Zhiqiang for a long time, but still didn't see Fang Zhiqiang's reaction. She seemed a little too late to wait, and then said again.

Fang Zhiqiang was still at a loss, looking at Li Xiaoxiao and asking, "What do you say?"

"My mother said let me seize the opportunity to fulfill my dad's long-cherished wish. Only if I live well enough, my dad can rest in peace. Therefore, she asked me to fight for you." When Li Xiaoxiao said this, her eyes It has not been removed from Fang Zhiqiang's body once, nor has there been any flicker, those firm eyes seemed to grow on Fang Zhiqiang's body.

After Fang Zhiqiang heard it, he finally reacted completely. At this time, Fang Zhiqiang seemed to finally figure out the purpose of Li Xiaoxiao's coming to find himself today, maybe, what she said, to'fight for' yourself!

But if this is the case, Fang Zhiqiang is once again caught in a dilemma, refuse? Fang Zhiqiang naturally couldn't bear it, and he promised Li Yonggui that he would never break his promise.

Not refuse? But Fang Zhiqiang felt so awkward. Even looking at his current state with Li Xiaoxiao, if two people were really forced to stay together, Fang Zhiqiang would not feel really happy. In fact, doing so would only make The two people are more embarrassed to each other.

At this moment, Li Xiaoxiao was staring at Fang Zhiqiang intently. Fang Zhiqiang's next words, or expressions, were of vital importance to Li Xiaoxiao.

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