My Best Wife

Chapter 2780: Group photo

In the car, Fang Zhiqiang looked at Huang Wanting's way of no longer speaking, and once again developed a strange feeling. Today Huang Wanting is indeed no longer the same Huang Wanting before. Even if he is right in front of her, he still feels Not the slightest, the previous feeling.

Yes, maybe only Huang Wanting knows best in her own heart. Actually, she has decided to make a huge change. Fang Zhiqiang naturally can’t guess what it will be like. It’s just what Huang Wanting has shown today. It gave Fang Zhiqiang a bad feeling.

After the two people separated, Fang Zhiqiang called Wang Yaxin and asked about the location of the law firm. After that, he went to the new Asian law firm without hesitation. He knew very well that everything Wang Yaxin did now, even if not complete It was for himself, but a large part of it was also related to himself. After arriving at the law firm, Fang Zhiqiang happened to see Wang Yaxin answering a call. Wang Yaxin motioned to let Fang Zhiqiang sit on the sofa. After listening for a while, Fang Zhiqiang was also probably Hearing what Wang Yaxin said on the phone, it should be that Zhang Ling had arrived in Mingzhu City with two children. Wang Yaxin settled in a place for them. Next, he had to arrange for the two children to go to school.

After Wang Yaxin hung up the phone, Fang Zhiqiang slowly got up from the sofa and walked over to Wang Yaxin. Wang Yaxin put her mobile phone on the table, and then took a long breath, sorted out her emotions, and then his face A smile appeared and said, "Why are you here suddenly?"

"You must have been very busy these days?" Fang Zhiqiang stood in front of Wang Yaxin, looked at Wang Yaxin's not-so-good expression with a solemn expression, and asked.

"Fortunately, haven't I always been like this before? Now I have adapted to this rhythm." Wang Yaxin spread out his hands noncommittal and said lightly.

"I just heard you say that the child has already been brought over. Next, is it necessary to arrange school, right?" Fang Zhiqiang continued to ask, watching Wang Yaxin's busyness now, Fang Zhiqiang's heart is also extremely Uncomfortable.

"Yeah, Xiaoyu will be in middle school tomorrow. Now is a critical period. You can't delay your studies too much." Wang Yaxin lowered her head helplessly, but the tone of her speech sounded extremely relaxed, and Fang Zhiqiang was naturally not. It's hard to hear. In fact, it was just the ease Wang Yaxin showed deliberately.

"Seeing that you are so busy right now and the children are going to school, why not let me come." Fang Zhiqiang continued, "Moreover, the way you are now, it should not be suitable to continue to take care of the children. During this time, children I will be responsible for the matter."

"You...what did you say?!" When Wang Yaxin heard Fang Zhiqiang's words, he looked incredible, staring at Fang Zhiqiang and said.

Fang Zhiqiang turned to look at Wang Yaxin, and continued: "I said, I will take care of the two children, but don’t worry, I don’t have any thoughts about it. I’m just taking care of them for you temporarily, waiting for you to get busy. After this time, they will return to you immediately."

"No, no, no... I'm not talking about this..." Wang Yaxin still rubbed her forehead with an incredulous expression. Since I have known Fang Zhiqiang for so long, I have never felt that Fang Zhiqiang will be able to take care of him. The child's man, even during his marriage, has never seen Fang Zhiqiang's ability or talent in this regard.

And now, Fang Zhiqiang actually made such a request to himself. If Zhiqiang in front was still with Li Xiaoxiao, Wang Yaxin would be understandable. After all, there was a woman in the family, and he had indeed left Xiaoyu to him. They took good care of them for a period of time, but the situation is completely different now. Fang Zhiqiang is alone now, and his life is messy now. In addition to the affairs of Huaqiang company, Wang Yaxin even suspects that Fang Zhi Qianglian couldn't take care of himself well. Under such a premise, he proposed to help himself take care of his two children, and Xin Sheng was so young, which was naturally unrealistic.

"You... why this expression?" Fang Zhiqiang looked at Wang Yaxin's unbelievable expression, and suddenly asked with some doubts.

"It's nothing, I just think that your decision is too surprising." Wang Yaxin smiled slightly, looked up again, and said softly while looking at Fang Zhiqiang.

"Why? Do you think I can't take care of them?" Fang Zhiqiang continued, "Ya Xin, I admit that I am very careless sometimes, but in the matter of taking care of children, I think I still have a certain talent, you see How did Xiaoyu like to be with me before? I think he liked me very much at that time."

"You also know that it was just'at that time'? Now it is completely different from before. Xiaoyu has changed a lot in the past two years. Now his thinking is almost the same as that of an adult, and he should always think about you. There will be a little shadow, and Xiaoyu was already big at that time, but Xin Sheng is different, she is still so young, she is still a girl, you have no experience in taking care of children at all, and you think I can trust the child You?"

"Why do I have no experience? Little Ai Li used to..."

"Don't talk about Qiangzi before. Even at the time of Xiao Ai Li, you were always busy with your own business. In fact, you took very little care of your children. As for Xiaoyu and Xin Sheng, you can rest assured that I It has been arranged, and I really can’t spare much time myself, but this time there is another friend who came from over there, and I just happened to let her take care of my children.”

After Wang Yaxin finished speaking, Fang Zhiqiang could not help but frowned slightly. To be honest, Fang Zhiqiang was actually a little puzzled. Was Wang Yaxin distrusting herself when she did this, or was it really just like what she said, let Is she worried about taking care of the child by herself?

"Okay, don't worry about these messy things. Donglin from the school has already contacted me in advance. I will take the child to report and explain it later." Wang Yaxin said. , Stood up from the office chair, stretched a lazy waist, yawned, and walked out of the office area, while Fang Zhiqiang said: "You happened to be here, please take care of me by the way. There is information about Juying on the table. If you’re bored, you can take a look at all aspects of the information about the company. After I come back, I’ll talk to you in detail."

Fang Zhiqiang looked at Wang Yaxin's figure directly facing the door, and wanted to say something again, but looking at Wang Yaxin who seemed anxious, he just nodded in the end.

After Wang Yaxin left, Fang Zhiqiang walked over to the desk. The desk was messy. Although it was just opened, everything was bought and new, but in just one day, Wang Yaxin had already made it so messy. .

Fang Zhiqiang still remembers that Wang Yaxin told herself before that the office of a company must be a bit more stylish and at the same time be kept clean and tidy enough. The last time she came to her office, she cleaned herself up.

Therefore, at this moment, Fang Zhiqiang couldn't help but sighed. Because of his messy things, Wang Yaxin, who had already retired from the legal world, now chose to come back and plunge himself into this busy life.

As he cleaned the table, Fang Zhiqiang couldn't help but glance at the computer. The above was all information about Juying. Inadvertently, Fang Zhiqiang caught a glimpse of an open document. The first sentence written on it was: 'Juying? Is it really just a technology company? ’

After seeing this sentence, Fang Zhiqiang's curiosity was immediately aroused. He continued to search for various materials collected by Wang Yaxin on the computer. When he was fascinated by it, he once again found a person he had never had before. What I discovered: The computer desktop is actually one of the few pictures of myself and Wang Yaxin!

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