My Best Wife

Chapter 2778: Strive for

President Chen couldn't react at all at this time. After hearing Zhou Jin's words, he was still sluggish in place, and did not react at all for a long time. At this time, Huang Wanting did not make any attitude. He was so good before. She talked to her, but she didn't appreciate it at all. Now that Zhou Jin said so, Huang Wanting wanted to see how she would react.

In fact, Huang Wanting knew very well in her heart that the reason why Zhou Jin had to be so polite to herself and Fang Zhiqiang was actually for himself. If he was really just an assistant of Xiaowu, maybe he would never say such things to himself. He also knew that if he really offended a person like himself who had also been in the entertainment circle, it would not be a good thing for him.

Moreover, Fang Zhiqiang is even more needless to say. Although he is just an unknown person, after all, when he was in the Mingda Group, he can be regarded as leading the existence of the entire science and technology industry in the territory. It’s like a metaphor, and for the people in the entertainment industry, the most important role of the merchant’s identity is the network. If you can use Fang Zhiqiang’s relationship, you will naturally be more smooth in the market in the future. But on the contrary, if you offend such a person, let alone what kind of loss and harm you will cause at the moment, for a long time in the future, if one day, Fang Zhiqiang makes a comeback, then the loss will be immeasurable for yourself. Yes, after all, Huang Wanting has already analyzed before. The ambition of this Mr. Zhou Jin is not just a simple entertainment circle. If you want to enter the market in the future, it is indeed time to make some preparations in this regard. Up.

"Did you hear what I said?!" On the other side of the call, Zhou Jin did not hear the voice of Mr. Chen for a long time. At this moment, he was even more anxious, and he roared louder. After that, there was no pause, and he continued again. Said: "If you feel embarrassed by this matter, I will make the decision for you. After I come back, I will give me a resignation report!"

"I heard President Zhou... I heard..." The President Chen even softened his voice at the moment and said tremblingly.

For this President Chen, since following Zhou Jin, he has never seen Zhou Jin make such a big fire. Not only has he never done this to himself, no one under his opponent has had such an attitude. Suddenly today Seeing his attitude towards herself, she also reacted at once. It seems that this Miss Huang Wanting and Mr. Fang Zhiqiang are very important to Zhou Jin. In other words, she is indeed offended today and should not be offended. In other words, people who can't afford to offend.

"Ms. Huang, I'm sorry, today I am looking down upon others, I hope I can get your forgiveness..."

After speaking, Mr. Chen turned his head and looked at Fang Zhiqiang again, and continued to speak in a sincere tone: "Mr. Fang, I'm sorry, I'm wrong, your lord doesn't remember the villain..."

"That's all right, Mr. Zhou, actually there is no need to be so solemn, everyone is friends after all." At this time, Huang Wanting finally spoke out. She knew very well that there was actually no friendship between herself and Zhou Jin. , And Huang Wanting can probably guess that Zhou Jin actually has no idea about the relationship between himself and Xiaowu. Otherwise, Mr. Chen would not be allowed to come over today and make trouble like this. One out.

Hearing Huang Wanting's words, Zhou Jin also hurriedly laughed and said, "Miss Huang, I really can't help but the people underneath don't have a good mouth, so you laughed."

"By the way, Ms. Huang, the cooperation thing Xiaowu told me before was about Mr. Fang Zhiqiang?" Zhou Jin only remembered at this time. When Xiaowu told himself, he only mentioned one' President Fang', he didn't take it too seriously, now it seems that that person should not be someone else, it is Fang Zhiqiang.

When Huang Wanting heard the words, she didn't even conceal the slightest. She nodded and said, "Yes, but now it seems that Fang Zong has no idea of ​​continuing to cooperate with you."

"No, no, Miss Huang, please persuade Mr. Fang to persuade Mr. Fang. I, Mr. Zhou, cherish this opportunity to cooperate very much. That Xiao Chen, when she comes back, I will punish her severely, and hope Fang can always give me a chance to cooperate, please rest assured, in the cooperation, I will definitely satisfy Fang in all aspects!"

Zhou Jin spoke very quickly, expressing his desire to continue cooperating with Fang Zhiqiang to the fullest. Upon hearing this, Huang Wanting also turned his attention to Fang Zhiqiang. At this time, it naturally depends on Fang Zhiqiang's own meaning. Up.

Fang Zhiqiang also glanced at the President Chen faintly, and thought for a moment. In fact, not only Huang Wanting can see through Zhou Jin’s personality, but Fang Zhiqiang has also seen clearly, he is only for himself Only those who can use it will maintain such a polite attitude. If he is not Fang Zhiqiang, or if he has not served in Mingda, then he will obviously not have such an attitude towards himself. For such a double-faced person, Fang Zhi Qiang has always had no liking, but speaking of it, Zhou Jin is not the same as other short-sighted people. At least, he is not despised by his current state of being so impoverished. It can be seen that he is the same. People with long-term vision.

After thinking about it for a while, Fang Zhiqiang replied: "Thank you very much for Mr. Zhou’s trust, but I don’t think this is necessary anymore. After all, there is no friendship between the two of us. Speaking of which, you are also thinking For the sake of Wu's face, I only sent someone to meet today. This has already troubled you a lot, so I think it's better."

"President Fang, please forgive me for today's affairs! Next, you can just look at my attitude. As for cooperation, I will come as you say it. There is absolutely no'no' word!" When Zhou Jin heard Fang Zhiqiang's words, he naturally understood the meaning of Fang Zhiqiang's words. In fact, for Zhou Jin, he is very aware of how important this opportunity is to him. He originally wanted to enter the market, but he has never had a particularly good project, and he does not have much talent in business. Several investments ended in failure. For Zhou Jin, this was considered a shortcoming, but deep down in his heart, he was indeed unwilling to be just a singer. Now, Fang Zhiqiang’s project is for him. It is said that there is a huge attraction. After all, Fang Zhiqiang’s previous achievements are very clear to him, and it is not difficult to see that Fang Zhiqiang is actually a very capable person during the period when Fang Zhiqiang was in Mingda. Therefore, at this critical time, if you can win a partner like Fang Zhiqiang, then for Zhou Jin, it will naturally be desirable.

"Mr. Zhou, I have seen your attitude and I am really grateful, but it is really unnecessary. We are two industries. I don’t know much about your industry, and you should I don't know much, so even if we cooperate, the two sides will not be too easy, so let's not cause each other any trouble." Fang Zhiqiang continued to answer indifferently.

In fact, Zhou Jin’s performance today is quite satisfactory to Fang Zhiqiang. At least it can explain that Zhou Jin is a long-sighted person, but the words of President Chen insulting Huang Wanting today have made Fang Zhiqiang unforgettable. And when he thinks that Huang Wanting has done so much for her own affairs, Fang Zhiqiang's heart is not happy. In that case, let this matter stop there. This should be considered a better result for herself, at least Don't let Huang Wanting continue to sink.

Fang Zhiqiang’s repeated refusal made Huang Wanting on the side feel a little uncomfortable. She herself knew very well that in order to win Zhou Jin, she and Xiaowu had made a lot of efforts, but now, seeing things are going to happen. When it was done, Fang Zhiqiang refused to agree, and Huang Wanting was also extremely anxious.

However, Fang Zhiqiang's personality and temperament Huang Wanting is naturally also clear. Once it is his own decision, no matter how much he persuades, it is useless.

Since this road doesn't work, then maybe I should think about another road...

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