My Best Wife

Chapter 2777: Hands on

However, facing Fang Zhiqiang’s words just now, Mr. Chen did not react at all. At this time, her two bodyguards also turned their eyes to her. Obviously, even if the two bodyguards work together, they cannot use it at this time. In Fang Zhiqiang's body, once Fang Zhiqiang was really pressed and acted on their President Chen, that would be regarded as their real negligence.

"Didn't you hear what I said?" Fang Zhiqiang didn't want to waste too much time with her at this moment. After saying it again, the expression on his face became a little gloomy again, and the cold light bursting out of a pair of eyes seemed to be about This woman is generally eaten.

At this time, the arrogance that President Chen had had before was gone. Seeing Fang Zhiqiang's gloomy expression, he finally frowned and said, "I'm sorry!"

"I asked you to apologize to her, didn't I apologize to me, do I need me to teach you how to do it?!" The perfunctory attitude of President Chen made Fang Zhiqiang angry again. Normally, Fang Zhiqiang would not do anything to a woman. Yes, but what Mr. Chen did today, for Fang Zhiqiang, is completely provoking his own bottom line. If she is targeting herself, Fang Zhiqiang will not have the same knowledge as her, but unfortunately, she did not provoke her. The woman to mess with.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong." With Fang Zhiqiang's palm pushing hard again, President Chen finally couldn't hold on anymore, he turned around and said to Huang Wanting again and again.

Seeing this, Fang Zhiqiang slowly released his palm. Just as soon as he was about to release it, Fang Zhiqiang once again said: "This cooperation has ended, you can leave."

Huang Wanting was also in a hurry at this time, but she couldn't do anything. Seeing Fang Zhiqiang's stubborn look, she could only frown helplessly, but she knew very well that Fang Zhiqiang had completely offended President Chen. No matter how you explain it at this time, it won't help.

The moment Fang Zhiqiang's palm was just put down, then President Chen really countered and patted Fang Zhiqiang's profile with his palm raised up, but Fang Zhiqiang's reaction was still extremely fast, or Fang Zhiqiang originally He did not completely let go of his guard.

Raising his hand again, he controlled Mr. Chen’s wrist in his palm. Fang Zhiqiang stared at her eyes full of anger and fear, and said word by word: “I don’t want to do anything to a woman, don’t force me !"

"Okay... this is how you treat guests, isn't it? I'm going to tell Mr. Zhou to see who he let me see today!" Mr. Chen's eyes were flushed with anger and glanced again Huang Wanting then took out her palm fiercely, took out her mobile phone, and made a call.

Huang Wanting originally only thought that Fang Zhiqiang was so persistent that it would be a pity that a good cooperation would end in this way, but she didn't mean to be afraid of the woman in front of her. At this moment, seeing things have reached this point, she too No longer thinking about it, I immediately stared at the woman and said, "I might as well remind you that although you Zhou Zong are now in trouble, but in this entertainment circle, there is no eternal god, although we Xiaowu You are not as successful as President Zhou now, but you are still old friends after all. If the two of them are too embarrassed because of this incident, do you think it will do any good to your President Zhou’s reputation?"

However, at this time, Mr. Chen was so angry that she lost her mind. She directly and selectively ignored Huang Wanting's words, and then made a call soon.

Soon, Zhou Jin on the other side answered the phone, and Mr. Chen immediately spoke with a crying voice: "Mr. Zhou, it is okay to come to see your old friend Xiaowu today, but Xiaowu did not come at all. The shrew who sprang out of the village, took a cousin of hers. Her cousin just did it to me! Mr. Zhou must help me to be fair! Otherwise, I can only defend my own through legal means Rights!"

"What? You said someone did something to you?!" Zhou Jin on the other side was also surprised when he heard this. After all, as his agent, no matter what customers he meets outside, he will usually give a lot of face. It was indeed the first time he heard of such things as hands-on.

"Yes! My wrist is still hurting now!" Mr. Chen continued to say with nose and eyes.

"Xiao Chen, don't worry, you said you didn't see Xiao Wu? Who is that woman?" Zhou Jin on the other side continued to ask.

At this time, President Chen could naturally hear the meaning of Zhou Jin’s words. This was obviously meant to help her get ahead, so she simply turned on the hands-free. She felt that this could be considered as a deterrent effect. Immediately she turned her gaze to Huang Wanting and asked, "Have you heard? Mr. Zhou asked who you are!"

Huang Wanting glanced at her faintly. The previous respectful attitude has disappeared. Since the other party does not save her face, then she obviously has no need to go to the hot face and cold **** anymore. The big deal is because of this. After all, it’s a complete fallout with what Zhou Jin called Zhou Jin. Anyway, I’m just a part-timer, and Zhou Jin is completely different. After all, Huang Wanting also knows the routines of the entertainment industry very well. The negative news about Zhou Jin, then Zhou Jin's career from now on, is even more difficult, and it is obviously not difficult for Huang Wanting to do such a thing.

"Huang Wanting." So Huang Wanting reported her name without any haste, not at all afraid.

"Huang Wanting? Did you also work as a singer before?" Mr. Chen had not reacted, Zhou Jin on the other side of the phone had already reacted. After all, this name was once a smash hit in the music world, although more people remember it. The stage name is "Huang Qingqing", but Zhou Jin, as an insider, also has a certain understanding of Huang Wanting.

Hearing Zhou Jin’s words, President Chen finally couldn’t help but stared at Huang Wanting. Now Huang Wanting really has no trace of the past. During the time he was a singer, Huang Wanting also looked beautiful. Infinite, but now, there are no traces of the past, so the President Chen, who was not particularly familiar with Huang Wanting, naturally can't recognize it.

Faced with Zhou Jin's questioning, Huang Wanting just said indifferently: "I have done it for a while, but it's all the same."

"It turned out to be Miss Huang! I didn't expect to talk to you in this way. Xiao Chen is sometimes too snobbish, so don't be snobbish with her." Zhou Jin heard Huang Wanting admit this and immediately changed his speech. attitude.

And that President Chen was completely dumbfounded at this moment. He didn't expect that at the end of the trouble, he actually ended up with such a two-faced end.

When Huang Wanting heard Zhou Jin’s words, she still didn’t change her face, and continued to say faintly: “I just reminded your Xiao Chen. After all, Zhou Zong and Xiaowu are former friends. Because of this incident, Neither side will be too good-looking, but looking at what you mean, Xiao Chen, it seems that he is unwilling to give up."

"What Ms. Huang said is that Xiao Chen did not handle this matter well enough. Your grown-up does not remember the villain's past. The main reason is that I have been too busy during this period of time. Otherwise, I must personally Go and meet Xiaowu!" Zhou Jin continued to explain.

Speaking of it, Zhou Jin doesn’t have to have such a good attitude towards Huang Wanting. It’s just because of Huang Wanting’s previous status. Zhou Jin knows very well that people who have reached the top of the music world have an understanding of the music industry. What can be achieved, although Huang Wanting does not have much energy now, it has been brilliant after all. The so-called skinny camel is bigger than horses. If she really offends Huang Wanting because of this, then Huang Wanting wants to rectify her own means. Naturally, there are many. In this industry, what should be said and what should not be said, as well as who can offend and who can’t offend, are very knowledgeable. Huang Wanting once angrily announced her withdrawal from entertainment. Circle, not everyone has such courage and courage.

Zhou Jin is worthy of being Zhou Jin. His mind turned quickly and he immediately asked Huang Wanting again: "Miss Huang, I heard that there is one of your cousins ​​who came with you today? Excuse me..."

"Oh, it's actually not my cousin, but a good friend of mine, Fang Zhiqiang." Huang Wanting continued to say lightly.

"Fang..." When Zhou Jin heard these three words, he was immediately dumbfounded, his voice disappeared on the spot, and the scene fell into silence for a while.

After the silence lasted for a long time, Zhou Jin suddenly snarled loudly on the phone: "Xiao Chen! How many times have I said that, when can you fix this problem?"

Zhou Jin's sudden raised voice made the President Chen tremble involuntarily, and then he heard Zhou Jin shout again: "Immediately apologize to Fang Zong and Miss Huang!"

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