My Best Wife

Chapter 2470: Tianhu Apartment (2)

The most unwilling place is this place, because now Fang Zhiqiang doesn't know what kind of relationship he has with Wang Yaxin. It is indeed inappropriate to disturb her at this time.

But, besides Wang Yaxin, who else can I bother?

Li Xiaoxiao? Obviously it was even more impossible. At this time, Fang Zhiqiang couldn't find a suitable reason for bothering her. Of course, for Fang Zhiqiang, Wang Yaxin’s Tianhu apartment is not the best choice, but at the moment, looking at the group of R&D personnel in front of him, Fang Zhiqiang is extremely anxious. If they don’t find a suitable place, they will next Well, if the people from Juying really find here, their situation will become extremely dangerous. At that time, their original plan will be completely disrupted.

"Tianhu Apartment? Isn't that the place where Sister Yaxin lives?"

Lin Shan, who was originally looking at the computer screen intently, heard Fang Zhiqiang's words, turned around abruptly, looked at Fang Zhiqiang with surprise, and asked.

Fang Zhiqiang was slightly stunned when he heard the words.

At this moment, everyone around him also reacted. Zhang Zhenguo and others also looked at Fang Zhiqiang with doubts. Obviously, none of them thought that the last place Fang Zhiqiang thought of was this place.

"Yes." Finally, Fang Zhiqiang nodded in the end. He won't deny this, because it doesn't make any sense to their current situation. Since they must finally take this step anyway, why bother to entangle. What?

Seeing Fang Zhiqiang nodding, Lin Shan couldn't help but frown again. Although she knew that Wang Yaxin would do her best to help Fang Zhiqiang, but this is a group of people, and their identities are extremely special and sensitive. What happened to Wang Yaxin's current strength obviously couldn't be settled.

"Have you talked to Sister Yaxin?" Lin Shan pondered for a moment, then looked at Fang Zhiqiang seriously again, and said so.

Fang Zhiqiang shook his head and said, "Not yet."

After speaking, Fang Zhiqiang lowered his head and took out his mobile phone. It was indeed necessary for him to tell Wang Yaxin in advance.

On the other side, Wang Yaxin saw the caller's name showing the name of ‘Qianzi’, but he was very at a loss, “Isn’t he busy with work? Why is there still time to call me?”

With doubts in his heart, Wang Yaxin answered Fang Zhiqiang's call.

"Yaxin, where are you now?" Fang Zhiqiang said straightforwardly without talking nonsense.

"I... on the way back." Wang Yaxin didn't know the purpose of the phone call that Fang Zhiqiang suddenly called, and he said in a hesitant manner.

"I have something to discuss with you." Fang Zhiqiang continued: "Do you remember the previous R&D team? They did not leave, but insisted on continuing R&D. Originally, they were in a very difficult situation in Yueting Media. It’s safe, but I don’t know why recently. They have been noticed by Juying’s people, so now they have to move. I want to go. There is no suitable place. The Tianhu Apartment you live in is a good choice. There should be Will not be suspected by Juying."

When Fang Zhiqiang said this, he suddenly stopped. Then, he didn't know how to say: ‘what do you think? ’

In fact, Fang Zhiqiang knew very well in his heart that since he had already spoken out, Wang Yaxin would agree to him 80% of the time. If he asked again, it seemed a bit unnecessary.

But it was precisely because of this that Fang Zhiqiang didn't know what to do. It seemed unnecessary to say it, but if he didn't say it, it seemed that Wang Yaxin was thinking about it.

After listening to Wang Yaxin, she finally understood. To be honest, she was relieved at this moment. She didn't know the purpose of Fang Zhiqiang's call, let alone what Fang Zhiqiang would say, but now she heard him. Speaking of this, Wang Yaxin's surprise was unexpected, and she was also relieved.

"Yes, I will go back and ask the landlord to see if there are any vacant houses."

Wang Yaxin agreed immediately. Fang Zhiqiang said so many details just now, but Wang Yaxin remembered only one thing, that is, the group of scientific researchers needed a place to stay.

"No, it's too late to discuss. We are now ready to start. The occupancy rate of Tianhu Apartment should not be high. There should be many vacant rooms. Please give me the contact information of the landlord and I will contact him. "Fang Zhiqiang is really very anxious. What Zhang Zhenguo said before is correct. If you stay here for a minute, you will be in danger.

"Okay, I'll send it to you later." Wang Yaxin still couldn't respond at this moment. She knew how important this R&D team was to Fang Zhiqiang. Therefore, when Fang Zhiqiang was so excited, she also Not surprising.

Hearing Wang Yaxin's promise without hesitation, Fang Zhiqiang immediately continued: "In addition, there is one more thing, I want to ask you."

"What's the matter?" Wang Yaxin asked without hesitation.

"Could you... tell the landlord and find me a place to live. There are no requirements on the conditions, as long as people can live."

Fang Zhiqiang just said so much, Wang Yaxin already understood what he meant. With Mingda’s bankruptcy, the money that had been invested is now completely unavailable. In order to let Mingda tide over the difficulties, Zhiqiang put his own All his savings were invested in, and then he divorced Li Xiaoxiao, and he himself chose to go out of the house. Now he must not be able to spend more money. The research team needs more research and development funds than a small amount. This money should also be Fang Zhiqiang's heartache now, right?

"No, if you don't dislike it, just live with me when the time comes, and I can partition a room for you." Wang Yaxin said decisively.

After all, Wang Yaxin is still a general-minded woman. In the face of this kind of big right and wrong, she doesn’t care about trivial matters, let alone other people’s comments. She always believes that as long as she can maintain her integrity, no matter what others say, she won’t. Any influence on yourself.

"This... isn't it right?" But Fang Zhiqiang is a man, Wang Yaxin doesn't mind, but Fang Zhiqiang can't help.

Fang Zhiqiang now knows very well that he has returned to being single. If he wants to give Wang Yaxin a status, he has no excuse to define himself, even if it is just to repay Wang Yaxin's various things about him.

However, in this way, Fang Zhiqiang felt that 10,000 pieces were inappropriate. On the one hand, this would cause Wang Yaxin to be criticized by others. On the other hand, as a man, Fang Zhiqiang also felt that this was extremely awkward.

"Why? I haven't seen you in a few years, and now you have learned to be reserved?" Wang Yaxin's tone sounded a bit arrogant.

"I didn't mean that..." Fang Zhiqiang wanted to explain.

"It's not that you haven't lived together, what's more, even if you don't believe me, you should always believe in yourself?" Wang Yaxin said in a joking tone.

Although she said in a joking tone, in Wang Yaxin's heart, she did have this idea more or less. After knowing Fang Zhiqiang for so long, she had a lot of time and opportunities to get along with each other, such as the above When I was in the cellar, nothing happened in that situation. In fact, Wang Yaxin was a little bit lonely at that time.

Therefore, the words that I said in a joking tone at this moment are also trying to release the slight displeasure in my heart.

"Different Yaxin, if I used to be me, I would really be confident in myself. At least, when I was conscious, I would never do anything I shouldn’t do, but now I’m divorced. To say something that shouldn’t be said, I really don’t believe in myself."

Fang Zhiqiang was telling the truth.

Adults all have physiological needs. Fang Zhiqiang does not deny this, and of course he can treat this very correctly. When there was no divorce, Fang Zhiqiang was able to restrain himself, on the one hand because of his requirements, on the other In order to live up to Li Xiaoxiao.

But now, he was divorced, and without the ties of these things, Fang Zhiqiang really didn't know whether he could withstand the physical shock.

"Really? If you say that, I would be even more curious. If something like that really happens, it would open my eyes to see how deep you Fang Zhiqiang is!"

Wang Yaxin continued to talk in a joking tone, but Fang Zhiqiang really couldn't tell whether she was really joking, or deliberately used a joking tone to say what she was saying.

"Yaxin, don't make such a joke." Fang Zhiqiang said helplessly.

"Do you think I'm joking?" Wang Yaxin wanted to continue to say something, but when the words came to her lips, she suddenly paused, then sighed helplessly, and then said: "Forget it, what do you like to think, just What do you think, anyway, what I am talking about is not important to you anymore."

Fang Zhiqiang did not choose to explain. He felt that the more he explained on this matter, the more deliberate he appeared. In fact, Wang Yaxin also knew his inner thoughts, no matter how he pretended, no matter how much he wanted to give her a A stable and happy life, but she can see through her disguise at a glance. Although she doesn't like the feeling of being dismantled, what can she do? In the process of getting along with Wang Yaxin, these are inevitable.

"Well, since you agree, I will take someone there now." Fang Zhiqiang said again, but in his heart, he already had his own thoughts.

Wang Yaxin was not surprised at all, and didn't think too much, because she felt that it was normal for her to say such things.

Because, the two of them did happen to everything, and they didn’t care more or less this time. What's more, Fang Zhiqiang is now divorced and has been single again. When he was with Li Xiaoxiao, his nature was complete. Different.

However, the current Wang Yaxin did not expect so much. She let Fang Zhiqiang live in her own home, not for the purpose of what happened, but simply felt that it is difficult for Fang Zhiqiang now, and that much money is needed. At this time, where did he get so much money?

The so-called world is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. What kind of nature Wang Yaxin was decided at the moment she was born, and now only remembered to change it, it seems a bit fanciful.

She had never thought of changing her nature, so she said this at this moment.

After hanging up the phone, Fang Zhiqiang waved to the people of the scientific research team. The scientific research director could see the entanglement in Fang Zhiqiang's expression, even though he was hiding it very deeply.

Because the former Fang Zhiqiang left a very deep impression on the scientific research director. At that time, the confident Fang Zhiqiang, the assertive Fang Zhiqiang, and the Fang Zhiqiang who could easily resolve any difficulties encountered, are now gone. Existing, how can the research director fail to see this?

What Fang Zhiqiang did not expect was that even though he had reduced the time required as much as possible, in the end, he ran into someone from Juying when he was about to leave.

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