My Best Wife

Chapter 2469: Tianhu Apartment

The only constant in this world is always changing.

If one day, I want to stop the world, either I am stupid, or the world is stupid.

Li Xiaoxiao firmly believes in this. She can face all her changes, face herself from the original ignorant innocent girl to the now thoughtful woman, and face herself from being a woman who doesn’t care about anything and does everything as she wishes. The wayward girl has become a cautious and hesitant person who must consider the next three steps, or even five steps, every time she lifts her foot.

She can face up to all changes. Perhaps for the once ignorant girl, losing her innocence is a loss, but now Li Xiaoxiao doesn’t think that way. People are either making progress or retreating when they are alive. Too ignorant. There are too many things in this world that I don’t understand. I am still ignorant now, but I know how to make myself a little bit better every day, and let myself know a little bit every day. At least, this is also a kind of progress. ?

However, she could not face her self-deception.

Li Xiaoxiao used to be a girl who lived for herself. At that time, she never considered the feelings of others. Whenever her parents explained their personal ideas to herself, she always had left ears in and right ears out. At that time, he even shook his head impatiently and chose not to listen any more.

At that time, maybe I thought it was cool?

"Hehe, man, who hasn't been a fool?" Li Xiaoxiao smiled, comforting himself like this.

However, she suddenly discovered that this world was completely different from the world she had seen before, and was completely different from the world she had imagined.

There is a saying that goes well: a clean soul, the world that he sees is also spotless.

Of course, there is another sentence: if you want to see the evil in this world, unless you are more evil than it!

With countless pairs of eyes, there are countless worlds. What the world is like depends on your eyes (the window of the soul), not what the world is originally like.

Li Xiaoxiao wanted to understand all of this, but did not become happier because of it, but felt that there were too many things that he couldn't love.

I love the once pure self and the world that was once spotless in my eyes, but those are no longer there.

"Qiangzi, in the end, can you understand, what did I think in my heart when I gave up on you?" Li Xiaoxiao continued to look at the window of her own soul in the mirror, although this sentence carries two words of "Qianzi" Words, but in fact, Li Xiaoxiao was questioning herself.

Yes, she didn't even know what she thought at the time.

To confirm? Confirm whether your sixth sense is accurate? Confirm whether Fang Zhiqiang wants to continue living with Wang Yaxin?

Or is it for relief? Get out of that bad life situation?

Li Xiaoxiao saw her weakness, her selfishness, and her own tangled heart.

Because she didn't even think about what she was because of.

If it is because of the first point, then the result is obvious. Fang Zhiqiang has already given the answer he wants. When he told him about the divorce, he asked Wang Yaxin to marry him. Doesn't this explain everything?

But if it's because of the second point, what kind of life state do you get out of?

Li Xiaoxiao herself didn't understand what the marriage life with Fang Zhiqiang had become like, because of her suspiciousness and suspicion, the originally happy family became more and more shaky, recalling the period before the divorce. , Fang Zhiqiang chose to leave Mingda, until later Mingda was attacked by Juying in one fell swoop. In the meantime, not many things happened, but the core problem was that Fang Zhiqiang left Mingda.

If he had not left Mingda at that time, if he was not so suspicious, would Mingda still exist now? Fang Zhiqiang is still the president of Mingda? And he is still the wife of the president? I don’t have to do anything, I just bring the children at home, and look forward to Fang Zhiqiang’s coming home every day, eating together, chatting together, and falling asleep together...

Such a life is so plain and unremarkable, but how stable and happy it is?

"No... That's not the life I want. That kind of life made me breathless. During that time, I was anxious and disturbed every day..."

Every time a person makes a decision, he will come up with 10,000 reasons for the decision he made to prove that the decision he made is correct. Li Xiaoxiao, how can he make an exception?

Even if I keep resisting in my heart, I keep reminding myself that everything I think is just an illusion after I have carved it in my heart, it is just an excuse for myself.

Excuses are just excuses. This is the end of the matter. What else to explain, how far-fetched?


Xiao Ai Li's crying voice rang, causing Li Xiaoxiao's eyes to look motionless when she was staring in the mirror suddenly, then turned her head to look at Xiao Ai Li who had just woke up, a smile appeared on her face, and she stretched out her hand. , Holding her child, Li Xiaoxiao felt that the world was real, and that he was real.


Lin Shan and the research director have completed the handover work. In fact, most of the other R&D personnel are almost ready. Fang Zhiqiang entered the research room at the urging of Zhang Zhenguo, looked at everyone, and said: "Get ready for us Let’s start!"

"Where to go?" The research director turned his head, staring at Fang Zhiqiang with a puzzled look, and asked.

This is the issue they are most concerned about right now. The place they are going to next is not only to avoid the pursuit of Juying’s people, but also to be able to concentrate on research, while letting Lin Shan throw smoke bombs at Juying, and they still have to Intensive research and development.

"Don't worry, I will find a suitable place for you." Fang Zhiqiang looked at the expectant look of the scientific research director, but could only say that.

He really couldn't think of a good place. Now he is homeless. Although he can stay in the original house for a few days, it is already Li Xiaoxiao's property after all and no longer belongs to him.

A touch of worry passed in the scientific research director's eyes, it was worry, not disappointment.

What he worries about is not his own future. He is not afraid of being discovered by Juying’s people, or even taken away by them, but he is afraid that his team will be targeted or even destroyed by Juying, which is beyond the tolerance of the scientific research director.

As for Fang Zhiqiang's words just now, the scientific research director can naturally see that he is actually far-fetched. Fang Zhiqiang's current scientific research director also knows, he knows that Fang Zhiqiang is also very embarrassed.

At this moment, Fang Zhiqiang was thinking hard about where they should stay.

The research director did not interrupt Fang Zhiqiang’s thoughts. Just after that sentence, the research director did not continue to say more, because he knew that no matter how much he said now, it was nothing more than putting more pressure on Fang Zhiqiang. Actual problems, but Nothing can be solved.

Time passed by, and the research director was almost ready to clean up. Just when they were about to leave, the bald-headed brothers finally arrived at the scene.

Seeing that everyone was ready to leave, the bald head looked at Bi Luochun with confusion.

"You called me and said something went wrong here, what's the matter?" The bald head gasped.

When he first came in from the outside, Bald had already seen the mess outside. He originally thought that he had been fighting inside. But when he came in and saw this scene, he was relieved and felt very puzzled.

Bi Luochun paused slightly, and after a moment of indulging, he looked at the bald head again, and told the bald head what had just happened.

After listening, the bald head couldn't help gritting his teeth. Originally, he and Juying had nothing to do with each other. Previously, because of Mingda, he had fought against Juying a few times. Now Mingda has gone bankrupt because of Juying. What is unexpected is that Juying people Still so reluctant to let go, they are very eager to kill them. On the road, this is called: leaving no way to survive.

Seeing the bald head gritted his teeth, Fang Zhiqiang stepped forward slowly, patted his shoulder lightly, and said softly: "Don't worry, they have left now. We are preparing to transfer. As long as we can transfer to a safe place, You don’t have to worry about them anymore."

"Then where are you going to transfer to?" The bald head turned to look at Fang Zhiqiang, and asked with a curious look.

Fang Zhiqiang was a little speechless, but behind him stood the research director and others. So Fang Zhiqiang took the bald arm and walked aside before gently speaking, "Do you have a suitable place?"

Hearing Fang Zhiqiang's soft voice, the bald head suddenly understood that there were probably less than twenty people in the group looking behind Fang Zhiqiang's shoulder.

"Of course! Brother Qiang, have you been to my house? If only a few of them are there, it will be enough!" The bald voice said with a very firm voice.

"You can't do it." Fang Zhiqiang shook his head and retorted decisively.

"Why?" The bald head looked puzzled and continued to ask.

"Your identity is too sensitive. Even if you don't attract the attention of those in Juying, there will be many people in society. Once they find out, if someone informs Juying, you will be implicated at that time." Fang Zhiqiang said Waved his hand.

In fact, Fang Zhiqiang had thought about this a long time ago, but he didn't tell the scientific research director and the others because he considered it was inappropriate.

"Then... elsewhere, I don't know..." The bald hair has grown two or three centimeters long, and now he has trimmed a short inch, and the sides have also been shaved short. The whole person looks vigorous. , It’s just that Fang Zhiqiang has become accustomed to the term'bald head', and it is difficult to change it for a while, but fortunately he continued to call it.

"When you are ready, go quickly. If you stop for a second, there is a danger of one more second!"

Lin Shan walked out again, stood next to the research director, and said loudly.

Fang Zhiqiang heard clearly, and once again looked back at the R&D personnel who were ready to go. Fang Zhiqiang finally gritted his teeth. He said the most reluctant part of his heart: "Tianhu Apartment."

Tianhu Apartment, where Wang Yaxin currently lives.

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