My Best Wife

Chapter 2467: Entanglement and dilemma

Looking at Lin Shan and the research director who walked into the scientific research room, Fang Zhiqiang did not say much. To be honest, there is indeed no suitable candidate deep in Fang Zhiqiang's heart. Lin Shan chose to take the initiative to ask Ying to stay. Fang Zhiqiang is Very happy.

Even when there was no one to speak, Fang Zhiqiang thought about letting himself stay, but after thinking about it, he no longer had any effect on Juying. They wanted scientific researchers, but in this respect he was a Rookie, Mingda no longer exists, so for Juying, his value is not even as good as an ordinary scientific researcher.

After Lin Shan and the research director went in, they started handover work. The research director originally wanted to stay by herself, and he felt that letting a woman stay was an insult to their entire team.

Therefore, even if he has already entered at this moment, he still said to Lin Shan: "I think it is more appropriate to let me stay, after all..."

"Why? Do you even discriminate against women? What age is this, why are your mental consciousness so low?" Lin Shan replied without hesitation, leaving the research director speechless.

"Okay, don't talk so much nonsense. Hurry up. You should know how important time is to us." Lin Shan said, putting her computer on the table, her eyes already The computer screen of the research director.

There is still a gap between her specialty and scientific research. Although she understands hacking techniques, she is not a scientific researcher after all. She simply cannot understand the complicated codes on the screen.

In fact, she asked the research director to hand over the progress, not to really understand those things, just to deal with the people of Juying. After all, when people ask, she can’t know nothing, right? In that case, I would lose value to Juying.

Lin Shan was able to make this decision this time after careful consideration. Therefore, Lin Shan has already thought about the final result that Juying may use, except for his professional knowledge in scientific research. , She is not afraid of anything else, because she thinks her acting skills are still possible.

The research director sighed helplessly. Although he still felt that it was inappropriate, he knew that he couldn't speak to such an assertive woman in front of him. In that case, he should take the time to deal with what she said. All this, if it's really late, it's too late to say anything.

On the other hand, Fang Zhiqiang and Zhang Zhenguo looked at each other. Although neither of them spoke, they both saw something in each other’s eyes. Sometimes it took a long time and it happened between people. For Zhang Zhenguo, he could understand the helplessness in Fang Zhiqiang's heart. Even he knew that he could finally solve the matter in this way. In fact, Fang Zhiqiang was deeply relieved.

After all, in the end, no one can stand up to solve this matter. It is not only the loss of the entire scientific research team, but even the loss of the entire territory!

And Fang Zhiqiang can also see that, Zhang Zhenguo also knows the current situation, Fang Zhiqiang knows that he can see his true inner thoughts, but these are not important anymore. The important thing is that as long as the scientific research team can survive this disaster, the next , I must try my best to protect their safety and create a quiet and undisturbed work base for them. After all, this is the last hope of Mingda.

To be honest, Fang Zhiqiang was actually very unwilling to end Mingda with such a result, but he had thought about it many times before, but never thought of this. The scientific research team was able to actively choose to stay. Fang Zhiqiang clearly realized that, in fact, he was not the only one who was holding that energy in his heart. The human heart has tremendous energy. As long as there is hope in his heart, there will be the moment of seeing the sun again!

Although he knew that the road was dangerous and long, Fang Zhiqiang knew very well that for them now, there were no more choices, either to try their best and make a comeback, or disappear completely without anyone caring.

Obviously, the second choice was not what Fang Zhiqiang wanted, nor was it what the entire scientific research team wanted. Since the first path was chosen, everyone knew that it was destined to sacrifice, but they did not think of it. It was Lin Shan who stood up.

When she first joined Mingda, she gave up the company she already owned. After joining Mingda, the value she created for Mingda was even higher than that of scientific research personnel. Moreover, she had never actively asked for her salary, even at the beginning. Mingda's capital injection has never been requested.

A woman who can do this is amazing even if the research director asks herself, of course, he also understands that perhaps Lin Shan did all this because of her special feelings for Fang Zhiqiang, but the research director never I don't know how depressed such feelings are for Lin Shan, and how long it has existed in her heart.


After leaving the coffee shop, Wang Yaxin walked slowly along the way, as if she suddenly had no idea, and it seemed that all the courage before Fang Zhiqiang was gone at the moment when Fang Zhiqiang left.

It has been more than an hour since Fang Zhiqiang left. Wang Yaxin has been sitting in the cafe stupidly like that, watching the steaming coffee in front of her, and a self-deprecating smile appears at the corner of her mouth from time to time. She is very clear about what kind of person Fang Zhiqiang is. In fact, she didn't think there was any problem with what Fang Zhiqiang did. He was originally a man with a very strong entrepreneurial spirit. If he would give up his career for women, Wang Yaxin would not believe it. .

It’s just that what she didn’t believe in the past happened to Li Xiaoxiao. This is one of the reasons why Wang Yaxin has not made up his mind until now. Although Fang Zhiqiang’s love for Li Xiaoxiao, Wang Yaxin can see clearly, But she couldn’t imagine how important Li Xiaoxiao held in Fang Zhiqiang’s heart, just like Wang Yaxin didn’t know what position she was in Fang Zhiqiang’s heart. She only knew that Fang Zhiqiang could do for Li. Xiaoxiao, do things that even Fang Zhiqiang himself finds incredible.

Of course, this is only a small part of it. For Wang Yaxin, Fang Zhiqiang's attitude towards himself is more. Fang Zhiqiang is not a master of deception, especially when it comes to women, his acting skills are particularly clumsy. Fang Zhiqiang Almost at the moment when she spoke, Wang Yaxin was able to guess what Fang Zhiqiang was thinking in her heart, so she almost unhesitated to expose Fang Zhiqiang just now, because she did not want to make herself a burden to Fang Zhiqiang, if in the end As a result, Wang Yaxin would rather give up this relationship. After all, what you begged for will never look what you want.

In fact, it was very difficult for Wang Yaxin to make this decision. She wanted to be with Fang Zhiqiang too much, even though she knew that the words Fang Zhiqiang said this afternoon were not from his heart, but Wang Yaxin finally She still almost spoke out what she thought in her heart. She was in a complicated mood at the moment. She didn't know whether she should be happy or sad.

At the moment when Fang Zhiqiang’s call was suddenly interrupted, Wang Yaxin felt a little grateful. She was thankful that she didn’t say those words impulsively and that Fang Zhiqiang did not hear those words. Otherwise, he might Think you are a woman with no bottom line? That and the Wang Yaxin he once knew were not the same person at all. Maybe he used to like him at the time, but he might not like him now.

But what is sad is that in Fang Zhiqiang's heart, he is just an ordinary woman after all. Perhaps, he really regards himself as his true friend from the heart, but he is far from Li Xiaoxiao's point. It's still a far cry.

Wang Yaxin didn't want to compare anything with Li Xiaoxiao, she just wanted to know how deeply she can love someone in Fang Zhiqiang's heart, how much love she has for herself.

Entangling these things is the biggest thought in Wang Yaxin's heart now. She clearly feels that she seems to be increasingly immature now. No matter how hard she struggles in this vicious circle, she can't extricate herself. Fang Zhiqiang is just an ordinary man, but His body exudes tremendous power. This power can make him lose his way, and even keep himself spinning around. Thinking of these things, Wang Yaxin even feels a bit scary, which is so different from what he used to be. Up.

Thinking back to the original self, the self-confident self, the self who was not afraid of anything, that didn’t matter. As long as he and Wang Jingyu could live a good life, although there were a lot of troubles in life, the self at that time, perhaps Is the happiest one? I can’t say how successful I was at that time, but at least I had a very fulfilling life every day. Watching Wang Jingyu grow up day by day, I seem to tell myself in my heart that everything will get better and better. As long as I work hard enough, The kind of life state I want will come to me one day.

But now, looking at what she is like now, Wang Yaxin knows that it is almost impossible to get back the feeling that he had at the beginning. There are many people in this world, and everyone has their own troubles. For Wang Yaxin In other words, her biggest worry now is that she finally couldn't find herself in this vast crowd.

She didn't know where she was, let alone what she was doing now for what.

She missed the children.

She wants to go back.

After returning to Mingzhu for so long this time, Wang Yaxin would not believe it if he said that he did not miss Wang Jingyu and Wang Xinsheng, but once he arrived at this familiar place, he seemed to have something to do. The next thing is waiting for me. The busy myself seems to have gradually forgotten. There are two children over there, waiting for me to go back.

Sometimes, Wang Yaxin would take time to call Sister Zhang and have a video conversation with Wang Jingyu over the phone, to see the look at home, to see the small faces of Wang Jingyu and Wang Xinsheng, Wang Yaxin suddenly felt that all the tiredness of the day was gone, that At that time, all that was left in her heart was endless sweetness and longing. She missed her two children, and missed the happy time with them.

Finally, after finishing all the work, Wang Yaxin even planned to go back, but at this moment, the incident that happened suddenly between Fang Zhiqiang and Li Xiaoxiao made Wang Yaxin once again shake the original determination. Life is selfish. It's not an unforgivable sin. Being a human being, but not wanting to endure the psychological pressure and pain that human beings have to endure, would be rebellious.

If you can't escape, then you can only face all this calmly. For Wang Yaxin, Fang Zhiqiang seems to be a disaster in her heart. If you don't know him in this life, maybe life will be better?

Wang Yaxin has had this idea many times, but unfortunately, she herself can't bear the feeling that only Fang Zhiqiang can give to herself. This kind of entangled and difficult problem can sometimes even make a person crazy, Wang Yaxin I don't know how many nights I can't sleep because of this.

Wang Yaxin looked up and looked at the gray sky. It seemed that in the city of Pearl City, there were not a few days of a year with a blue sky. Every time he looked up, he saw the gray sky.

Otherwise, let's go. Why is life so obsessed with feelings?

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