My Best Wife

Chapter 2466: Take the initiative to invite

Obviously, Juying’s people did not intend to leave any way for Mingda to survive, even if it was just a simple scientific research team, they were not allowed to exist. For Mingda, it was obviously a fatal blow, but it was like As Fang Zhiqiang said, now they have no choice. Even if they want to change their name or surname, even if the name'Mingda' disappears completely, it seems that this is unlikely.

Zhang Zhenguo was silent for a long time. At this moment, he looked at everyone present again, and everyone was silent. He knew that facing Fang Zhiqiang's sudden proposal, they were very difficult to accept for a while, because Zhang Zhenguo himself They all feel that this is a great risk. In the final analysis, Mingda is just an enterprise. When Mingda existed, they still had their own beliefs in their hearts. Some people felt that they could realize their self-worth in Mingda, and some people. I feel that Mingda leads the development of science and technology throughout the territory, which is of great significance.

But now, Mingda no longer exists. These beliefs seem to have turned into jokes. There are still a few people who are as persistent as the research director. Most people still have to make plans for their own future and the future of their family. It is impossible for them to spend their precious time for a company that has declared bankruptcy, and it is even more impossible for them to give up their happier family for such a company.

"Then let me stay!"

Finally, someone suddenly broke the silence at the scene. What everyone did not expect was that the speaker was the research director.

His identity is very special. For Juying, if he could be caught, it would obviously be the best result. However, for Mingda, he also played a vital role. If he continues to stay without him, Mingda The next R&D work will also be difficult to progress. After all, the concept of the latest product and the vision for the future are all proposed by him. If he is not there, who can understand in detail his true heart What are you thinking about?

The creation of this kind of thing is originally very subjective. Everyone’s inner thoughts are not exactly the same. What's more, for their current team, it is time-critical and task-heavy. Under Juying’s search at all costs, It was difficult for them to maintain stable working hours, and now even Yueting Media has been involved. Where can they go next?

"You can not!"

Fang Zhiqiang didn't hesitate, he spoke very firmly when the scientific research director's voice just landed.

Hearing Fang Zhiqiang’s refusal, the research director did not seem surprised, because he knew what he should do the most. For him, this was also his helpless choice. Obviously, everyone present did not want to stay. After coming down, no one knows what will happen after entering Juying, let alone how the people at Juying will treat them. If they can stay, who would be willing to go to that place?

Once, when Juying sincerely invited them to go at a high price, they were unwilling to go, let alone this special period? No matter how good Juying said, but when he arrived at other people's territory, he couldn't help himself.

"President Fang, do you have a more suitable candidate?"

The research director walked towards Fang Zhiqiang slowly, his eyes were filled with firmness, as if he had made up his mind, and the tone of his speech at the moment was extremely solemn.

When Fang Zhiqiang heard the words, he was speechless. At this time, he really couldn’t find a more suitable candidate. If the person who stayed was really the research director, then the temptation for Juying would be huge. If the director can successfully enter Juying, then for this research team, the benefits will be the greatest.

Of course, Fang Zhiqiang absolutely trusts the scientific research director deep down. The decisions he made and the words he has heard make Fang Zhiqiang believe that this is a man with firm beliefs in his heart. He has the things he wants to pursue, and those things cannot be obtained by money.

But it is precisely because of this that Fang Zhiqiang is reluctant to leave him. How can Fang Zhiqiang not know what everyone knows?

Entering Juying at this time, for any scientific researcher, it is almost a life of nine deaths. Juying’s methods are so fierce that they have already experienced it. When they reach that place, no matter what they want to play, it is almost impossible. Not to mention the fact that Juying is now almost madly trying to destroy their scientific research team. It is intolerable for the senior management of Juying that they survive one more day.

"Don't worry, let's think about it again. Maybe there is a better way." Zhang Zhenguo also slowly stepped forward. He saw Fang Zhiqiang's entanglement, and he knew Fang Zhiqiang could not bear the research director. , I also know that Fang Zhiqiang can't think of a better candidate, and at this time, even if Fang Zhiqiang has a suitable candidate in his heart, how can he speak up?

"Or let me come!"

Just when everyone looked sad, a voice suddenly came from the door, making everyone stunned.

They turned their heads at the same time. Standing at the door was a woman who seemed to be in her twenties. Fang Zhiqiang recognized her at a glance: Lin Shan.

No one had thought of Lin Shan's sudden appearance. What happened to Yueting Media today, no one had heard about it. They were all wondering how Lin Shan knew about it and rushed over in time.

"Have you forgotten what I do?" Lin Shan looked at everyone's puzzled expressions, walked in slowly, looked at everyone calmly, and said.

As Lin Shan's words came to the ground, everyone just realized that Fang Zhiqiang stepped forward and said: "What are you here to join in the fun?"

"Why? Mingda has fallen. Don't you admit the value I created for Mingda?" Lin Shan gave Fang Zhiqiang a straight look and said angrily.

"How can I mean this?"

"Then what do you mean?"

"I mean, you are a woman, don't know what happened, come to join in the fun?"

"What? Do you look down on women? Then I want you to see how capable women are!"

Fang Zhiqiang scratched his head and looked at Lin Shan with a stubborn look, a little helpless.

"Since the former president doesn't have any comments anymore, you guys are all gone, so this matter is settled." Lin Shan looked at the crowd, waved, and said domineeringly.

Fang Zhiqiang was about to speak, Lin Shan suddenly took a step forward, took Fang Zhiqiang's arm, walked to a place with few people, and whispered: "Juying just came to try the water today, and Yueting's response has given them life. Doubt, they will conduct the next "visit" soon. You should hurry up and transfer the team. After I enter Juying, I have a way to hack their system. At that time, it will be more convenient to contact you across oceans. "

Fang Zhiqiang couldn't react to Lin Shan's words. He also knew the time was short. Looking at Lin Shan's hurry, Fang Zhiqiang couldn't help but blink. This woman, decisively, couldn't even compare to a man.

"Are you sure you have a way?" Fang Zhiqiang is still a little unbelievable. It seems that Lin Shan is just a woman in her twenties. Even if she has professional knowledge in that area, this matter is not a trivial matter. Fang Zhiqiang asked himself if something was wrong, and he couldn't bear the responsibility.

"Don't leave it to mother-in-law, you and I all know the method of Juying, delaying time is your stupidest method right now." Lin Shan said, taking out a notebook from her computer bag, and then went to the research director. As the scientific research director muttered something again, the two of them walked to the workbench in the room.

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