My Best Wife

Chapter 2462: spoil

"You girl, why don't you appreciate it? You know what I will find for you? You haven't even seen anyone, just say that? Don't you believe your uncle has this strength?" Li Yonggui stared. Pretending to be serious.

"Yes, I can't tell you. Since that's the case, let's discuss this matter later? How about we don't say anything today and just celebrate your birthday honestly?!" Wang Xia knew I can't afford it, since I can't afford it, I naturally want to hide, and then he said so.

A few people say something to me, but only Li Xiaoxiao and Fang Zhiqiang are the only two people sitting there. They are very embarrassed with each other. They dare not look at each other’s eyes, even when their eyes cross at a certain point. , Can make two people feel uncomfortable.

Fang Zhiqiang is a little better, even though his love for Li Xiaoxiao still hasn't diminished at all, but after all, the relationship between the two people has reached this point. Now that it has become a fact, then besides accepting it, obviously he has nothing else to do. Good way.

However, for Li Xiaoxiao, it is not that simple. Originally, she should be the one who accepted everything. All these things were her own choices. The relationship between the two people has reached this point. Made it by herself, what can she say in the face of this final result?

But now, she found that her thoughts had changed. Everything that she thought she could accept, but now when she was really placed in front of her, she couldn’t accept it. This kind of entangled emotion made Li Xiaoxiao sit in Fang Zhiqiang. Feeling Fang Zhiqiang's breathing by his side will make him extremely embarrassed.

Wang Xia could perceive Li Xiaoxiao's small emotional changes, but Fang Zhiqiang could not.

On the one hand, based on the current relationship between the two people, Fang Zhiqiang also feels that she should not pay too much attention to Li Xiaoxiao, because she herself, perhaps does not like to always stare at her, so the number of times Fang Zhiqiang looks at Li Xiaoxiao Very rarely, except when he needs to speak, he only takes a look. Normally, he deliberately controls his gaze and does not look at her, even if he really wants to take a look inside.

On the other hand, even though Fang Zhiqiang can comfort himself more or less in his heart, he can make himself less embarrassed like Li Xiaoxiao, but after all, two people are people who once loved each other so much. Who can do this? Adapt in the first time?

After eating, Wang Xia took Li Xiaoxiao into the bedroom, while Li Yonggui outside took Fang Zhiqiang to sit on the sofa, and the two men started a conversation again.

Fang Zhiqiang is already very familiar with such a scene. He has been pulled over by Li Yonggui countless times to talk, and the content of each conversation has benefited Fang Zhiqiang a lot. He can learn from Li Yonggui every time. I heard something useful to me in my words.

"Zhiqiang, in an instant, you and Li Xiaoxiao have been married for more than three years, right?"

Li Yonggui still had a smile on his face, it looked like he was playing with Fang Zhiqiang, but what he said made Fang Zhiqiang not know how to pick it up.

Seeing Fang Zhiqiang nodded, Li Yonggui continued: "Creating things to make people, although you have been married for more than three years, in fact, because of Xiaoxiao’s condition, you were not able to be together before, and then because you have been in Mingda You are so busy. In fact, the time you spend together is not even a year. What do you think?"

When Fang Zhiqiang heard this, he immediately understood what Li Yonggui wanted to say. After a while, Fang Zhiqiang said: "Dad, I know, this time, maybe I lacked enough patience..."

"I didn't mean that, listen to me and finish." Li Yonggui interrupted Fang Zhiqiang's words and continued: "Xiao Xiao was once your wife. You spend less than a third of the time with him, so let's Don’t say that we are the two. We calculate carefully. The time we spend together is about half a year."

"However, this short half a year is very unforgettable for me." At this point, Li Yonggui suddenly paused, turned his head, looked at Fang Zhiqiang with a puzzled face, and continued to say after a moment of silence: " Zhiqiang, in the current relationship between the two of us, I can also tell you something that was difficult to say before."

"From a business perspective, Xiaoxia has told me about you more than once. It was because of your outstanding performance at Sammy that Sammy was able to become stronger and stronger step by step. Xiaoxia also asked for my opinion when Mingda agreed with you. The answer I gave at the time was to let her make her own decision. Everything later proved that her choice was right.

"In fact, to be honest, I was still not very optimistic about you at that time. Even if I had one or two outstanding achievements, it still does not represent your true personal ability. Luck is sometimes very strange. Yes, but then your performance at Mingda really surprised me. I have to say that even when I was as young as you back then, I couldn't do what you did."

"Then, let's talk about husbands. As Xiaoxiao's husband, how do you think you are doing?" Li Yonggui suddenly asked Fang Zhiqiang, seeming to look at Fang Zhiqiang's very serious expression at the moment, and want him to say Two sentences.

Fang Zhiqiang couldn't help but froze when he heard the words, but after a moment he said, "I have managed the marriage to this point, so I think I am not a good husband."

"You really are not a good husband."

As soon as Fang Zhiqiang's voice fell, Li Yonggui said categorically.

Fang Zhiqiang looked at him earnestly. He didn't feel unhappy because of his words. Instead, he looked expectant, waiting for what Li Yonggui would say next.

"But what's bad about you is that you are too pampered with Xiaoxiao, which leads to this final result." Li Yonggui said after he indulged for a moment, then said again.

When Fang Zhiqiang heard this, he was taken aback again. As Li Xiaoxiao's father, Li Yonggui was able to say such words, and it was indeed far beyond Fang Zhiqiang's expectations.

"Before, you were my son-in-law. There are some things that I can’t tell you, but now, now that this is the case, I can’t help but say that since you and Xiaoxiao have been married, nothing has happened to you. A loud quarrel, right?"

Li Yonggui's question caused Fang Zhiqiang to frown slightly. After thinking for a long time, he finally nodded.

"This state is originally an unhealthy state of marriage. How can there be no quarrels in a healthy marriage?" Li Yonggui said without hesitation.

"Furthermore, all the conditions Xiaoxiao put forward to you, as long as you can meet them, you will meet her unconditionally, right? Even if you know that some conditions are unreasonable, you will still choose to agree to her unconditionally. This is the way you think you love her, right?"

Li Yonggui’s repeated questioning made Fang Zhiqiang’s head more and more confused. I used to never think there was any problem with this approach, but now listening to Li Yonggui’s words, Fang Zhiqiang couldn’t help but start to wonder, is it true that his own thoughts have always been Incorrect?

"You love her, there is no doubt about it, I love her too, she is my only biological daughter, may I not love her? But do you think the way I love her is the same as the way you love her? ?"

"Perhaps you will be wondering, why did the kind and innocent Li Xiaoxiao become the jealous and crazy woman now, have you ever thought about when she changed? Isn't it because she was with you? Did you start to change slowly after being together? Have you ever thought that it is because the way you treat her has changed her subtly?"

Li Yonggui's remarks made Fang Zhiqiang more entangled. He has not yet reached the point where he is initiating, but at least, he has probably guessed what Li Yonggui wants to say.

"You also have your own child now, Fang Ai Li. Although you didn't spend much time with him before, you should also know that in the matter of educating children, blindly spoiling is not true. Love, you should know this, right?"

When Fang Zhiqiang heard this, he couldn't help but nodded. There is no doubt about this. But in Fang Zhiqiang's heart, after all, he still thinks that women and children are not the same after all, especially when it comes to treating the woman he loves. Does the life she wants make her happy?

"In fact, when we treat any one person, we should not blindly improvise, even if we treat our parents, we should know what to do to be truly good to our parents. You promised Xiaoxiao all unreasonable requests. At the moment you promised her, she might indeed be happy, and she must love you in her heart, but you never thought about the sequelae that would be left after that incident."

"The one thing that surprised me the most was that you gave up the position of president of Mingda. Although you didn't say it clearly, I know that there will be more or less reasons for Xiaoxiao, because later, she went to Mingda."

"Zhiqiang, you are very similar to me when I was young. We are both people with a very low starting point. At the beginning, I was entangled for a long time because Xiaoma’s family did not agree with our marriage, so at that time I took an oath. , I must make myself successful, and I must make myself the kind of person that others admire. Only then can I truly straighten up and pursue what I want."

"And during your time at Mingda, I saw the shadow of me when I was young, so I know what you think in your heart. You worked so hard not to improve the living standards of your family, but to be When you encounter something you like, you can pursue it without hesitation. When Xiaoxiao encounters something she wants, you can agree to give it to her without hesitation, right?"

I have to say that every word of Li Yonggui came to the heart of Fang Zhiqiang, and Fang Zhiqiang could not help but nod repeatedly at this moment.

"However, a man who is so obsessed with his career is actually willing to give up his career for a woman. You made this decision, which makes me completely confused. At least, when I was young, it was impossible to make such a move. Are you not afraid of making your wife’s family look down on you because you have lost your job? Are you not afraid of when you really have nothing, when the woman you love wants something, but you are powerless Kind of feeling?"

The reason why Li Yonggui can be so accurate is that he had almost exactly the same experience as Fang Zhiqiang back then. He also tried to ask himself what life would be like if he gave up his career at that time, because he could not accept it. The kind of life I imagined, so in the end, Xiaoma chose to join Ami at that time in order to empathize with him.

"Zhiqiang, you said that your approach, to Xiaoxiao, is it spoiling?" Li Yonggui asked again.

Fang Zhiqiang raised his head, looked at Li Yonggui with serious and solemn eyes, and nodded without hesitation.

Fang Zhiqiang has nothing to say at the moment, Li Yonggui’s analysis is justified, well-founded and well-documented, and Fang Zhiqiang has no reason or excuse to refute.

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