My Best Wife

Chapter 2461: Reward

Of course, Wang Yaxin saw Lin Shan's gestures. Under Lin Shan's persuasion, she had already thought about it. Since she called Fang Zhiqiang, she wanted to make things clear.

But now, Wang Yaxin did suddenly lose courage. After all, Fang Zhiqiang just divorced Li Xiaoxiao. Wang Yaxin was also there to see the reason for the divorce. The two did not say that there was no love for each other, but life. There are too many contradictions, and they all want to find an effective way to improve their current lifestyle.

And now, what is Fang Zhiqiang doing at Li Xiaoxiao's house at this time? Have both he and Li Xiaoxiao made the final decision? Even if they have received the divorce certificate, they want to remarry, but it is a matter of minutes.

People tend to be like this. When they are in the middle of an incident, they tend to think randomly, and they can think about things that are true.

Lin Shan looked at Wang Yaxin, who was still hesitant, and became anxious. She naturally knew that Wang Yaxin’s performance must have been shaken. She tried to persuade for so long, but she didn’t want Fang Zhiqiang to end up with such a simple sentence. All the work done!

"Say it!" Lin Shan even started trying to speak out anxiously. Although the voice was not loud, Wang Yaxin could hear clearly in this room.

Looking back at Lin Shan, Wang Yaxin made no secret of the tangled color on Wang Yaxin's face. She knew that no matter how much she pretended at this time, she still couldn't deceive her own heart, nor could she deceive anyone else, especially persuading herself. Lin Shan for so long.

"Fang Zhiqiang! Listen to me..."

Lin Shan finally couldn't help it. She almost saw that Wang Yaxin had the idea to hang up. She suddenly spoke up and shouted into the phone.

But as soon as she spoke, Wang Yaxin hung up the phone decisively, and then she collapsed as if she had no skeleton in an instant. She covered her cheeks with her hands, as if she even looked down on herself at this moment. What can be done? In front of that man, I will always be such an indecisive and indecisive woman, the kind of woman I hate most.

"Sister Yaxin! You disappointed me too much!" Lin Shan saw this scene, knowing that it would be useless to say anything, said angrily, turned around, and sat on the sofa. , Stop talking.

"Lin Shan, you won't understand this delicate feeling between us." Wang Yaxin still lowered his head and pondered for a long time before finally popping out such a sentence.

Lin Shan on the side heard this, frowning again, and without looking back, said: "What's the subtle? Actually you know it very well, it's just an excuse you made yourself! It's your own. The second half of your life is not someone else's second half of your life, but you yourself are so hesitating. What use is it for me to say more?!"

Listening to Lin Shan's impulsive tone, Wang Yaxin sighed helplessly again, and then said: "I think it's better to get along with the fate. If you deliberately win over it, maybe it doesn't belong to him at all."

"Forget it, I don't care about you, just do whatever you like!"

Lin Shan stood up, waved her hand, and went to her bedroom. She was indeed speechless to Wang Yaxin. All she could say, what she should say, and even what she shouldn’t say had been revealed. , But in the end, Wang Yaxin is still so indecisive, what else can she do?

Wang Yaxin still didn't look up. Listening to the footsteps of Lin Shan entering the bedroom, she sighed for a long time. Such a self, even she hates herself, let alone Lin Shan?


At Li Yonggui's home, after Fang Zhiqiang hung up the phone, he was puzzled. He heard Lin Shan's words clearly, but suddenly the phone was hung up. What did Lin Shan want to say? What is Wang Yaxin now? Fang Zhiqiang didn't know at all.

Just when Fang Zhiqiang was about to dial the phone again, Li Xiaoxiao suddenly walked over and watched Fang Zhiqiang speak, "Sister Yaxin called, right?"

Fang Zhiqiang had no choice but to stop the movement in his hand, nodded and said, "Yes, I don't know what's going on. After half-talking, I suddenly hung up the phone."

"Maybe, I haven't figured out whether to tell you or not." Li Xiaoxiao smiled and said, but in fact, only she knew how fragile and sensitive she was at this time.

It turned out that the feeling of carelessness that I had disguised before could only deceive myself for a while. Now that I really got to this point, Li Xiaoxiao discovered that all this was not what I wanted. There used to be so many. Unhappy, but compared to the sadness and grievance at the moment, it seems so worthless.

She seemed to have an epiphany.

She seemed to tell Fang Zhiqiang the sentence she didn't say just now: "Qiangzi, in fact, I...a little regret..."

But, if you didn't say it, you might never have a chance to say it again.

"Zhiqiang, hurry up and try this dish, your favorite braised carp!"

Before Li Xiaoxiao found a chance to speak, Li Yonggui at the table suddenly yelled at Fang Zhiqiang.

Hearing Li Yonggui's voice, Fang Zhiqiang did not hesitate at all. After all, Li Yonggui is the protagonist today. No matter how much doubt he has in his heart, no matter how much he wants to ask Wang Yaxin's questions, he should wait until this birthday is over.

"Here is Dad!" Fang Zhiqiang replied, and then beckoned to Li Xiaoxiao, and the two of them went to the dining table together.

Li Yonggui and Xiaoma on the dining table looked at the appearance of Li Xiaoxiao and Fang Zhiqiang coming together. They seemed to be in a daze. They seemed to feel that everything was the same as before. They were still a loving couple, as if nothing had changed. .

But after a while, a trace of loss flashed across the faces of the two old men.

If all this is really true, how good would it be? But time is always passing by, and everything that has passed will eventually be unable to be recovered.

"Come, come, I think this dish was made very successful today! You can evaluate it!" In order to break the embarrassment, Li Yonggui once again waved to Fang Zhiqiang and said with a smile on his face.

Fang Zhiqiang smiled and nodded, and then sat down.

Just after taking a bite, Li Yonggui couldn't wait to ask: "How is it? The taste is okay?"

Fang Zhiqiang nodded again and said, "Well! It's really delicious!"

"Then eat more!" Li Yonggui watched Fang Zhiqiang pick up a piece again, and said, "Zhiqiang, you and Wang Yaxin, how are you doing now?"

Li Yonggui’s words made Fang Zhiqiang almost choked on himself. He didn’t expect that on Li Yonggui’s own birthday, he would ask himself such a question, and it was in front of Li Xiaoxiao and Wang Xia. Now is the most embarrassing thing among a few people, usually even Fang Zhiqiang himself dare not to mention it easily, but Li Yonggui said so abruptly at this moment, so that Fang Zhiqiang is completely unprepared, and even more at a loss.

"I...we..." Fang Zhiqiang was speechless for a while, and he didn't know how he should tell Li Yonggui about this, when Li Xiaoxiao asked to divorce himself in the corridor of the hospital. , He decisively proposed to Wang Yaxin to marry him, Fang Zhiqiang admitted that he was indeed a little arrogant at the time, and it was precisely because of this that Fang Zhiqiang at this moment did not know how to talk to Li Yonggui.

"Didn't Sister Yaxin call you just now? It looks like it should be pretty good?" Seeing Fang Zhiqiang's hesitation for a long time, Li Xiaoxiao said so.

In fact, Li Xiaoxiao also wanted to test what Zhiqiang was thinking in his own heart, and what he said in the phone call that Wang Yaxin called just now.

But as soon as Li Xiaoxiao said this, Li Yonggui's face suddenly changed.

Of course, he was not unhappy, but rather relieved with a long sigh of relief, and then said: "Zhiqiang, you are doing the right thing. In this life, no matter who you suffer, you can't suffer yourself. Since you have a destiny with Xiaoxiao No points, you can't let yourself degenerate. Instead, you should be more exciting. Only in this way can you be worthy of your own life and the parents who gave birth to you!"

Li Yonggui's remarks are obviously something in the words. On the one hand, he praised Fang Zhiqiang's behavior, and on the other hand, he unknowingly told Li Xiaoxiao, Li Xiaoxiao can naturally hear it, she just said that sentence The purpose is obviously not this, but now no one can control who thinks, who might say what, it is also everyone's surprise.

Li Yonggui’s words made Fang Zhiqiang more speechless. He knew his current relationship with Wang Yaxin. Once, he could vowed to say that the two people were just ordinary friends. But now, he himself doesn’t know what the relationship between them is. Not a friend, maybe even a friend, right?

"Okay, uncle, today is your birthday, and you are the protagonist. Let's not talk about other people's affairs. Let's talk about it, uncle, how are you going to treat me?" Wang Xia realized that the atmosphere at this moment seems to be something wrong. , The most obvious is Li Xiaoxiao. Although she didn't say anything at the moment, as a woman, especially seeing the embarrassing smile on Li Xiaoxiao's face, Wang Xia knew that she must be on pins and needles at this moment.

She guessed Li Xiaoxiao's thoughts, but she was helpless. When Li Xiaoxiao made that decision, they all persuaded each other. Everyone hoped that Li Xiaoxiao could be calm and calm, but Li Xiaoxiao did not listen to anyone. Now, things have reached this point, even Li Xiaoxiao's father is not good to say anything more, let alone her cousin?

When Li Sungui heard Wang Xia's words, he smiled again: "Aren't you all supposed to do this? It's the first time I heard that you let your elders reward yourself, where did you learn all these skills?!"

Wang Xia grinned and said, "Uncle, you think, even you have forgotten your birthday today. The first person to come to celebrate your birthday is me. You should see how much I care about you. Shouldn't you give me a reward?"

"Yes, you little girl, since you have said it, then I, an uncle, can't be so stingy. Come on, what kind of reward do you want?" Li Yonggui waved his hand and laughed.

"Since it's a reward, of course it's Uncle. You have no choice but to let me say it myself. What's the point?" Wang Xia's eyes rolled slightly, and she was right for a moment.

"Haha, I understand, let you go on like this, I'm afraid no one will be able to talk about you in the future! So, I will make an exception to use the network I have not used for many years, and find a good dragon for you. So son-in-law, how about it?!" Li Yonggui thought for a moment and said.

"Ah?!" Wang Xia was dumbfounded. After a while, she waved her hand again and again, "What a reward for you! Are you obviously a punishment?!"

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