My Best Wife

Chapter 2458: Development plan (2)

Zhang Zhenguo frowned. He naturally understood the meaning of the scientific research director's words. For more than a month, it was not only urgent for Fang Zhiqiang, but even for Zhang Zhenguo, it was a countdown. same.

After all, they have long lost their original identities. If Mingda still exists today, if they are still the executives of Mingdari, and they are provided with R&D funds for their R&D team, it will definitely not be difficult for them, let alone one. Within three days of a month, they will be able to find a way to raise the money.

But now, all of them are ordinary people with pennies, and the Lingxin Group under Zhang Zhenguo's name has also been seized. Where can they get money with such identities?

"President Fang, this is the best solution we can come up with at the moment. Don’t put too much pressure on you. Even if it doesn’t work in the end, we can just postpone the time to market for the product indefinitely. Don't be the one who ate crabs first."

Looking at Fang Zhiqiang's still embarrassed expression, the research director didn't want to speak, but in the end he said slowly.

Fang Zhiqiang heard the words, sighed slightly, looked at the research director solemnly, and then said: "Just do what you want, and I will give you the answer you want!"

Fang Zhiqiang didn't know where his self-confidence came from, but he felt that facing the scientific research director at this moment, he had no reason to refuse, and he gave such a sentence because of the evil spirit.

After listening, the research director couldn't help but pause, and then said: "We are waiting for your words!"

Fang Zhiqiang still does not understand how important he is in the heart of this research director. As long as Fang Zhiqiang speaks, it seems that everything can be solved for the research director, as if any trouble is reached by Fang Zhiqiang. In front of him, it became not worth mentioning. As long as Fang Zhiqiang used his mind a little, the problem could be solved.

The reason why he had this idea was also because when Mingda went bankrupt in the end, it happened to be when Fang Zhiqiang was not there. He was thinking that if Fang Zhiqiang was still in Mingda, in the end, it must not be the result. .

"Then, let's ignore everything next. We only need to do well in learning. As for other difficulties and troubles, we will trouble Mr. Fang!" The research director once again spoke seriously to Fang Zhiqiang. Looking back at the colleagues in front of him, they all chose to stay with the research director wholeheartedly, and the research director didn't want to treat any of them wrongly.

During this period of time, they did not get a penny of salary, and the food and lodging were the simplest, but no one complained. For the research director, it was because of his trust in Fang Zhiqiang, and for those who followed him. As far as people are concerned, it comes from trust in him. How can he fail everyone?

"No problem! Alright, I just came to see you today. Then, if you have any questions, we will contact you at any time." Fang Zhiqiang waved his hand at the crowd, looking like he was about to leave.

Zhang Zhenguo followed Fang Zhiqiang. When Fang Zhiqiang walked out the door, the expression on his face became depressed. He immediately said, "Or do you like to be strong?"

"It's not a brave but a promise." Fang Zhiqiang didn't look back, just lowered his head, walked forward weakly, and said softly.

"Do you know how much money they need?" Zhang Zhenguo continued to ask.

Fang Zhiqiang didn't say anything. Needless to say, he also knew this number. For the former Mingda, it might be a drop in the bucket, but for them now, it is an astronomical number.

"Preliminary budget, to ensure that the product is successfully developed and sold, at least 8 million!" Zhang Zhenguo said at the end, deliberately raising his voice.

"Moreover, this is still on the premise that the R&D team can maintain a good working condition without any accidents." Zhang Zhenguo added again.

"Isn't it eight million! Think of a way, the living can't let the money be suffocated?!"

Fang Zhiqiang pretended to be calm and said.

"President Fang, do you think we are still in the previous Mingda? The current 8 million, is it so easy for us to get it?!" Zhang Zhenguo saw Fang Zhiqiang's calm appearance, but rather a little Get anxious.

"Of course I know, then what do you say we do? You saw them just now, do you want me to say I can't do it?" Fang Zhiqiang finally turned his head and looked at Zhang Zhenguo's anxious expression, and said Said.

"I don't mean that, I just want to remind you that it is very difficult for us to achieve this goal. In the next period of time, you and I will have to work hard and find a way!"

Zhang Zhenguo raised his head and sighed. When he said this, he seemed to feel unwilling.

Huang Wanting and Zhang Xiaoman saw Fang Zhiqiang and Zhang Zhenguo coming out, and vaguely heard what they were talking about, they walked forward.

Huang Wanting took the lead and said: "See you? How do you feel?"

Seeing Huang Wanting's relaxed expression, Fang Zhiqiang followed with a slight smile, then nodded and said: "Well, they are here, and they are well taken care of by you, I feel relieved."

"That must be! Don't look at who I am Huang Wanting? My friend's business is my own business. Can I treat my friend's friend wrongly?" Huang Wanting said proudly.

"But Qiangzi, I think Mr. Zhang has been frowning when he came here recently, and he asked him what's wrong, but he didn't say anything. You came here today with a bitter face. What is the trouble? Say if I can help?" Huang Wanting finally got to the point.

Fang Zhiqiang was taken aback when he heard the words, looked at Huang Wanting’s serious expression, and then smiled again: "There is nothing to help. What you do is totally irrelevant to our scientific research industry. Even if you want to help, there is nothing to do. Help, so don't worry about this."

"What you said is wrong. Every business has difficulties. When Yueteng Media was founded, it was also difficult. At that time, didn't you help us through it little by little? , I believe Xiaowu can also see clearly. Now that you are encountering difficulties, as long as he can help, I believe he will definitely not refuse." Huang Wanting said seriously.

"By the way, why didn't you see Xiaowu?" Fang Zhiqiang didn't want to continue this topic, and immediately put aside the topic.

"He, isn't he dedicated to creating! Now that the company has just been established, he still has to work hard, and strive to earn back the capital as soon as possible!" Huang Wanting said casually.

After speaking, she realized that Fang Zhiqiang deliberately did not answer her question, so she continued to ask: "Qiangzi, between the two of us, don't betray me. If you have anything, just tell me. , Even if I really can’t help much, maybe, what friends around me can help?"

Fang Zhiqiang lowered his head helplessly. After all, these friends around him would unconditionally extend a helping hand to him no matter what time it came. This made Fang Zhiqiang extremely proud of his heart, but he was a little helpless.

I am proud that I can have such close friends in my life. What is helpless is that, in the face of their help again and again, Fang Zhiqiang feels that he has more and more human debts. In this life, he may not be able to pay.

"In fact, there is nothing wrong. It's not that Mingda has just been seized. Mr. Fang's money has been injected into Mingda before. Now he has no principal, and the R&D team needs a lot of financial support. We are worried about this. Looking at Fang Zhiqiang's embarrassed expression, Zhang Zhenguo finally spoke out first.

If he had come by himself today, he would definitely not say these things to Huang Wanting. After all, he and Huang Wanting are not very close, but Fang Zhiqiang and Huang Wanting are completely different, and Zhang Zhenguo looks at Fang Zhiqiang At this moment, he wanted to speak, but he couldn't speak. He simply said what he wanted to say.

After listening to Huang Wanting, she nodded immediately, and then said: "If you say that, I can understand it. I have told Xiaoman about this before, but..."

When Huang Wanting said this, she stopped abruptly, then turned her gaze away from Zhang Zhenguo, looked at Fang Zhiqiang, and continued: "I will communicate with Xiaowu later. At least this time, our Yueting media has the least involvement. Let’s give it a try and see how much financing we can obtain from Yueting Media’s current situation. I’ll talk to you in detail at that time."

"This can't work!" Fang Zhiqiang immediately waved his hand when he heard this, with a firm expression on his face.

"Why?" Huang Wanting asked in confusion.

"Yueting Media is a media company that needs a lot of cash flow to operate. You put a lot of money into it and lend it to us at that time. This originally violated the financing guidelines, not to mention what to do if it is discovered. This money, you Give it to us, what will you pay back then?" Fang Zhiqiang said seriously.

"You too look down on Xiaowu? Have you heard the songs written by others? Anyway, as a previous generation of singers, I am considered to be convinced. This song has been released, and there is no reason not to be popular. The results of the first album You have seen it too. Now that he is working on his second album, I believe it will only be better, so don’t worry about money!"

Huang Wanting said with a firm face.

"That won't work, anyway, this method is not feasible!" Fang Zhiqiang continued to wave his hand.

"Wanting, what the R&D team needs is not a small amount. It needs at least 8 million as start-up capital, and I don't know if it will be enough in the future. If you want to help us in this way, it is best not to enter this pit." Fang Zhi Strong continuous waved hands.

"Qiangzi, when did you become such a mother-in-law? You used to often come into contact with this kind of thing, the operation of funds, the operation of funds, isn't it just using money to fill holes? As long as you can get money, you are still worried about hole filling No? I understand that eight million is indeed not a small amount for you now, but for Yueting Media, it may not be the case."

After speaking, Huang Wanting added: “Of course, I can’t speak too absolute, I just ask Xiaowu, try to try, can it be done? I don’t dare to promise you now, so, I’ll tell you in advance that you don’t have too much hope, if I get things done for you, don’t rely on me.”

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