My Best Wife

Chapter 2457: development plan

Li Yonggui smiled happily, took the gifts that two people gave him, and waved to Wang Xia: "Xiaoxia, come in!"

"What's the matter, uncle? Look at your sullen look?" Although Li Yonggui looked young and very happy, Wang Xia still noticed his thoughtful look.

"No, I'm quite happy, why do you have such thoughts?" Li Yonggui looked at Wang Xia with a strange expression, and said in surprise.

Before Wang Xia came, even he himself had forgotten that it was his birthday. Now that Wang Xia and his daughter wish him a happy birthday, Li Yonggui did not want to discourage everyone.

Originally, he did have something to say to Wang Xia. After all, Fang Zhiqiang is no longer in this home. Although Li Xiaoxiao seems to be fine, but in fact, she is not willing to share anything with others, even if it is. My parents seldom heard her say something from her heart.

I just met Wang Xia today. Li Yonggui naturally wanted to tell me the things I had buried in my heart for a long time. By the way, I also told my daughter to listen to. Many misunderstandings are because you don’t ask, I don’t tell. As a result, for Li Yonggui now, he doesn't want to see that scene happen.

Seeing the appearance of her uncle, Wang Xia did not continue to ask. After all, today is her uncle’s birthday, and no one wants to make the atmosphere too embarrassing. As long as it can make him happy, for Wang Xia, it will be reached. Own purpose.

At the same time, in Lin Shan's home, she and Wang Yaxin are still talking about Fang Zhiqiang. It is not that Lin Shan insists on this topic, but the most entangled thing for Wang Yaxin now is Fang Zhiqiang is now, should she choose to be with Fang Zhiqiang? If she didn't make such a choice, what kind of life would she lead next?

These are all unknowns to Wang Yaxin. How could she have forgotten how much she wanted to be with the man she loved to protect her? How much do you want to have a lifelong love?

She recalled countless times when she had met Fang Zhiqiang for the first time. At that time, she had no distracting thoughts. Perhaps it was also at that time that her heart was the cleanest and purest. Whatever you see, is the most true. Right.

Now I am used to wearing colored eyes to look at Fang Zhiqiang. No matter what Fang Zhiqiang makes or what decisions he makes, in his own eyes, he seems to have endless magical powers, making himself always Inextricable.

Wang Yaxin knew this very well in her own heart, but she was helpless. She tried to control her emotions and heart. However, after trying countless times, she was still in vain and ended in failure.

"Sister Yaxin, if you have really made a decision, why are you still so entangled now? If you haven't made a decision, why don't you want to hear me say a few more words?"

Lin Shan looked at Wang Yaxin's frowning look, and it was obvious that the person who was most entangled now was obviously herself.

Wang Yaxin was speechless. She knew that she could not answer Lin Shan's question. No matter how she answered, it seemed to be against her will.

"Really, if I were you, I don’t think I would hesitate. Even if he is not with you because of love, as long as you get married, you will have a lot of time together in the future. Is it cultivated?" Lin Shan continued to say seriously.

"It’s not like Lin Shan. In my heart, since we want to start, we must start seriously. Any external factors will not be good for our future marriage development. I have already After experiencing it, I don’t want to see the same things happen in the future. I can’t bear that feeling for the second time. Can you understand?”

What Wang Yaxin said was also extremely sincere. This was the biggest reason why she and Lin Shan were able to make different choices. If Lin Shan were to experience everything she had experienced, perhaps Lin Shan would be able to understand her.

But after all, Lin Shan has never had such an experience. The joke she had with Ran Yuming at the beginning still left deep scars in her heart. For her, she could even do that. Don't care, what else can you care about?

"Sister Yaxin, don’t you think that you are no longer the same you used to be? He is no longer the same one you used to be. You have indeed happened to bad things, but you also know that it was only once. Now, isn’t it the future that we want to see? Why do we have to focus on the past?"

Lin Shan tried his best to persuade, and Wang Yaxin's heart became more and more chaotic. She understood that what Lin Shan said was reasonable. It was just that she had encountered those things in the past, so there will be all kinds of things in her heart. This kind of worry, to put it plainly, is actually that she is too sensitive and too worried about gains and losses in Fang Zhiqiang's body, and she also knows that the reason why she is like this is because she has a kind of other man when facing him. The strange feeling that can't be given, and that feeling may be the legendary love.

"Sister Yaxin, don't hesitate anymore, at least you can't just keep staying like this, you know what you want in your heart, can you just wait for it to fall from the sky? Haven't you thought about working hard? "Lin Shan frowned, her face looked extremely anxious, and she had been talking to Wang Yaxin for so long, and Wang Yaxin hadn't made up his mind until now, and Lin Shan didn't know what else would it make to continue persuading herself like this.


On the other hand, the research director and others have already started to introduce Fang Zhiqiang's latest products.

"President Fang, come and take a look. This is the final concept map of the product we are currently developing. From the appearance, it is just an ordinary mobile phone, but the technology it covers is something we have never contacted before. We have been focusing on the research and development of the product itself, but have ignored the current network trend. The current network is no longer what it used to be. With a high-speed network, many things that were once unimaginable may now become reality."

The research director pointed to the pictures on the computer screen and explained to Fang Zhiqiang who was on the side.

"Once our product is successfully developed, the functions it can have will be unimaginable to any of us!" The research director continued with an excited look: "For example, we have seen in the movie. , With a swipe of your finger, the screen can appear directly out of thin air, video calls can be made, data can be viewed, and fingers can be operated in the air!

"For another example, as long as our mobile phone is connected to the same local area network, we can control many objects in reality through the mobile phone. This is also the hot "Internet of Things" concept that is currently being fired. We can open the door through the mobile phone. Locking, turning on TVs, air conditioners and other home appliances, as long as they are connected to the Internet, they can be operated through our mobile phone!"

Fang Zhiqiang was also a little surprised when he heard that related immature products have appeared on the market, but the objects they manipulate are relatively limited and subject to more restrictions. In fact, it may not be much more convenient to use than before.

"On this issue, I think we still need to discuss it carefully. The concept of the'Internet of Things' has been discussed in the market, and the latest product released by Juying Group some time ago has also claimed to be able to meet this standard. But after the product went on sale, the response was extremely poor, and there was basically no good comments. Apart from feeling a little fresher, no one would really put it into daily use. Have you considered this?" Fang Zhiqiang Slightly frowned, recalling his previous experience when trying Juying products, and said.

"Of course! What we are doing this time is to make up for the shortcomings of the Juying product. As you know, although there are related products on the market, they are not perfect. This is our biggest opportunity, as long as we can seize it. This will definitely be a blockbuster! At that time, as long as our products can be put into practical use, there is no need to worry that no one will pay for us!" The research director continued excitedly.

"This point, please rest assured, President Fang, what we have to do is not to follow the pace of Juying, but to surpass Juying! This, in my heart, has never changed!" The research director looked at Fang Zhiqiang. The continuous expression clearly saw his inner worry, and then he spoke again, saying so.

Fang Zhiqiang could not help but nodded when he heard the words. In any case, this time the research director was able to choose to stay, which really moved Fang Zhiqiang, not to mention what product he is currently developing, even if he is following the pace of Juying, Fang Zhi Qiang will unconditionally choose to support their entire team!

"However, Mr. Fang, one problem we cannot avoid now is funding. This product involves a level of knowledge that we have never encountered before. It is only for our team that it is difficult to develop the product perfectly. The ideal state is that we introduce a few more experts in this area. If that is the case, we can easily complete the research and development, but I understand that for us, the cost is a bit high, so we just thought, how many of us It is the most cost-saving way to carry out a systematic study with peace of mind, and to understand the unknown knowledge of the relevant parties before conducting research and development."

After all, the research director failed to circumvent this topic, which is also his biggest headache.

If they have enough funds, they can't wait to get started right away. As long as they can bring in relevant experts, they believe that they will be able to complete product development within three months!

But at the moment, the idea of ​​introducing experts is already a bit unrealistic. Not to mention their current situation, no one is willing to join such a team that does not know what the future will be. Even if someone is willing to join, they simply pay. Can't afford high salary.

After Fang Zhiqiang listened, he asked without hesitation: "How do you plan to study?"

"It's simple. There are many related video explanations on the Internet. Besides, we also have a certain foundation. It seems that it is easier to understand. We just need to learn online."

The scientific research director said disapprovingly. Obviously, he didn't want to add too much trouble to Fang Zhiqiang.

"How long does it take?" Fang Zhiqiang continued to ask.

"Probably, it will take more than a month." The scientific research director thought for a moment, and gave such an answer seriously.

For more than a month, this time is simply the lifeblood of Fang Zhiqiang now. He understands that the scientific research director came up with such a method, in fact, he is giving himself time, so that he can seize the time to prepare enough funds.

However, for more than a month, for Fang Zhiqiang, it was still a bit tight.

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