My Best Wife

Chapter 2344: Early Education Institution

After that, Xiaoyu never spoke again, and the room suddenly became quiet.

It didn't take long for both of them to fall asleep, but at this time, Wang Yaxin couldn't fall asleep anyway.

Today, Fang Zhiqiang’s first day here just made her feel a little at a loss. Before, she had imagined what it would be like when Fang Zhiqiang and Wang Xinsheng met, and even what Fang Zhiqiang would say and what action movies would be. She thought about it, but today, when Fang Zhiqiang and Wang Xinsheng met, everything went beyond Wang Yaxin's expectations.

This was something she never expected before. These two people who were supposed to be strangers acted like relatives, making Wang Yaxin clearly aware that she wanted to cut off the blood relationship between the two of them. It's impossible.

On the other hand, Wang Jingyu’s attitude towards Fang Zhiqiang also made Wang Yaxin a bit big head. It has been so long. When he left the country, Wang Jingyu had no good feelings about Fang Zhiqiang. At least he showed this. .

It is precisely because of this that Wang Yaxin at that time was so determined to leave the territory, but now, the moment Fang Zhiqiang came back, Wang Yaxin clearly saw the surprise on Wang Jingyu’s face. She Only then did he gradually understand that in Xiaoyu's heart, Fang Zhiqiang had never left. Even when he was in the territory, he had deliberately expressed his hatred of Fang Zhiqiang, just to let himself go completely.

Wang Yaxin didn't think there was anything wrong with thinking like this. After all, Wang Jingyu was different from others, and his thinking was sometimes even more mature than that of adults. It is not completely impossible to have such an idea.

And tonight, Fang Zhiqiang and Wang Jingyu were asleep in the same bed. Wang Yaxin was guessing what they would say and what would Fang Zhiqiang think. Will the existence of Wang Jingyu and Wang Xinsheng make Fang Zhiqiang think Ideas to stay?

Thinking like this in my mind, the time soon reached more than two o'clock in the morning. Wang Yaxin checked the time again, and then quickly fell asleep. There are still many things to do tomorrow.

The time of a night is fleeting.

The next day, when Wang Yaxin got up, Fang Zhiqiang was already busy in the kitchen.

Seeing Fang Zhiqiang's figure, Wang Yaxin couldn't help but smiled: "Why do you get up so early?"

"Isn't there something? You can't delay your major event." Fang Zhiqiang turned his head, looked at Wang Yaxin, and said without rush.

When Wang Yaxin heard the words, she nodded and looked at Fang Zhiqiang's busy back in the kitchen. She couldn't help but remember the time when they were just married.

But in just a moment, Wang Yaxin forcibly restrained herself from thinking about it. Those pictures were too sweet in retrospect, and the sweetness made her almost forget her current life. People cannot always stay in the sadness of the past, and naturally they cannot. Always stay in the beauty of the past.

Thinking of this, Wang Yaxin immediately rubbed his forehead, then turned around, and took Wang Xinsheng out of the bedroom.

Woke up in the morning, Wang Xinsheng seemed to be in a bad mood. Although he did not cry, he seemed to be pouting his mouth.

When Fang Zhiqiang came out carrying the food, seeing her expression, he immediately approached Wang Yaxin with a look of confusion, "What's wrong?"

Looking at Fang Zhiqiang's nervous expression, Wang Yaxin was stunned. After a moment of indulgence, he smiled and said, "Isn't it all like this when a child just wakes up?"

Only then did Fang Zhiqiang realize that Xiaoai Li had always been taken care of by Xiaoma when she was in Mingzhu, and then she was handed over to Li Xiaoxiao. He really didn't pay much attention to this.

"Aren't you hungry? I've prepared all the powdered milk, and you can see how the temperature is." Fang Zhiqiang said, turning around quickly, took out the prepared powdered milk from the kitchen and handed it to Wang Yaxin, softly Said.

Wang Yaxin looked at the milk bottle in Fang Zhiqiang's hand, and couldn't help but smiled and said, "Dignified President Fang, now he is also a dad?"

When Fang Zhiqiang heard the words, he was stunned for a moment and then smiled, and then said: "You have to learn!"

"Well, the temperature is fine, and the amount is fine. I will feed the child first. When you are done, call sister Zhang and eat first." Wang Yaxin turned around and said.

Fang Zhiqiang nodded and did not speak. After returning to the kitchen again, he filled out the food, and then Sister Zhang, who had not yet woken up on the sofa, called out.

Sister Zhang, who was called up, looked panicked, she couldn't help but froze when she saw Fang Zhiqiang, and quickly took out her mobile phone to check the time.

"Five to forty-two..." Sister Zhang saw the time, and she was relieved. She usually sets herself an alarm clock at six o'clock. After getting up to cook, Wang Yaxin should almost get up.

However, she was suddenly woken up today, which made her think that she had overslept, and she was terribly scared.

"Mr. Fang, why did you get up so early?" Sister Zhang let out a sigh of relief, then turned to look at Fang Zhiqiang who was wearing the cloth, rubbed her eyes and said.

"If you can't sleep, you'll get up. Go wash and prepare to eat." Fang Zhiqiang said with a smile.

For Sister Zhang, Fang Zhiqiang's impression is also quite good. At least when I came by myself, I saw that she took care of Xiao Xinsheng very well. This alone was enough to make Fang Zhiqiang more fond of her.

However, when Sister Zhang heard this, she was stunned again, her eyes looked nervously at the kitchen, and then she stopped at the food on the table, and then said nervously again: "Mr. Fang, you are not satisfied with what I made. Food? Why do you cook it yourself?"

"No, no, don't get me wrong, Sister Zhang, it's just that there is something wrong today. I'll get up early and make some delicious food for you. It's not like eating and drinking here, right?"

When Fang Zhiqiang saw Zhang Jie's nervous expression on spring couplets, he immediately explained.

Sister Zhang heard this, and then she understood, she quickly got up and walked to the bathroom.

After Wang Yaxin fed Xiao Xinsheng in the bedroom, she walked to Wang Jingyu’s room and wanted to get Wang Jingyu up, but she checked the time. It was not six o’clock, Wang Jingyu was only eight o’clock in the morning. Starting to go to school, Wang Yaxin gently closed the door again, without disturbing Wang Jingyu who was sleeping.

Walking to the dining table, Wang Yaxin discovered that Fang Zhiqiang and Sister Zhang were sitting on the sofa in the living room at the moment. They didn't know what they were talking about, but they were chatting enthusiastically.

"Why don't you eat first?" Wang Yaxin asked Fang Zhiqiang with a puzzled face.

"Isn't this waiting for you! If you don't come, how dare we move our chopsticks!" Fang Zhiqiang turned his head and looked at Wang Yaxin jokingly.

"When did you learn so particular?" Wang Yaxin took a sip and said again: "Hurry up and eat, and I will go to school later."

Fang Zhiqiang and Sister Zhang got up and walked to the dining table. At this moment, both of them became silent and stopped talking.

It's just that Wang Yaxin was extremely curious about what they had just discussed, and wanted to ask about it at the moment, but after thinking about it again and again, she still held back.

"Why didn't you call Xiaoyu?" Fang Zhiqiang asked after sitting down, not finding Xiaoyu's figure.

"Xiaoyu only started class at eight o'clock. It's still early. I want him to sleep a little longer." After Wang Yaxin finished speaking, she looked at Sister Zhang and continued: "By the way, Sister Zhang, wait until around seven o'clock. Warm up again, tell Xiaoyu to get up, and after eating, you send him to school."

"Okay." Sister Zhang naturally agreed without hesitation. During this period of time, she has done all these trivial matters in an orderly manner. During the period when Wang Yaxin left, she still couldn't do it smoothly. It's all messed up, but still can't handle it well.

Now, she has become more and more proficient. She knows when to do and when not to do.

"Where are you going later?" However, Sister Zhang still asked Wang Yaxin out of curiosity.

Wang Yaxin glanced at Fang Zhiqiang, then said: "We have to go to the early education institution to deal with the matter of Xin Sheng entering the school."

After eating, Fang Zhiqiang was about to get up to pack the dishes, Sister Zhang quickly stood up and stopped and said: "Mr. Fang, you must never break me anymore. I usually do all these things. Now, is this going to let me go?"

Fang Zhiqiang smiled helplessly when he heard the words. Then he put the tableware and chopsticks back again, watching sister Zhang take them into the kitchen, turning around again, and seeing Wang Yaxin walking out holding Wang Xinsheng. .

"Let's go." Wang Yaxin walked up to Fang Zhiqiang and said.

"What do I need to prepare?" Fang Zhiqiang asked seriously while looking at Wang Yaxin.

Wang Yaxin was still walking without looking back, and said casually: "You don't have to worry about anything, I will arrange it."

Fang Zhiqiang was at a loss, but he still followed.

Although the house is not big, the location is good. There is a small yard outside the door. In the yard is a small lawn with everything you need. When it doesn’t come out, Fang Zhiqiang heard the sound of birds singing. It is extremely harmonious.

At this moment, Wang Yaxin pressed the remote control. After the garage door opened, Fang Zhiqiang saw that the car Wang Yaxin was driving was a very ordinary Alto, and it seemed that it had taken a lot of time.

Fang Zhiqiang wanted to say something, but Wang Yaxin was already in the car. Seeing Fang Zhiqiang who was stunned, she immediately beckoned and said, "Come on!"

After getting in the car, Fang Zhiqiang watched Wang Yaxin maneuvering the car proficiently and wanted to ask questions, but Wang Yaxin said again: "You should pay attention later. What they require is that their biological parents must live here for a long time. , So some of your habits should be slightly changed, especially the small movements that are easy to overlook, such as yawning or stretching, which is very impolite here. If..."

"Yaxin, do you look down on me too much? Anyway, I am also a person who has left the territory. I still understand these simple truths. Don't worry!" Fang Zhiqiang looked at Wang Yaxin's polite manner, and immediately said so. Said.

When Wang Yaxin heard the words, she turned her head and smiled, and then continued: "You are here in a hurry, and you don't have any clothes with you. Go and buy two later."

"Why do I have to buy clothes? Isn't my clothes quite formal?" Fang Zhiqiang looked at his clothes up and down. The semi-casual outfit did not make Fang Zhiqiang feel anything wrong. After all, he was not here to do business. Up.

"Early education institutions pay much attention to etiquette. Your outfit will make people feel that you are not sincere enough. This is not a good thing for us." Wang Yaxin explained again.

"What do you want to wear then?" Fang Zhiqiang continued to ask.

"A suit and a bow tie." Wang Yaxin said briefly.

"It's too... be particular, it's so troublesome to go to school? Then every time I go to school, do I have to dress so formal?" Fang Zhiqiang said with a puzzled look.

Wang Yaxin did not answer when he heard the words, but just nodded silently.

Fang Zhiqiang once again noticed Wang Yaxin's dress. Although it is the early spring season, even if it is a little warmer here, if it is in the territory, at this temperature, at least trousers should be worn, but Wang Yaxin is wearing a skirt.

"Your skirt is also etiquette?" Fang Zhiqiang was puzzled. After staring for a while, he asked.

Wang Yaxin smiled and replied without hesitation: "Yes."

Fang Zhiqiang rubbed his forehead helplessly. If he had known this a long time ago, he would bring more clothes when he came. There are several sets of suits at home, so just bring one casually. It doesn't need to be so troublesome.

"What? You don't want me to buy clothes for you?" Wang Yaxin seemed to have noticed Fang Zhiqiang's tangled emotions and asked immediately.

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