My Best Wife

Chapter 2343: Little adult

Immediately, Li Xiaoxiao called Fang Zhiqiang.

At this moment, Fang Zhiqiang, who was sitting at the table in a daze, suddenly received a call from Li Xiaoxiao, and then he realized that he had just asked Li Xiaoxiao to call himself back, and he had even forgotten it.

"Xiaoxiao, where are you?" Fang Zhiqiang asked in a panic.

"In the group, I'm a bit busy today, and I'm still working overtime now, what's the matter?" Li Xiaoxiao deliberately made her tone sound normal.

Fang Zhiqiang finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, just like what Bi Luochun and the others said.

"That's good, I have arrived, but I am a little worried, so I call to ask."

Fang Zhiqiang's tone immediately relaxed, and he spoke.

"Well, when you get there, pay attention to safety and call whenever you want." Li Xiaoxiao said in a soft tone again.

She couldn't help her feelings about Fang Zhiqiang. She knew that this was not good and would make her think wildly. But today Mingda had such a big event, she still couldn't help thinking about Fang Zhiqiang in her mind, which made her almost It's about to collapse.

I thought that as long as he was busy, he would be able to reduce this feeling, but now it seems that all this seems to be in vain, and he keeps lingering back and forth in his mind, no matter how hard he tries to get rid of his shadow , It has never been possible.

"Everything is fine for Mingda?" Except for Li Xiaoxiao, Fang Zhiqiang's most concern is naturally Mingda's situation. This is what he must ask.

"Very good, the sales of the previous batch of improved products are very good, and the new products are also under intense preparations. Don't worry." Since Li Xiaoxiao has decided to deceive Fang Zhiqiang, she will naturally deceive all the time. Will not miss a word.

The bald head on the side kept listening to Li Xiaoxiao's words. At this moment, he also shook his head helplessly. Although he still felt that Fang Zhiqiang should know all this in his heart, but since Li Xiaoxiao didn't want Fang Zhiqiang to know, he would naturally not call. Tell Fang Zhiqiang all this.

It's just that he always felt a little awkward in his heart. If this matter is not let Fang Zhiqiang know, there will be more serious consequences.

When Fang Zhiqiang listened to Li Xiaoxiao's words, he was relieved.

"You can do your own business at ease, and remember to tell me when you are done, I will pick you up at the airport when you come back." Li Xiaoxiao said very softly.

Today is the first night that Fang Zhiqiang left. The night has come. Li Xiaoxiao's heart is right at the time of cranky thinking, and the ability to hear Fang Zhiqiang's voice at this time is also a kind of spiritual comfort for Li Xiaoxiao. At least she thinks so.

Fang Zhiqiang readily agreed, and when the phone was hung up, both sides were a little reluctant.

At this moment, Wang Yaxin walked out of the room again and saw Fang Zhiqiang making a call. She swallowed back what she had originally wanted to say.

Seeing Wang Yaxin coming out, Fang Zhiqiang hung up the phone, then looked at Wang Yaxin and said, "Aren't you going to sleep? Why are you coming out again?"

"If you don't arrange it, how do I sleep?" Wang Yaxin looked at Fang Zhiqiang with a helpless smile, and said.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Yaxin looked at Sister Zhang again, and when she was about to speak, Sister Zhang took the lead and said: "I'm still sleeping on the sofa. Recently I have been sleeping on the sofa and I am used to it."

Sister Zhang is naturally familiar with Wang Yaxin's house. There are only two bedrooms. One belongs to Wang Yaxin and Wang Xinsheng, and the other belongs to Wang Jingyu.

Upon hearing this, Wang Yaxin also smiled, and then said: "How embarrassed then?"

"What's the embarrassment? It's not that you haven't slept on the sofa, so don't worry."

Sister Zhang walked to the bathroom to prepare to wash while talking. Naturally, she knew that Wang Yaxin's remarks were just polite.

Although Wang Yaxin and her are indeed as close as sisters, after all, they are not the same kind of people. If you let yourself go to sleep with Wang Yaxin, Wang Yaxin will be particularly uncomfortable. After all, in her eyes, she is just a dirty woman at work. '.

Sister Zhang has always been aware of it, so she will not take the initiative to cross that line, and always adhere to her bottom line and principles. This is what Wang Yaxin has always admired for her.

The remaining Fang Zhiqiang still stood in the living room blankly, waiting for Wang Yaxin's arrangement.

"What are you doing in a daze?" Wang Yaxin looked at Fang Zhiqiang with a blank face, and said helplessly.

"I'm waiting for your arrangement." Fang Zhiqiang said with an innocent look.

"What is the arrangement? Sister Zhang said that you are sleeping on the sofa, so naturally you are sleeping in the room." Wang Yaxin immediately continued with a helpless expression.

"Room? Which room?" Fang Zhiqiang still looked blank.

"Naturally...Xiaoyu's room...what do you think?" Wang Yaxin's eyes flickered instantly, recalling that because of Wang Jingyu, she and Fang Zhiqiang had been in the same bed at the beginning, and the two of them were in the same bed. The relationship between the two began at that time.

Looking back now, all this has become so dreamy, but it seems to have happened yesterday.

But Wang Yaxin knew that all this was gone forever.

"Oh..." Fang Zhiqiang reacted, then nodded, and sat back on the sofa again.

After Sister Zhang finished washing, Fang Zhiqiang went for a simple wash, and then walked to Wang Jingyu's room.

Wang Jingyu had already gone to bed at this moment, and heard the footsteps of Fang Zhiqiang coming from outside the door, he deliberately closed his eyes to make himself look like he was asleep, because he didn't know how to face Fang Zhiqiang.

He knew very well that deep down in his heart, Fang Zhiqiang no longer had the slightest hatred, and some were just misses.

If Fang Zhiqiang really intends to stay with them this time, Xiaoyu will definitely be able to get in touch with Fang Zhiqiang immediately, just like he used to.

However, the result was not what he wanted, so he didn't know how to face Fang Zhiqiang.

Fang Zhiqiang has already walked in, and the light hasn't been turned off. Xiaoyu left it specially for Fang Zhiqiang.

Fang Zhiqiang glanced at Wang Jingyu, who closed his eyes on the bed, and his expression was suddenly tangled.

Obviously, Xiaoyu didn't fall asleep at all. He had just entered the room, and Fang Zhiqiang could clearly see that his eyelashes were shaking constantly. This is one of the most obvious characteristics of a person pretending to be asleep.

However, Fang Zhiqiang did not say anything, even if Xiaoyu wanted to pretend to sleep, he naturally didn't need to disturb him.

When going to bed, Fang Zhiqiang deliberately did not make any movement, lying on the side quietly, silently closing his eyes, ready to fall asleep.

However, perhaps because of a strange environment, or perhaps because of people lying beside him who had experienced so many with him, Fang Zhiqiang couldn't sleep.

He is not the only one who can't fall asleep, Xiaoyu beside him can't fall asleep either.

Both of them turned over several times very cautiously during the period. At this moment, Xiaoyu finally couldn't help it.

He turned over again, staring at Fang Zhiqiang's profile. After watching for a long time, he suddenly said: "Qianzi, can't you go?"

Xiaoyu's voice suddenly sounded in such a quiet environment, causing Fang Zhiqiang to open his eyes instantly.

He turned his head, looked at Xiaoyu’s sincere expression, pondered for a moment, but smiled helplessly, and then said: "Xiaoyu, do you remember I told you before, waiting for you to grow up? , I understand many things between adults."

"I have grown up now, and I know that my mother still loves you. She wants to be with you, but because of her face, she didn't tell you the truth. I know she wants to be with you for a long time every day. Stay together, otherwise, I wouldn't have a sister Xinsheng, right?"

Xiaoyu's words surprised Fang Zhiqiang.

Before, Xiaoyu had shown maturity beyond his peers, and this is still the case now.

His words sounded exactly like what an adult had said. Fang Zhiqiang was stunned for a moment, his eyes began to dodge subconsciously, and he dared not look at Xiaoyu's adult-like eyes.

"I also know that you are reluctant to part with your home and my beautiful aunt, she is a very good woman, and I don't want to separate you, but Qiangzi, I really want you to be with us! "

Xiaoyu looked at Fang Zhiqiang's dodge gaze, but continued to speak.

Now that he has decided to speak, he naturally wants to speak out what is in his heart, at least to let Fang Zhiqiang know that Wang Jingyu has never forgotten him, and forgotten his kindness to him.

"Xiaoyu, what did your mother tell you?" Fang Zhiqiang didn't know how he should answer, but he was very curious about what Wang Yaxin thought about this, so he asked.

When Fang Zhiqiang's words fell, Wang Jingyu's gaze slowly turned away, becoming a little apathetic.

"What's the matter?" Fang Zhiqiang looked at the strange Xiaoyu and asked.

"Qiangzi, you have changed." Xiaoyu said softly without focus without knowing where to stare.

"Where has it changed?" Fang Zhiqiang looked blank.

"You used to be like a kid." Xiaoyu raised his eyelids again and stared at Fang Zhiqiang intently. When he said something, Fang Zhiqiang was once again stunned.

"I...I didn't treat you as a child..." Fang Zhiqiang said hesitantly.

"You ask me, how did my mother tell me, don't you just want to know what my mother thinks? I know, I know, but I won't tell you." After Xiaoyu finished speaking, suddenly He turned around and stopped looking at Fang Zhiqiang.

Fang Zhiqiang still couldn't figure it out, and continued to ask, "Why?"

"If you want to know, just ask my mother. I won't be a microphone between you. I've been doing this for so long and I'm tired. If you still think of me as a child who doesn't understand anything. , You shouldn’t ask me such things. Even if I say it, it may not be my mother’s true thoughts.”

After Xiaoyu finished speaking, he sighed, and finally said two words again: "Sleep."

Fang Zhiqiang stared at the ceiling blankly. Xiaoyu's words were completely like an adult, but Fang Zhiqiang felt a little guilty.

I just asked Xiaoyu, I really wanted to know what Wang Yaxin thought.

And Xiaoyu's answer also made Fang Zhiqiang blush. Xiaoyu was right. If you want to know what Wang Yaxin thinks, you should ask Wang Yaxin directly.

However, Fang Zhiqiang didn't think so in his heart. He just wanted to know why Xiaoyu had such an idea, and if it was because of Wang Yaxin.

But now it seems that this question, I don't seem to be able to get an answer from Xiaoyu.

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