My Best Wife

Chapter 2322: set off

"When you get there, pay attention to your body. You will not be used to eating and drinking. You can bring a little when you leave." Li Xiaoxiao gently stroked Fang Zhiqiang's head and said softly, with a choked voice in his voice. Fang Zhiqiang couldn't help tearing his eyes.

Both of them knew very well what the difference this time meant. No matter how hard Li Yonggui tried to make them ridiculous, none of them could do this.

They all know that as long as Fang Zhiqiang goes to Australia, there will be a crack in their relationship.

"Qiangzi, I want to feel your gentleness for the last time." Li Xiaoxiao's hands suddenly held Fang Zhiqiang's face. The night was dark. Although she could not see very clearly, she still stared at Fang Zhiqiang's face intently. Said.

Hearing this, Fang Zhiqiang felt that his throat was particularly dry, and he almost couldn't help crying, so he raised his hand gently, and gently moved away on Li Xiaoxiao's back.

Once upon a time, this was the most beautiful moment, but for Li Xiaoxiao at this moment, feeling such a beauty, the tears in his eyes couldn't help but flow down.

Fang Zhiqiang's free palm trembled slightly, as if he couldn't hold the years that were about to slip away, and it seemed that he couldn't hold the sand that he tried to keep.

The two tossed around all night.

The next day it was Li Xiaoxiao who got up first. Fang Zhiqiang, the sleepless man, did not get up. He watched Li Xiaoxiao walk out of the bedroom from in front of him, and Fang Zhiqiang reluctantly closed his eyes again.

The moment Li Xiaoxiao turned around, the smile she left was perhaps the last touch of tenderness she left to herself.

"Xiaoxiao, why don't you have breakfast!" After a while, Fang Zhiqiang heard a sound from outside, and then Li Xiaoxiao opened the door and left.

Fang Zhiqiang didn't hesitate anymore. He got up and looked at Xiao Ai Li, who had not yet woken up. When he walked out of the bedroom, he saw the puzzled Xiao Ma.

"Zhiqiang, aren't the two of you already well? Xiaoxiao looks like, why is the situation so wrong?" Xiaoma asked Fang Zhiqiang with a puzzled look.

Just before Li Xiaoxiao left, not only did she fail to answer Xiaoma's question, Xiaoma even saw that there was a trace of tears hanging on her cheek.

"Where is my dad?" Fang Zhiqiang did not answer Xiao Ma's question, but asked so.

"In the living room, what's the matter?" Xiaoma looked back at the living room, still confused.

Fang Zhiqiang didn't hesitate to face the living room and saw Li Yonggui sitting motionless on the sofa in the living room, Fang Zhiqiang also sat down slowly.

"Dad, thank you for what you said yesterday, and thank you for being responsible for us, but this matter, anyway, will not be useful." Fang Zhiqiang looked at the coffee table in front of him instead of directly looking at Li Yonggui , The voice said neither fast nor slow.

Li Yonggui was stunned when he heard the words, and then he sighed slightly and said disapprovingly: "I can't manage that much. I just have to use this method. I have already used it. No matter how bad it is, I have tried my best. It's natural!"

At that time, Fang Zhiqiang's phone rang. Not surprisingly, Fang Zhiqiang's call was made by Wang Yaxin.

"Everything is ready, let's go." On the other end of the phone, Wang Yaxin said in a hurry.

For her, today is an important day.

The same is true for Fang Zhiqiang.

However, the two are not the same.

When Fang Zhiqiang looked back again, Li Yonggui also looked towards Fang Zhiqiang.

The two men looked at each other, but did not say a word.

At this moment Xiaoma also came slowly, looking at Fang Zhiqiang who was about to get up, she couldn't help but said: "Zhiqiang, don't forget your father's instructions to you, our family, can't stand anything. What a mess..."

Xiaoma's words were full of helplessness, even begging.

All because Li Xiaoxiao is their only daughter. Now they are old. If there is any mistake in Li Xiaoxiao's life, they are also poor. Therefore, they can only put all their hopes on Fang Zhiqiang, and hope that Fang Zhiqiang is them. The person who wished in his heart also hoped that Fang Zhiqiang could hold onto his original aspirations for Li Xiaoxiao and persist to the end.

Of course, hope is nothing that has not happened. What will happen to Fang Zhiqiang, and whether Li Xiaoxiao will be in trouble again? Not to mention Li Yonggui and his wife. Even Fang Zhiqiang can't fully guarantee at this moment.

I used to think about sticking to my heart, but in the past 30 years, Fang Zhiqiang has seen too many people who follow the trend, and he has also become accustomed to the warmth and coldness of people.

In this world, the only constant is that it keeps changing.

"I am leaving."

Fang Zhiqiang didn't make any promises. After saying these three words, he turned around and went to the door.

Xiao Ma and Li Yonggui who stayed behind looked at Xiao Ai Li chasing out of the bedroom with a face full of helplessness. Life is full of choices. One step is wrong, then one step is wrong.

If Fang Zhiqiang really made the wrong decision this time, they would be helpless. Even if they didn't want to let their fate, they couldn't be determined.

Helpless, entangled, and at a loss, making Xiaoma's heart a mess, Li Yonggui looked calm as water, his confidence in Fang Zhiqiang was greater.

As he left, Fang Zhiqiang looked back again and glanced at the house number.

I have lived here for almost a month. During this period, I got along with Li Xiaoxiao's parents very well. To be honest, Fang Zhiqiang sometimes really imagined that they were his biological parents.

If so, when you are in front of them, you no longer need to conceal it, and you can tell all of what you really want in your heart. Isn't it a kind of happiness? Isn't it a relief?

However, now, no one can complain about the entanglement in his heart, and no one wants to listen to it. He suffers silently, suffering, sadness, and helplessness, making Fang Zhiqiang's emotions difficult to calm for a long time.

After all, Wang Yaxin is the woman she once loved deeply. Seeing her not living well now, Fang Zhiqiang will inevitably affect compassion.

After all, Wang Yaxin is different from the original Nie Qian. She has never turned her back on herself. Even after being hurt by herself, she still chooses to help herself through the difficulties again and again without compensation. For a woman, what kind of heart is needed?

Li Xiaoxiao, after all, is the wife of her own hair now. She used to pay too much for herself. If she really betrayed her conscience, how could she feel at ease even if others could not see it?

The world is difficult to do, and Fang Zhiqiang always uses this to comfort him. Today, he is happy enough that he should not ask for anything.

Kexin, but always can't control it. When it's time to fly, it won't follow the arrangement.

What's more, there is another Wang Xinsheng that Fang Zhiqiang is worried about now. When he hears that it is Wang Xinsheng, Fang Zhiqiang can no longer control his restless heart, knowing that he has no reason to refuse, and he has no ability to refuse.

There is no way to go except that one.

Therefore, the final decision was not made on impulse, but by fate.

Fang Zhiqiang, who had never believed in fate, was a little compromised at this moment. Could it be that the Peach Blossom Tribulation that the man said back then really kept surrounding him?

Life is long and the road ahead is long. Fang Zhiqiang can't see where he will go, where he will go, and where he will go.

Fang Zhiqiang once remembered that he had read a sentence: Plans are all for sabotage, and without a plan, there will be no mistakes.

At that time, Fang Zhiqiang did not agree with this sentence at all, thinking that it was a negative energy used to deceive people.

But now, this sentence has been confirmed again.

I have planned for so long, but I just want to live a good life with Li Xiaoxiao. I exchange positions with her, hoping to better consider each other.

Of course, both of them did it, and the relationship seems to be getting better.

Can be planned, can't keep up with changes.

This sudden incident, which Fang Zhiqiang was unable to refuse, changed all his previous plans.

Thinking too much is useless, Fang Zhiqiang shook his head and stopped thinking about it. Since the plan is useless, he didn't plan, let everything go as it should be, but see if the boat at the bridgehead will be straight.

At the airport, Fang Zhiqiang met Wang Yaxin who was already prepared.

Seeing Fang Zhiqiang's figure, Wang Yaxin couldn't help but smile. While beckoning to Fang Zhiqiang, he said, "I thought you wouldn't be coming!"

Fang Zhiqiang was expressionless, and when he walked to Wang Yaxin's side, he opened his mouth and said, "I don't have any clothes. I need to go and get back quickly."

Seeing such indifferent Fang Zhiqiang, Wang Yaxin didn't change her face. She had already thought of this. Even if Fang Zhiqiang could come, for her, even if it was a great surprise, she naturally did not dare to ask for anything else.

What's more, she also knew how much courage and effort Fang Zhiqiang took to make such a decision this time. Therefore, no matter what Fang Zhiqiang's attitude was, Wang Yaxin could accept it.

"Let's go, wait inside." After Wang Yaxin pondered for a moment, he made a'please' gesture to Fang Zhiqiang and said.

Fang Zhiqiang glanced at her, then walked to the terminal.

It's not that Fang Zhiqiang is indifferent, but he is afraid of Wang Yaxin's eyes, afraid that he will face her.

At that time, Fang Zhiqiang always felt as uncomfortable as a hundred insects. His reason told himself that he should not go beyond the rules, and his sensibility told himself that all idealism is right.

After experiencing so many similar tortures, Fang Zhiqiang understood that if he wanted not to make him feel uncomfortable, he just avoided everything that might make him feel uncomfortable.

For example, face her eyes.

Wang Yaxin's eyes seemed to be magical, which could make Fang Zhiqiang instantly confused. No matter what or when, as long as Wang Yaxin's eyes were facing each other, Fang Zhiqiang would be confused.

In the past, relying on his tenacious perseverance, Fang Zhiqiang supported him until now, even deliberately indifferent to her, wanting to reduce that feeling.

But now, Fang Zhiqiang found that no matter how hard he tried to reduce it, as long as his heart didn't stop beating, he would never be able to control where it meant.

Therefore, Fang Zhiqiang wanted to reduce the time and opportunities for negotiating with Wang Yaxin. Even if he had to meet, he would not talk to her much. This feeling of restraint is an uncomfortable experience, and even makes the market linger and collapse. edge.

But in Fang Zhiqiang's heart, I only hope that I can be worthy of Li Xiaoxiao, worthy of the promise he once made, if only this is the case, he can't do it, even Fang Zhiqiang himself looks down on himself.

What else can a man who can't control his emotions control?

This is Li Yonggui's instruction from Fang Zhiqiang, and Fang Zhiqiang at this moment agrees very much.

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