My Best Wife

Chapter 2321: like a child

After entering the bedroom, Fang Zhiqiang saw Li Xiaoxiao squatting on the ground to play with Xiao Ai Li. Fang Zhiqiang did not step up to bother him. He went to the bathroom and took a towel with hot water. He handed it to Li Xiaoxiao and said, "I just came back. , Wipe your face."

Li Xiaoxiao was stunned, then took the towel in Fang Zhiqiang's hand and wiped his face lightly, but did not speak.

At the same time, Xiaoma in the other room looked at Li Yonggui helplessly and asked, "What happened to you just now? It scared the children."

"If young people are afraid of being scared, how can they grow up like this?" Li Yonggui retorted immediately.

"Then you can't..."

"Okay, isn't there no way I can do it? You have heard that their affairs are so complicated. If it weren't for me, I still don't know what happened between them. At least for now, you and I I understand what the root knot between the two of them is."

Li Yonggui interrupted Xiao Ma and explained.

"But you just said Zhiqiang's words, it was too cruel." Xiao Ma continued.

"He has done shameful things himself, can't let people say it?" Li Yonggui said with a disapproving expression.

"You..." Xiao Ma was also helpless.

"Oh, how can Zhiqiang manage Mingda so well? How could he not even be able to turn his mind at this point? How could he not know what he did, how can I say he has to take it! You treat him What's wrong with your resistance?"

Li Yonggui continued to explain helplessly. It seemed that he was very at ease with Fang Zhiqiang. Especially after the last incident, he and Fang Zhiqiang reached a certain consensus. Whenever they experienced such things, two people seemed They are all in a spirited spirit.

"Zhiqiang's mistake is not a big mistake. Didn't you understand everything just now? It's all excusable, and you didn't explain it to the child. What if the child is really crazy about it?" Xiaoma Still worried, since she married Li Xiaoxiao, her view of Fang Zhiqiang is getting better and better, and now even if she knows the past of Fang Zhiqiang, she still doesn't feel unforgivable.

Li Yonggui heard this and immediately said: "I don't care if he is forgiven, as long as he does those things, he will have to bear the price. I just said a few words about him. This is light enough. If it were me My son, I have called 800 times long ago!" Li Yonggui said without hesitation.

"Come on, you! You still want to beat your son with your bones now? Even if your son doesn't beat you, you will burn a lot of incense!" Xiaoma couldn't help joking after hearing this.

"Hey, but to be serious, do you have to find time to make it clear to Zhiqiang? After all, the child hasn't seen you lose your temper very much. What if you are serious, what should you do if you have a grudge with us?" Said seriously again.

"I said you can't worry so much a day? I said it's okay. Zhiqiang is not a person who can't stand the wind and frost. A few words of mine can make him frown like Lin Daiyu. ?" Li Yonggui said disapprovingly again.

"You..." Seeing that she couldn't control her, the helpless Xiao Ma simply lay down without saying so many useless words.

"It doesn't matter if he takes it seriously, at least this time I go to Australia, he shouldn't do anything inconsistent with that woman again." And Li Yonggui was still staring at the ceiling at this moment, muttering to himself. Tao.

Naturally, Xiaoma heard clearly, and then she turned her head again and looked at Li Yonggui and said: "You are right to say this, but you say, Xiaoxiao can she react?"

"Is there any reaction? Even if I am still unhappy, I shouldn't have trouble with Zhiqiang anymore. I understand what I said. If you want to get through, you have to think of a way. You can't make the noise every day. Right?" Li Yonggui said solemnly again.

"Hey... I really want to live my life for the child..." Xiao Ma sighed again, then lay down again.

In Li Xiaoxiao's room, Fang Zhiqiang took Xiao Ai Li at the moment, waiting for Li Xiaoxiao to finish washing.

After a while, Li Xiaoxiao went back to bed.

After Fang Zhiqiang put Xiao Ai Li away, he stood on the ground and stared at Li Xiaoxiao and said, "After I come back, shall we go home?"

Li Xiaoxiao was taken aback when he heard the words. He has been living here all this time, and it feels good. It is also very convenient for his parents to take care of Xiao Ai Li, and Li Xiaoxiao really doesn't want to go home.

But today is obviously different from the past. Fang Zhiqiang suddenly said this sentence, and after making Li Xiaoxiao stunned for a while, he thought of hearing the words his father Fang Zhiqiang said when he first came back.

Li Xiaoxiao suddenly felt that Fang Zhiqiang should have gone to his heart, his self-esteem was so strong, those words really hit him too much.

"Why go home?" Li Xiaoxiao didn't look directly at Fang Zhiqiang, turned her back, and asked softly.

"Living here for such a long time has caused a lot of inconvenience to our parents, especially since we have been making trouble lately, which made our parents worry too, so it is better to go home.

Fang Zhiqiang explained in a hurry.

"Do you think that you are not used to living here?" Li Xiaoxiao obviously knew that Fang Zhiqiang did not fully tell the truth. Since he was unwilling to speak, he would speak for him.

"No, I live well." Fang Zhiqiang denied.

Li Xiaoxiao turned around, staring at Fang Zhiqiang intently, and continued to ask: "Did our dad make you unhappy tonight?"

"Hey! Our dad is doing it to make the two of us live well, and what our dad said is really fine." Fang Zhiqiang waved his hand disapprovingly.

"There is nothing wrong with it? Even you admit that when you chose me, was it because of my family background?" Li Xiaoxiao asked without delay.

Fang Zhiqiang was stunned, and the expression on his face became solemn. At this point, he would not admit that Fang Zhiqiang was killed.

"You just said that, my dad only said those things to make the two of us get better. If you have to go to the top, aren't you asking for wrongs?" Li Xiaoxiao looked at the silent Fang Zhiqiang and continued.

"Since my dad can say that, there must be a reason. Thinking about it carefully, in the eyes of others, it may indeed be the way to see me, but I didn't notice it."

Fang Zhiqiang also said what was in his heart.

Li Xiaoxiao looked at Fang Zhiqiang who was still standing on the ground, and immediately waved.

Fang Zhiqiang was stunned and took a step forward.

"Come up." Li Xiaoxiao said softly again.

Fang Zhiqiang's heart suddenly softened.

Li Xiaoxiao naturally could see that the man in front of him was weak, sensitive and wronged at this time.

Men seldom have this kind of time, and now Fang Zhiqiang looks like this, so Li Xiaoxiao can't help but want to feel sorry for him.

At least Li Xiaoxiao knew that Fang Zhiqiang was not like what his father said just now.

After Fang Zhiqiang came up, Li Xiaoxiao's palm gently slid across his head, like his own child.

"Qiangzi, you know that I am angry because I love you too much. I don’t need others to comment on what kind of person you are. As long as there is no contradiction between the two of us, he can be completely relieved, so you don't need to take his words to heart."

With Li Xiaoxiao's soft words, Fang Zhiqiang couldn't help but melt away again.

Women are born with motherhood.

For men, the growth is not big.

Even Fang Zhiqiang now has a time like a child.

Such as this moment.

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