My Best Wife

Chapter 2317: On departure (two)

After talking to the family in general, Li Xiaoxiao went to the group without staying. She also didn't want to stay at home all the time. In front of her parents, it was very tiring to pretend like this all the time.

After Fang Zhiqiang finished cleaning up, he also went to the bathroom to call Wang Yaxin. Since Li Xiaoxiao and herself had cooperated to weave this lie before, naturally we must keep weaving it, so that the two elders should not see any flaws.

"Yaxin, have you decided when to leave?" Fang Zhiqiang asked first after the call was connected.

Upon hearing this, Wang Yaxin was stunned, listening to Fang Zhiqiang's tone, it seemed that he was more anxious than himself.

However, Wang Yaxin didn’t know that for Fang Zhiqiang, this period of time was so tormented. When facing Li Xiaoxiao, he was full of guilt. When facing Li Yonggui’s two elders, he had to weave one lie after another. To deceive them, for Fang Zhiqiang, it's like a year.

Therefore, Fang Zhiqiang wished to handle this matter immediately, and after returning, no matter what the result was, he would just accept it all.

"Just today, I still need to get the visa. After the ticket is booked, I will let you know." Wang Yaxin said in a hurry.

Fang Zhiqiang heard the words and said again: "Let’s make a good deal first. When we get there, everything is only needed for Xinsheng's admission."

The meaning of Fang Zhiqiang's words is very clear. Whether it is pretending to be a husband or wife or dealing with a teacher, everything is for Xin Sheng's admission. He is reminding himself not to think too much.

Wang Yaxin naturally understood, and immediately smiled and nodded, "I'm afraid you can't figure it out! It seems that your consciousness is still quite high!"

Wang Yaxin's words seemed to be in a good mood, but in fact, who would know the pain in her heart?

Fang Zhiqiang said again. When he was about to hang up, he remembered the visa that Wang Yaxin had just mentioned. He used his assistant to apply for the visa before. Now he is a civilian. This visa is still needed. Do it yourself.

"By the way, Yaxin, if I go to Australia, I have to apply for a visa. It may take a few days. I'll do it as soon as possible, and I will tell you when I am done." Fang Zhiqiang suddenly remembered this incident and said.

"No, send me your identity information, and I will handle it for you directly." Wang Yaxin said disapprovingly.

When Fang Zhiqiang heard the words, he realized that Wang Yaxin has always been a good hand when dealing with this aspect.

After hanging up the phone, Fang Zhiqiang paced back and forth in the living room. Speaking of it, he was only going to Australia for a few days, but Fang Zhiqiang always felt that he would not know when he would come back when he was gone, and even wanted to give him a reward. Luo Chun and the others all made a phone call to make a very grand farewell, but after deliberation, Fang Zhiqiang felt that this matter should not be publicized. The more people know about it, the worse it will be.

So Fang Zhiqiang still held back. Although he still doesn't know what it will be like when he arrives in Australia, Fang Zhiqiang has an inexplicable curiosity and longing in his heart.

For so long, Fang Zhiqiang hasn't been to many places. Even if he did, it was nothing more than just staying for one or two days, and there was no leisure and elegance to appreciate the local characteristics.

This time I went to Australia and went to the place where Wang Yaxin had lived for so long. Fang Zhiqiang really had so much anticipation in his heart.

However, Fang Zhiqiang believed that he should not have such expectations, which seemed to be a betrayal of Li Xiaoxiao.

And Li Xiaoxiao has also arrived at the group at this moment.

The current Mingda Group has returned to business as usual, and everyone’s work is back on track. Compared with the dark clouds of a while ago, the current Mingda looks peaceful.

However, this was originally a good thing, but for today's Li Xiaoxiao, she has no mood to take care of these, even if she is absent from work, she always runs away.

Of course she knew that it was impossible for her to do this, and even her assistant saw something was wrong with her and reminded her to rest.

Li Xiaoxiao knew very well what was wrong with him, and that incident lingered in his mind, no matter how hard he tried, it would still linger.

I originally worked so hard, on the one hand to restore Mingda’s current decline, on the other hand, I want to prove my ability to his parents, but there is also a very key aspect, because I want to help Fang Zhiqiang share the pressure, and He switched positions and was able to understand each other better.

But now, these seem to have become jokes. He has worked so hard to do what he should do, but he only cares about himself and his earlier daughters, as if he didn’t put his mind at all on him, let alone let go. In the relationship between him and himself.

These things made Li Xiaoxiao rack his brains, but couldn't think of the answer. After half a day, the work was done in a mess, and Li Xiaoxiao finally realized that he could not continue like this.

It was at this time that Bi Luochun knocked on the door and entered. It was Li Xiaoxiao's assistant who told Bi Luochun about Li Xiaoxiao's status. It was not a report or an indictment, but a concern for Li Xiaoxiao's physical condition.

After Bi Luochun came in, he looked at Li Xiaoxiao, who was frowning, and the slow manuscript paper thrown in the trash can.

Bi Luochun stepped forward slowly and looked at Li Xiaoxiao and asked softly: "What's wrong with the domineering female president?"

Listening to Bi Luochun's joking tone, Li Xiaoxiao couldn't get the slightest interest, but Bi Luochun is the president after all, Li Xiaoxiao had to smile and replied: "Ms. Bi, why are you coming in without any sound?"

"Is there no sound, or you didn't find me? I knocked at the door for half an hour! If Xiao Zhang hadn't let me in, I wouldn't dare to come in yet!"

Bi Luochun continued to say in a joking tone.

"Don't dare to come in?" Li Xiaoxiao looked at Bi Luochun blankly. He was obviously exaggerating when he said this, and Li Xiaoxiao was also puzzled.

"Yeah! Looking at your rude attitude towards manuscript paper, I am afraid that after I come in, you will be treated as manuscript paper and thrown into the trash can!" Bi Luochun glanced at the trash can on the side with a face Said in a sensational manner.

Li Xiaoxiao was finally amused by Bi Luochun, but she soon returned to seriousness again: "President Bi, are you too good at joking? I am a little executive director, what dare you give you?"

"That may be true. It is said that a woman always has so many days in a month. In case I am unlucky and just hit those few days, isn't it for you to kill?" Bi Luochun raised his eyebrows again. Continue to say.

There are only Li Xiaoxiao and assistant Xiao Zhang in Li Xiaoxiao's office, so Bi Luochun didn't pay too much attention to what he said at the moment, and he didn't have to deliberately hold the identity of his president.

And when Li Xiaoxiao heard the words, she smiled helplessly again. Bi Luochun's nonsense skill is indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"Okay, I'm not kidding you. As your boss, I have the responsibility and obligation to understand your situation and talk about it, what's the matter? I take my work so seriously!"

Bi Luochun pretended to be serious, and his voice even rose a little.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Bi, maybe because I didn't have a good rest last night, so I was in a daze. I will pay attention." Li Xiaoxiao once said that in the group, Bi Luochun is the president and he is the executive director. This identity, and Li Xiaoxiao controls his position very well.

Therefore, seeing Bi Luochun's serious question, Li Xiaoxiao also answered with a serious face.

"Did not take a good rest? That's not your lazy attitude towards work! As an employee of Mingda, if you encounter any difficulties in life, Mingda is obliged to help and advise you, so I suggest you to recruit from the ground!"

Although Bi Luochun's tone sounded a bit angry, what he said was heartwarming.

"Thank you for your concern, Mr. Bi, if you have any difficulties, I will confess to you!" Li Xiaoxiao nodded again and said.

"What? Are you planning not to speak anymore?" Bi Luochun asked helplessly as he watched Li Xiaoxiao's tight-lipped attitude.

Li Xiaoxiao smiled shyly and did not speak, but the meaning had been conveyed very clearly.

"Never mind, the designation was made by the unconscionable fellow Qiangzi! I will call him back and train him!" Bi Luochun turned around, his hands behind him looked like a righteous posture , Said.

"do not!"

Hearing Bi Luochun's words, Li Xiaoxiao suddenly shouted in a panic.

"Why?" Bi Luochun turned back, looked at Li Xiaoxiao's somewhat panic expression again, and asked.

"There is no why, in short, just don't ask." Li Xiaoxiao noticed that he seemed to be a little gaffe, and said quickly.

"Oh..." Bi Luochun nodded pretentiously, and then said with a smirk: "I involves men's privacy, right? You don't want me to hurt Qiangzi's self-esteem, right? To understanding……"

Bi Luochun, who is not doing well, made Li Xiaoxiao blush immediately when he said this, but after speaking, he went away. Li Xiaoxiao also breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Bi Luochun didn’t call Fang Zhiqiang, Just don't ask Fang Zhiqiang what is going on.

Li Xiaoxiao didn't want to let anyone else know about this. After all, this is not a glorious thing. Once it spreads, it will be bad for anyone.

Moreover, Li Xiaoxiao didn't want Fang Zhiqiang to know that he was in such a state in the group. Since he had promised to let him go, he simply and completely agreed, and if any trouble arises, it will become more and more troublesome.

After Bi Luochun walked out of Li Xiaoxiao's office, the smile on his face disappeared.

He could naturally see that Li Xiaoxiao did have something to worry about, especially since she had just told herself that she must not call Fang Zhiqiang to ask what was going on, which made Bi Luochun feel more uneasy.

In Bi Luochun's view, it seems that Fang Zhiqiang and Li Xiaoxiao have been in constant conflict recently, so Bi Luochun has always been worried.

Thinking like this in his heart, after walking around a corner, Bi Luochun called Fang Zhiqiang.

When Fang Zhiqiang at home saw the caller ID, he frowned helplessly. He held back and didn't call him, but he took the initiative to call, so he said or not?

Fang Zhiqiang answered the call with some entanglement.

"Qiangzi, Xiaoxiao's situation is very wrong, what happened to you?"

Bi Luochun asked straightforwardly in the first sentence.

"What's the matter? Good." Fang Zhiqiang said disapprovingly.

"What's the situation with the two of you? Why aren't there anyone telling the truth? Can't you take me as a brother?" Bi Luochun suddenly said angrily.

In any case, Li Xiaoxiao is a woman, she doesn't want to say that it is not a problem that she has been pestering her there, but Fang Zhiqiang is different, and Bi Luochun can ask casually.

"It's okay for you to care about so much what you are doing? It seems that you are quite free at Mingda!" Fang Zhiqiang continued coldly.

"My daughter-in-law and her soul are gone, are you still here to tell me a joke? Okay, since you don't care about it, then I'm still doing so much!" After Bi Luochun finished speaking, he prepared hang up the phone.

"Speak clearly!" Fang Zhiqiang naturally couldn't ignore it. Hearing what Bi Luochun said so severely, Fang Zhiqiang immediately became worried.

"What do you say clearly? Xiaoxiao was in a bad state today, she was in a mess at work, she seemed to be out of her mind, she didn't say anything when asked her, and you didn't say anything about you, you two are quite in agreement! Externally, right?" There are indeed enough things about Mingda. Why does Bi Luochun take care of these meddling things? Of course it was because the opponent was Fang Zhiqiang.

"It's nothing, it's just these two days, I'm going out for a while." Finally, Fang Zhiqiang said it.

"Go out? Where?" Bi Luochun asked curiously.

"Australia." Fang Zhiqiang replied without hesitation.

Hearing the word ‘Australia’, Bi Luochun was taken aback, and after a moment of indulgence, he seemed to understand what was going on.

Immediately he stopped talking, just sighed for a long time, and then said: "Strong son, strong son, I think you will not be able to escape this peach blossom robbery in your life! Do it yourself, this kind of thing Son, brother, I can't help much, so please ask yourself!"

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