My Best Wife

Chapter 2316: On departure

When she came to Wang Xia's ward, Wang Xia was already sitting up, staring at the door intently, waiting for Wang Yaxin's figure.

Seeing Wang Yaxin coming in, Wang Xia immediately couldn't wait to ask: "Why did the strong son go to Australia with you? Don't you tell me clearly, after you leave, I will still be anxious, why should you let me do this? How uncomfortable?"

When Wang Yaxin heard the words, he didn't rush or slow down, and whispered to Lin Shan behind him: "You go back first, I may have a longer time."

When Lin Shan heard this, she could clearly hear that she was pushing her away. She was not the same as Wang Xia. Although she was also concerned about Wang Yaxin's condition, she would not force her for things that Wang Yaxin did not want her to know.

After Lin Shan left, Wang Yaxin looked at Xiaoya next to Wang Xia's bed again.

Xiaoya naturally understood what Wang Yaxin meant, and Wang Xia had always watched this scene with a face of confusion. After Xiaoya had also left, Wang Xia looked at Wang Yaxin again and said in an incredulous tone: " It's not Sister Yaxin, are you stabbing a hole in the sky or something?"

Indeed, Wang Xia has never seen Wang Yaxin so cautious, and this time, watching Wang Yaxin's every move, Wang Xia can already see that this is not a trivial matter.

This is also natural. Even Fang Zhiqiang will go to Australia with Wang Yaxin. Obviously it will not be a trivial matter.

"Xiaoxia, in fact, you don't need to know at all, but if you have to know, I won't hide it from you." Wang Yaxin sat beside Wang Xia, gently lifted Wang Xia's palm, and said seriously.

"Say it quickly, I'm almost anxious!" Wang Xia said impatiently.

"Xin Sheng went to school..."

It was almost twelve o'clock at midnight.

Fang Zhiqiang and Li Xiaoxiao on the bed are back to back, but no one can sleep. This night is destined to be long, as if the morning sun of tomorrow is asleep.

Xiao Ai Li lay on Li Xiaoxiao’s side, sleeping soundly in Li Xiaoxiao’s arms, Fang Zhiqiang and Li Xiaoxiao both listened to Xiao Ai Li’s breathing, and the thoughts in the hearts of the two finally gathered at this moment. Come together.


This is the bridge between Fang Zhiqiang and Li Xiaoxiao. If there is no existence of Xiao Ai Li, this incident may be enough to make Fang Zhiqiang and Li Xiaoxiao part ways. Li Xiaoxiao can't stand such things, let alone Fang Zhiqiang's. Unexplained attitude.

Women’s thinking is often different from men’s. In Fang Zhiqiang’s view, not explaining himself is an acknowledgment of mistakes, but in Li Xiaoxiao’s view, Fang Zhiqiang doesn’t know what he thinks at all, even a nice sentence. Will not say anything.

However, she has long been used to this, and she has a very thorough understanding of Fang Zhiqiang's virtue after being with Fang Zhiqiang for so long.

For her now, because of Xiao Ai Li, she will not give up this relationship easily. If she is not a last resort, she will naturally not take the last step.

However, this still can't stop the idea that emerged in her heart. Although children are a bridge of love, if this continues, one day, the bridge will be broken, and love will be broken. At that time, whether there are children or not. , Maybe there is only the last way left for two people.

Fang Zhiqiang's heartbeat seemed to be very steady, as if nothing had happened, but he knew very well that he was restraining his gradually accelerating breathing at this moment.

Several times, he wanted to speak, because Li Xiaoxiao still had to go to work tomorrow, and he and her would only be able to meet at night, perhaps he would leave tomorrow, so before leaving, Fang Zhiqiang wanted to talk to Li Xiaoxiao again.

However, after several attempts, they failed to summon the courage in the end. Fang Zhiqiang knew how Li Xiaoxiao was feeling now. No matter how much she said at this time, she just felt that she was annoying. In fact, she couldn't change anything. result.

I should go to Australia, and I will go too. The knot in Li Xiaoxiao's heart will not be opened either. There will eventually be a crack in the relationship between herself and her.

Fang Zhiqiang did not make any excuses for himself, even if it was an excuse like "for the biological daughter of Xinsheng" Fang Zhiqiang never thought about it, at least when facing Li Xiaoxiao, he couldn't find any excuses, just do it himself Wrong, the wrong one is out of control!

Because it was at his parents' house, Li Xiaoxiao didn't want to affect his parents, let alone worry about them, so the two of them didn't speak loudly this night. Although Xiao's mother was aware of it at the beginning, they calmed down later.

Soon, the whole night passed. Li Xiaoxiao didn't know when she fell asleep last night. She only knew that when she was awakened by the alarm clock, she frowned very irritably.

Some people say that if you want to know how a person feels, it depends on the moment TA wakes up in the morning.

After being with Fang Zhiqiang, Li Xiaoxiao has noticed many times. Many times when she woke up in the morning, she frowned. Of course, many times she smiled happily.

However, before being with Fang Zhiqiang, I had never been such a person with such uncertain emotions. At that time, I seemed carefree, as if I only needed to think about how to make my life happier every day.

At this moment, Li Xiaoxiao began to wonder whether he was right or wrong with Fang Zhiqiang?

If it is right, why do you not have so much happiness than before?

But if it is wrong, why, many times with him, there will be the kind of happiness that no one can give him?

Shaking his head, Li Xiaoxiao stopped struggling with this problem, turned his head and glanced at Xiao Ai Li who was about to wake up, Li Xiao Xiao quickly got up, after washing, waited for Xiao Ai Li to walk out of the bedroom.

After walking out, I saw Fang Zhiqiang walking towards the dining table carrying food from the kitchen.

"Wake up? Eat quickly!" Fang Zhiqiang said with a smile looking at Li Xiaoxiao.

When Li Xiaoxiao saw this, the two of them immediately tacitly agreed, then smiled, and then stepped forward.

When Xiaoma watched this scene, she frowned in confusion. She clearly heard Li Xiaoxiao's voice last night, as if they were arguing, but now it seems that the two of them are in good condition! Is it my own illusion? Or are they still acting in front of themselves?

During the meal, Li Xiaoxiao and Fang Zhiqiang looked the same as usual. Li Xiaoxiao even gave Fang Zhiqiang several dishes.

Xiaoma looked at this scene, and her heart became more and more confused. Her thoughts were naturally very simple, and she hoped that Fang Zhiqiang and Li Xiaoxiao could get better and better.

Finally, watching such an unusual scene of the goodness of the two people, Xiaoma immediately asked Li Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, I heard you in the room last night, it seems that you quarreled again?"

When Li Xiaoxiao heard the words, she was taken aback, and when she looked at her mother again, her eyes became firm, and she said disapprovingly: "No! Why quarrel so good? Yes, strong son!"

Fang Zhiqiang also nodded and smiled: "Mom, maybe you heard it wrong? Or maybe, it's just ordinary bickering!"

Seeing you and me, Xiaoma knew that she couldn't ask anything, but her brows were still frowning.

When Li Xiaoxiao saw this scene, she naturally knew that her mother must have heard something last night, otherwise she would not ask that way today.

If she answered her in this way, she would definitely continue to think about it. Therefore, after Li Xiaoxiao pondered for a while, she said softly again: "Dad, Mom, there is something, Qiangzi and I want to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Xiaoma immediately raised her spirits when she heard the words, looking at Li Xiaoxiao curiously, waiting for her next words.

Fang Zhiqiang also glanced at Li Xiaoxiao, he still didn't know what Li Xiaoxiao wanted to say.

"The strong son may have to go out in the past few days to help a friend, and he will be back in a few days. Therefore, Xiao Ai Li has to trouble you..."

After Li Xiaoxiao pondered for a moment, she looked at her mother and said in a serious tone.

Xiaoma breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this. Fortunately, it was not a big deal. Now she sometimes even imagined when Li Xiaoxiao suddenly rushed to her and said she was going to divorce Fang Zhiqiang! That's what Xiaoma is most afraid of hearing.

Listening to what Li Xiaoxiao said now, Xiaoma also sighed helplessly, and then said: "I thought it was something! Don't worry about this, we could take it when Xiao Ai Li was so young. So good, let alone now!"

"Zhiqiang, where are you going?" Li Yonggui on the side wasn't as scared as Xiaoma. His reason told him that if he was really just simply helping to take care of the children, Li Xiaoxiao would not say in such a serious tone. He felt that there should be something behind this.

And as Li Yonggui's voice fell, the expression on Xiaoma's face became curious again. I did not expect this level just now. Now I heard Li Yonggui say that it really makes sense.

"Not far away, it's in southern Yunnan I've been to before. That time Qiangzi met a few friends there. This time I passed by and said that one of his friends had added a new child. I asked Qiangzi to go over and celebrate together. Right?" Li Xiaoxiao finished, looking at Fang Zhiqiang, and asked.

Fang Zhiqiang nodded immediately and said: "Yeah, speaking of it, we really haven't seen each other for a long time. Now I just happened to be at home and it was fine, otherwise there would be no chance!"

Seeing that the two people cooperated so perfectly, it did not seem to be a liar, Li Yonggui immediately stopped asking. After all, the child can hide things in her heart when she is older. If she does not want to say it, how can she force it? It's useless, there have been examples of blood sparkling before.

"No matter where you go, always remember that safety comes first." Li Yonggui said casually while eating.

He has said these words to Fang Zhiqiang and Li Xiaoxiao countless times, but he still doesn’t get tired of them, because now Fang Zhiqiang and Li Xiaoxiao are too important for him and Xiaoma. If they two really What accident happened to them was a fatal blow to their later life.

Moreover, once Fang Zhiqiang is in health, who will take care of Li Xiaoxiao? They can't stay with their daughter for the rest of their lives. What about the rest of their daughter's life?

When Fang Zhiqiang heard the words, he nodded without hesitation.

And Li Yonggui continued to disapprovingly said: "Also, when you go outside, there are many temptations. You must always remember to hold yourself upright and don't do anything that violates the principle."

Li Yonggui's words made Fang Zhiqiang and Li Xiaoxiao both stunned. Then they looked at Li Yonggui with a little embarrassment, and Fang Zhiqiang nodded again.

They didn't tell the truth, but Li Yonggui seemed to know everything. He didn't know what it meant just now.

At this moment, Xiao Ma also said again: "When are you going to leave?"

"It's just these two days, the time has not been set, and I will tell you in advance when that time comes." Fang Zhiqiang replied.

"Oh, to go such a long way, I will make you something to eat. You will bring it to the car when you are hungry. When you are hungry, you will put a pad on it." Xiaoma likes Zhiqiang tightly. Like his own son, I was afraid he was hungry and thirsty.

Fang Zhiqiang did not refuse to be kind, and made his efforts to look like an ordinary person, so that he could not make the two elders suspicious.

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