My Best Wife

Chapter 2280: Stern dad

Seeing this, Xiaoma hurriedly stepped forward to help Li Yonggui at the moment. She naturally knew Li Yonggui's temper. Once the two sides really quarreled thoroughly, he might really get angry with his body.

With Xiaoma's support, Li Yonggui sat on the sofa, but his breathing was still getting faster and faster. At this moment, he looked really angry.

But Li Xiaoxiao still didn't understand why he was so angry all of a sudden. Even if he didn't want to let himself get involved in these business matters again, he wouldn't be so angry, right?

Fang Zhiqiang once again stood up and said: "In the final analysis, this matter is my responsibility. If it weren't for my sudden abdication, there is no need for everyone to be so flustered now."

"Zhiqiang, I understand your intentions, but you have to divide occasions and matters, and you can't let her do everything. Although I don't understand yet, but you abdicated, there must be your reason? I understand you are What kind of person, if it is not a last resort, you would not make such an extreme choice, but Xiaoxiao is different. I have told her countless times to keep you away from the messy things in business. Have you been doing it well? Why can't you control yourself this time?"

As Li Yonggui was talking, he looked at Li Xiaoxiao again, but at this moment Li Xiaoxiao was still unwilling to admit his mistakes, and continued: "But this matter must be done by someone. If everyone thinks like you, Who will do those things?"

Li Yonggui glared at Li Xiaoxiao, but listening to Li Xiaoxiao's words, he couldn't speak for a while.

"This kind of thing is the same on anyone. Even when you were young, when you encountered such a thing, you would be obliged to make such a choice. Now it is our turn to deal with these troubles, you I just refused. What is the reason?"

Li Xiaoxiao's words were full of confidence. After listening to Li Yonggui, he finally couldn't say a word. Looking at his rapid breathing at the moment and his chest, Xiaoma finally couldn't help but speak to Li Xiaoxiao. "Okay, Xiaoxiao! Don't you know what your dad's temper is? You just listen to you, why do you have to reason on his anger? Your dad says so much, isn't it for you?"

"Yeah, no matter what you do, what you say is for my good. After so many years, I am thirty years old this year, but you still think that I am just a child, just a child who needs your care, but you think Just think about it, what did you do when you were thirty?" Li Xiaoxiao didn’t want to say so much, but what Li Yonggui said just now made Li Xiaoxiao realize that they are now thinking about their lives and choices. She will still interfere. Of course, Li Xiaoxiao also knows that they are doing it for her own good, but Li Xiaoxiao does not need to be so good, because she wants to follow her heart and do what she wants to do and feel she should do. .

Seeing that Li Xiaoxiao refused to listen at all, Xiaoma sighed helplessly again. They are indeed not as good as they used to be. Whether it is educating Li Xiaoxiao or dealing with business matters, their energy It's not so abundant anymore.

Several people fell silent again, and Fang Zhiqiang stopped talking at this moment. He was relieved when Li Yonggui's chest that was lying down gradually stabilized.

Finally, Li Yonggui couldn’t help but speak again: “What you said makes sense. If I were young, I would make the same choice as you, but I hope you can understand that some choices are The moment you make it, you must be responsible for it! The decision to join Mingda this time is not as simple as you thought. How well Zhiqiang did it before? But do you know how much he paid? Others can only Seeing that he is the president of Mingda, no one can see that the hardships he has paid behind are several times or even more than others!"

Li Yonggui took a deep breath after speaking, and then continued without stopping: "You think that your current ability is enough for you to carry this burden, but when you do it, you will find that things are far from there. It's as simple as you imagined. You also brought Yamei back then. Don't you have such an experience?"

After listening to Li Xiaoxiao, he also seriously recalled the changes in his psychological history when he first took over Yamei.

Indeed, what Li Yonggui said was right, and he did have that feeling at the beginning.

"Now, if you join Mingda and find that you don't have the ability at all, what should you do then? Are you going to announce your withdrawal in disgrace? This kind of thing is not a trifle, it's not what you want!" Li Yonggui looked at Li Xiaoxiao Keep silent, continue.

"Dad, I understand what you mean, but please rest assured, since I dare to make this decision this time, I will definitely stick to it. No matter how difficult the road ahead, no matter how hard it is, I will not quit!" Li Xiaoxiao bites He gritted his teeth and said with a serious and firm face.

"Anyone can say big things, but whether it can be done is another matter!" Li Yonggui turned his face to the side, still saying helplessly.

Li Xiaoxiao looked at her father's apparent disbelief, and her expression sank again. After pondering for a long time, she said a little softly, then turned and walked into her bedroom.

The sentence is simple: "What Hadron can do, I can definitely do it too!"

This sentence caused Li Yonggui and Fang Zhiqiang to look at her. When she entered the bedroom, she closed the door with her backhand and began to study the information just sent over on the phone.

Fang Zhiqiang also shook his head helplessly, then looked at Li Yonggui again and said, "Dad, you don't have to worry too much. If you need it, I can show up at any time to help Xiaoxiao."

"No! Since she chose the path herself, even if she is climbing, she has to climb down by herself! If this is not the case, she will not have a memory!" Li Yonggui said firmly.

Xiao Ma on the side also stepped forward and pulled Fang Zhiqiang to the sofa, and while walking, she asked, "What the **** is going on with Xiaoxia today? Is it really okay?"

Only then did Li Yonggui react. It was his own niece, but it was remembered by Xiaoma first. Li Yonggui also felt that he seemed a little careless, so he turned his head and looked at Fang Zhiqiang who had just sat down with curiosity. , Waiting for his next words.

"When Xiaoxiao and I walked out of the pedestrian street, Wang Xia should have just passed by the intersection in a car. Maybe it was because she saw us, so she was a little lost, and accidentally ran into the one in front of her. It’s a pickup truck, but it’s really no big deal. There was a doctor in the car, and Wang Xia’s wound was simply treated on the spot. It was quite timely to go to the hospital, don’t worry."

When explaining this matter, Fang Zhiqiang did not conceal the slightest. Since they already knew it, there was no need to continue to conceal it. It might as well be more specific. After they listened, they might be really relieved.

Sure enough, Li Yonggui and Xiaoma both lowered their heads and sighed after listening. Obviously this happened not what they wanted to see, but as long as the last person was fine, everything would be fine.

"Xiaoxia was inconvenient before, and she just recovered. This time, will there be any sequelae?" After all, Xiaoma was still careful, and Xiaoma continued to ask.

"I was worried about this problem before, but the doctor said, this time the injury is not serious, just take a few days to recuperate in the hospital, there will be no sequelae." Fang Zhiqiang looked at Xiaoma seriously and replied. .

After Xiao Ma listened, she looked at Li Yonggui again. Obviously, the reason she asked this question was to make Li Yonggui feel relieved after hearing it, and by the way to appease his emotions that were still not calming down at the moment.

Sure enough, Li Yonggui breathed a sigh of relief after listening. It seemed that his mood was much better than before.

Just when Xiao Ma wanted to appease, Li Yonggui took the lead and said to Fang Zhiqiang: "Zhiqiang, you should remember what I just said. This time Xiaoxiao decided to join Mingda. You don't care about anything. Since she is like this If you want to experience your original life, let her experience it so that she will know that managing an enterprise is far from simple as she imagined."

At this moment, Fang Zhiqiang didn't say any rebuttals, he nodded fiercely, and then said decisively: "Okay!"

"But Xiaoxiao is a girl after all. Now that the scale of Mingda is completely incomparable with the previous Ami, you can really rest assured?" However, Xiaoma is still a little uneasy, she knows her daughter's character very well. Everyone who made friends with her thought she was a good person, but once she was asked to start a business, it would be hard to say.

How long did you work in Yamei at that time? She chose to quit. She found a professional manager and threw away the entire burden of Yamei. This incident did not take long. Moreover, the scale of Mingda was more than two or three times larger than Yamei!

"The more this is, the more she can realize how reckless she is to make this decision! Thinking that she can handle things just by full of passion? He is already 30 years old, if there is such a naive idea , That really requires her to have a good experience and make good progress!"

Li Yonggui still spoke very seriously.

Fang Zhiqiang was listening to him all the time, and he didn't interrupt. This was the first time he saw Li Yonggui being so harsh on Li Xiaoxiao.

Before, maybe it was because he himself just had a serious illness, or maybe it was because Li Xiaoxiao had just broken free from the shackles of death, and he felt that he owed Li Xiaoxiao before, so even now, he sometimes still There is no bottom line to spoil Li Xiaoxiao, but in this matter today, he really has no choice. Anyway, Li Xiaoxiao will not change her mind after all. In that case, she has to let her follow her own will and continue. Go down and see what the road ahead is like.

This is what Li Yonggui thought, and Li Xiaoxiao, who had already entered the house, could not swallow this breath. Perhaps, if Li Yonggui hadn’t said these words today, she might indeed persist for a period of time and find that her abilities were insufficient, so she would choose Retreat, but because of what Li Yonggui said today, she immediately made up her mind that no matter how hard or hard she is, she must persevere to the end!

Not long after entering the house, Li Xiaoxiao made a call with Lin Shan, but Lin Shan was in the car at the moment, saying that he was going to get the laptop.

After that, Li Xiaoxiao began to seriously study the materials prepared by Wang Yaxin and Lin Shan. Before she entered Mingda, all the preparations must be prepared. Only in this way, when entering Mingda, can it be a blockbuster and let all People are convinced of themselves! This is the first step of her plan.

However, what she didn't expect was that just this first step made her trapped in place. While Lin Shan went to fetch things, Li Xiaoxiao had been studying the materials at hand very seriously, but some materials, regardless of No matter how hard she looked, she still couldn't understand the meaning.

After Fang Zhiqiang's conversation with Li Yonggui was over, when he wanted to enter the house, he found out that Li Xiaoxiao didn't know when the house had been locked, and Fang Zhiqiang had no choice but to stay outside and watch TV boredly.

Fang Zhiqiang also knew that this time Li Xiaoxiao was really serious!

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