My Best Wife

Chapter 2278: Candidate

Li Xiaoxiao did not answer Fang Zhiqiang's words. When Fang Zhiqiang turned her head again, she looked at him meaningfully for a while.

Fang Zhiqiang didn't know what she was thinking, but afterwards, she stopped talking.

Li Xiaoxiao's cell phone rang shortly after he walked out. It was the information sent by Lin Shan. Because it was already prepared, he turned it over to Li Xiaoxiao.

After Li Xiaoxiao opened it, he read it roughly. There was a lot of information in the material, and Li Xiaoxiao couldn't understand it for a while, so he put the phone away again.

"What was your plan before?" After putting away the phone, Li Xiaoxiao looked at Fang Zhiqiang again and asked without hesitation.

Fang Zhiqiang was driving the car at the moment, he was taken aback when he heard this, and then he pondered for a moment and then said: "The appeal to Juying within ten days was originally intended for me to go with Yaxin, but looking at the current situation, this plan is obviously It's not feasible anymore."

"I'm not asking this, I mean, do you only have these materials in your hands?" Li Xiaoxiao continued to ask.

"Originally there was, but didn't Yaxin say that the hard disk containing the movie and television data was burned? So you only have these."

When Fang Zhiqiang talked about this, he sighed with regret.

The film and television materials are indeed very detailed. Just like Wang Yaxin said, they must have helped a lot in their appeal. However, with the loss of that information, Fang Zhiqiang has lost some confidence in this appeal.

After listening to Li Xiaoxiao, she turned on her phone again and checked, and then continued to ask: "What is the new product that Mingda is currently developing?"

"This hasn't been finalized yet. The research director said that it may be finalized in the near future, but there is no accurate letter yet. When it is finalized, I will tell you."

Speaking of Mingda's recent situation, Fang Zhiqiang couldn't say anything. It seemed that there were unfinished mess everywhere, let alone Li Xiaoxiao to deal with it, even if Fang Zhiqiang was to deal with it himself, he felt a headache.

But obviously there is no better way at the moment. Since Li Xiaoxiao has decided to join this fight with Juying, she can only tell her all the plans she thought before. Of course, other than that, Fang Zhiqiang will not do anything more.

For the time being, I don't have the ability or position to deal with anything. It is not as convenient as before. The most important thing is that Fang Zhiqiang really wants Li Xiaoxiao to experience that feeling.

This is not to prove anything, but to make the relationship between himself and Li Xiaoxiao better. Fang Zhiqiang always believes in one sentence, as long as he can empathize, all interpersonal problems can be solved.

And what I am doing now is exactly like this, I am experiencing the life that Li Xiaoxiao once lived, and Li Xiaoxiao is experiencing the life he once lived.

As long as two people can truly experience each other's original feelings, it will definitely be of great help to their subsequent love lives.

Along the way, Fang Zhiqiang and Li Xiaoxiao talked a lot about Mingda, and Li Xiaoxiao also listened very seriously, but for her now, she just started, and she really couldn’t find the direction for a while. Go back and ask your father for advice, and Li Xiaoxiao may be able to find a place to use her strength.

But at this time, Wang Yaxin, who was still in the hospital, couldn't relax at all. She was a woman who took everything seriously. Once she couldn't finish the work at hand, she wouldn't be in that mood no matter what she did.

Seeing that the work between herself and Lin Shan was completely shelved, but because of her own affairs, even Lin Shan could no longer devote herself to work, especially at this critical moment, which made Wang Yaxin's heart more and more anxious. .

"Just do what I said. I don't need to take care of it anymore. I can take care of myself. Xiaoxiao has just joined in now, and nothing is so clear. She needs your cooperation and your help very much."

Wang Yaxin said to Lin Shan with an anxious frown.

However, Lin Shan immediately shook her head again when she heard the words: "I don't know your situation, do you think I'm not in a hurry? If I can go, why should I stay with you?"

Obviously, looking at Wang Yaxin’s current situation, she can barely take care of herself, but Lin Shan is not at all relieved. If something happens while in the hospital, then she really can’t explain to Fang Zhiqiang, after all, the last misunderstanding It was completely lifted, and Fang Zhiqiang chose to abdicate so decisively. Although Fang Zhiqiang did not personally tell her that the abdication was related to the incident that night, how could Lin Shan not know?

Therefore, Lin Shan now has no such big opinion on Fang Zhiqiang.

"If you're really worried, can't you just find a caregiver for me? This matter is so important, you let Xiaoxiao do it alone, are you really relieved?" Wang Yaxin continued to insist on her point of view, she has several times Lin Shan refused to try to leave the hospital. There was really no way he could do it.

When Lin Shan heard the words, she said in a positive tone again: "There is no need for nurses. I am the most professional nurse."

Of course, Wang Yaxin can hear what Lin Shan said. When she was in southern Yunnan, Lin Shan had taken care of Li Xiaoxiao for a period of time, and she was also worried about letting a nurse take care of herself. Speaking of this, the former relationship between Wang Yaxin and Lin Shan was not so good, because of the misunderstanding that night, the two almost broke apart.

But it was precisely because of the misunderstanding that night that the current relationship between Lin Shan and Wang Yaxin was so good, but Lin Shan's anxiety became a burden for Wang Yaxin.

"Then what do you think is going to be able to cooperate with Xiaoxiao's work?" Wang Yaxin was also anxious, and immediately asked again in anxious tone.

"This is not difficult at all. There is no restriction on the location of the work I do. Even here, I can still work. The big deal, isn't it enough for me to cooperate with her work here?" Lin Shan disapproved. After spreading his hands, he spoke in a flat tone.

As soon as these words fell, Wang Yaxin was stunned. Such a simple method, she had never thought of before, but now hearing Lin Shan say this, it sounds really reasonable, the work she did only A computer is needed, as she said, even here, it can still work.

Thinking of this, Wang Yaxin immediately smiled and said: "If this is the case, you should hurry up, get a computer, and keep in touch with Xiaoxiao. If you have any problems, communicate as soon as possible, and try to use the shortest time for all aspects. The questions are communicated in detail..."

While talking, Wang Yaxin stopped again. Lin Shan watched her stop suddenly, and suddenly asked again in confusion: "What do you think of again?"

Wang Yaxin looked at Lin Shan suddenly, pondered for a moment, and said in a daze: "Even after all the details are communicated, there is still a question about who appears in court..."

Wang Yaxin hadn't thought about this issue before, because she felt that her body was not in serious trouble. Even if she is not discharged now, she will be able to be discharged normally within a few days, and she will not be delayed to appear in court.

However, now that Fang Zhiqiang has abdicated, he is obviously no longer a candidate to appear in court, besides himself, who else can be this person?

Moreover, Wang Yaxin is still not at ease. If Lin Shan still refuses to allow herself to be discharged after the court time is set, then the two originally set court candidates are no longer there. Who should be let go?

This candidate is very important. All the preparatory work in the early stage is for the short period of time to play in the court. At that time, there was a head-on conflict with Juying. Therefore, the candidate must be absolutely reliable and excellent!

But at the moment, it seems that such a candidate is obviously not that simple and can be determined. Even if he can be discharged from the hospital smoothly this time, he will not be delayed to appear in court at that time, but Fang Zhiqiang is completely impossible to be this candidate.

Lin Shan was also asked about this question, and she frowned immediately. After thinking about it for a long time, she still couldn't make up her mind.

"Otherwise, I will pick one out of my friends."

Wang Yaxin lowered her head and muttered to herself.

However, Lin Shan immediately shook her head when she heard the words, and then said: "It is absolutely impossible if you don't go. I only believe in your abilities, and even you couldn't make it last time. Who else do you think can make it?"

Wang Yaxin breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this sentence. She was eager for Lin Shan to say this. Hearing this sentence, she was at least sure that she was one of the candidates to appear in court.

There is another person who must be a staff member of Mingda, and the position must be high.

Fang Zhiqiang had always gone personally before, but now that Bi Luochun has just taken office, he hasn't fully figured out all Mingda's affairs.

Moreover, Wang Yaxin did not believe in his strength, and she was really a little worried if he let him go to court with him.

"Where is the other person?" Wang Yaxin immediately looked at Lin Shan with a sad expression and asked.

Lin Shan was also stunned when she heard this. She has never been good at selecting candidates, and she is usually immersed in work, and she has never been so concerned about these things.

After pondering for a long time, Lin Shan said again: "You can decide this yourself. I know I was not good at such things."

Naturally, Lin Shan could hear that the reason why Wang Yaxin asked like this was obviously that Bi Luochun was inappropriate. After thinking for a while, Lin Shan felt the same way, so she said so.

Wang Yaxin was in trouble again. It was really hard to make up his mind about this matter for a while. At present, Wang Yaxin, the senior manager of Mingdane, combed it aside, and there were only a few suitable candidates.

But the reason is exactly the same as before. Now that Bi Luochun has just taken office, he has not yet fully figured out the affairs of the company. Only Zhang Zhenguo and others can make his work progress smoothly.

Therefore, Zhang Zhenguo will not work either.

Then, there is only one candidate left: Li Xiaoxiao!

"What do you think, Xiaoxiao?" Lin Shan said this sentence. She was also on a whim, and she was not sure if this was a suitable candidate, so she said it out, waiting for Wang Yaxin's response.

When Wang Yaxin heard this name, he couldn't help being stunned. After a long time of thinking, Wang Yaxin felt that Li Xiaoxiao was indeed very suitable!

"Then let's discuss with her and see what her attitude is." Wang Yaxin said excitedly to Lin Shan.

She is obviously relieved of Li Xiaoxiao's ability. Since she has decided to come back, the position must be very suitable. Then, if Li Xiaoxiao can really agree, this problem will be solved.

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