“Ah !!!” tight

Then, Loose Immortal Demonic beast screamed, the huge body was shrunk in the white light! blink

Kung fu in the eyes, a few ten zhang’s body, became only one person to come tall.

With a bang, Yang Xian volleyed over and threw it on the cloud under Lin Hai’s feet. it is good

Now, Demonic beast Loose Immortal and human cultivator, both sides have escaped, and Yunfei has disappeared. no

Then, this scene must startled to fall the chin on both sides!

“Well, it’s a cow!”

Lin Hai looked at the Demonic beast under his feet, and couldn’t help but say. just

Only, Demonic beast’s body is too big, Lin Hai can’t see the whole picture at all.

Nowadays, it becomes only one person in size, and the identity of the Demonic beast is immediately recognized!

Loose Immortal Demonic beast was captured, now scared and scared, and with a look of panic, he looked up.

But he saw that he was a dwarf man of short stature, skinny, and goatee. can

Yes, the familiar breath of goatee almost scared the soul of Loose Immortal Demonic beast! “

Shape Transformation Demonic beast again! !! !! “San

Immortal Demonic beast immediately saw that Yang Xian was also Demonic beast Loose Immortal, suddenly desperate.

I ’m dropping a mother-in-law, today it ’s a complete kick on the iron plate!

The Shapely Transformation Loose Immortal, which has been seen for tens of thousands of years, has suddenly appeared both, and I have bumped myself into it! inverted

Mold, bad luck! Rao

It was Niubai Nai 2 Loose Immortal, but now there is a little bit of pride.

Blocked on the ground, his eyes were in fear, moved towards Zhu Zizhen and Yang Xian, begging again and again.

“Little I don’t know 2 Shangxian are here, how much offense, but also hope for life!”

Zhu Zi grinned and laughed proudly.

This bull monster dignified 2 robbed Loose Immortal, but called himself a fairy, it feels really cool!

Yang Xian was also carrying a goatee, showing his face, and glanced at the cow monster on the ground. can

Then, his face was frozen, and his small eyes suddenly flashed, staring round! Cattle

It was strange to see Yang Xian suddenly change his face, and his heart suddenly jumped, giving birth to fear.

“Shangxian …”

“What’s your name!” Yang Xian interrupted the Niubi, and asked urgently.

Niuguai stunned, did not dare to hide, said nervously.

“Small, Jin Dasheng!” Jin

Big rise? !! !! !!


As soon as the bullshit talked, whether it was Yang Xian or Lin Hai Zhu Zizhen, all of them were surprised at the mouth opened wide.

“Uh … what happened?”

The reaction of Lin Hai’s 3 people immediately promoted Jin Da to rectification.

Fuck, what do you do with a mouth that is so big? It ’s not because I ’m so fat, ready to have a whole roast? on

With Jin Dasheng’s expression blank, Yang Xian suddenly asked with an excited expression again. “

I ask you again, have you been cultivation here, or is there another mountain house? “gold

Da Sheng looked at Yang Xian and swallowed, saying. “

Back to Shangxian, I was originally cultivation in Meishan. I stayed here only after crossing 2 9 Heavenly Tribulation here! “

Meishan! !! !! listen

With these two words, Lin Hai 3 people have no doubt.

The bull monster in front of it is the bison monster in Seven Devils of Plum Mountain, Jin Dasheng! !! !!

“Ha ha ha ha !!!”

Could not help but Yang Xian and Zhu Zi laughed excitedly. “

Little Jin, don’t you know me? This is Yang Xian! “

Yang Xian? gold

He rose sharply, then the boss who opened his mouth instantly, his eyes rounded and looked at Yang Xian, his face was shocked and incredible! “

You, are you Yang Xian big brother? “”

haha, who else besides me! “Yang

His face was full of ecstasy, then he raised his hand and moved a finger towards the white light on Jin Dasheng, a light shout in his mouth! “

Close! “

sou! white

The aurora instantly turned into a white brilliance and flew over Yang Xian’s head. in

Over the top of Yang Xian’s head, he circled around and disappeared! boom


Jin Dasheng got rid of the shackles of white aurora, his body suddenly enlarged, and it became ten zhang high again in the blink of an eye.

Then, in a low, muffled voice, with a voice of excitement and trembling, Jin Dasheng looked at Yang Xian and couldn’t believe it. “

Yang Xian big brother, is it really you? You, you are all Shape Transformation! “”

ha ha ha ha! “Yang Xian laughed happily,” This can still be fake, I’m really Yang Yang of Meishan! “Say

Afterwards, Yang Xian moved towards the excited grinning Zhu Zi next to him, and moved towards Jin Dasheng asked. “

Little Jin, look again, who is he? “

“En?” Jin Da lowered his head, and moved towards Zhu Zi, and then shook the head blankly. Knot

Fruit, but Zhu Zi was so anxious that he couldn’t hold his breath. “

Brother Dasheng, why don’t you even know me? “

“I’m a pig. When you broke through the Great Ascension, you still protected me, did you forget?” Jin

Da Sheng heard it, his head buzzed, and with a horrified face, moved towards Zhu Zi really looked away. “

You, you are a piglet, the youngest pig in our Meishan brother? !! !! !! “

“Hahaha, Dasheng brother, it’s me, you finally recognize me!” Zhu Zi’s face was full of joy, and the smile was shaking! “

Piggy, it really is you, me, I am not dreaming! “

“Of course it is true, this is not fierce, Dasheng brother!”

Jin Dasheng was so excited that he didn’t know what was going on. He didn’t expect, and he was caught just now and became a prisoner.

In such a blink of an eye, I saw a good brother who had been separated for a long time and was in sympathy.

Especially when I saw Zhu Zizhen, the youngest of them, Jin Dasheng was so moved! “

Little pig, I ca n’t think of it, I have n’t seen it for years, even you have Shape Transformation! “

“It seems that your brother is the most useless among our brothers!” Jin

While Dasheng was excited and happy, he felt ashamed.

Yang Xian was higher than his cultivation base. Today, Shape Transformation is earlier than him, but it also makes sense.

But even Zhu Zizhen, the youngest and weakest of them, succeeded in Shape Transformation, but it really hit Jin Dasheng.

You know, when he left Meishan, it was already Loose Immortal.

At that time, Zhu Zizhen was the Great Ascension Middle-Stage, which was different from his Heaven and Earth.

No one thought, when meeting again, even Zhu Zi really walked in front of him, so how could he not be ashamed and unable to show one’s face.

“Haha, what do you say, Dasheng brother!” Zhu

Zi really is a fair and reasonable character. After listening to Jin Dasheng’s words, he immediately grinned and laughed.

“My Shape Transformation is a fake. In fact, I have just Transcending Tribulation and become Loose Immortal soon!”

“Impossible!” Jin Dasheng shook the head with a smile on his face. “

Little pig, you don’t need to comfort me anymore, I’m 2 Loose Immortal anyway, don’t you know the threshold of Shape Transformation? “”

Aiya, why don’t you believe it! When Zhu Zi really heard it, he was in a hurry.

He then pointed to Yang Xian and said to Jin Dasheng.

“I, as well as Yang Xian’s big brother, haven’t reached 3, and our Shape Transformation is fake!” Jin

Da Sheng shuddered, with a look of disbelief moved towards Yang Xianwang. but

Seeing Yang Xian, holding a goatee, smiling slowly nodded. “

Piggy is right, Little Jin, I am the same as you now, 2 Loose Immortal! “

Jin Dasheng heard it, and he was aggressive.

Even Yang Xian said so, it seems that this matter should not be false! can

Yes, Loose Immortal is the only one that has the ability of Shape Transformation. This is common sense!

Why Yang Xian 2 robbed Loose Immortal, and even Zhu Zizhen robbed Loose Immortal, but they have already succeeded in Shape Transformation? “

Yang Xian big brother, little pig, what’s going on here? “

When Yang Xianwen heard it, it was a mysterious smile, and then Lin Hai moved next to him. “

Little Pig and I Shape Transformation ahead of time, thanks to the owner! ”

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