Lin Hai was overjoyed at the first sight! what

Ha, it must be the cultivator of Titan City! “

Under Lin Hai, coming from the front is Fellow Daoist of Titan City! “Lin Hai shouting loudly, shouted moved towards.”

Yes, I was the cultivator of Titan City. I saw the great changes in the Hantan jungle, so I came to investigate. “”

Dare to ask Fellow Daoist Lin, what is going on here! “Say

In a word, this group of cultivator has already reached Lin Hai, and moved towards Lin Hai questioning suspiciously.

Lin Hai was still very excited, thinking that reinforcements were coming. can

A closer look, Lin Hai’s heart sank immediately. he

I was shocked to find that many people came here, but Loose Immortal did not have one! Do not

As a result, Lin Hai smiled bitterly. Immortal

No matter how strong Paragon is, in front of Loose Immortal, it is impossible to withstand a single blow.

Without Loose Immortal, there are so many people coming, not enough food delivery!

“Everyone, don’t ask, there is a group of Demonic beasts chasing behind, and 20 more Loose Immortal Demonic beasts.”

“Let’s run, it’s too late to finish!” This

The group of human cultivator, when they heard that the complexion changed greatly, their eyes showed deep fear.

Demonic beast group! also

Are there more than 20 Loose Immortal Demonic beasts? !!

Fuck, obedient!

I’m afraid that adding a whole Titan City is not enough for this group of Demonic beast to tuck your teeth! “

roar!! !! “This

At this time, a Loose Immortal Demonic beast running in front was only a mile away!

Suddenly, angry roar, the huge palm volleyed off!

call! ! !

Although there is still a mile away, the palm of this Loose Immortal Demonic beast, but also with a strong strength of Annihilation, the movie was shot towards the crowd!


Suddenly, there were a few bad luck cultivators, screaming, and they were directly illusory shadowed by the palm, and they became thin!

Even the slightly stronger cultivator was under this palm, and suffered minor injuries.

each and everyone was suddenly scared look pale, where dare to stay, a sigh, afraid to turn around! I

day! forest

In the crowd, Hai also felt the power of Loose Immortal Demonic beast. which is

With Lin Hai ’s cultivation base, he was not injured, but he was also shocked by a huge impact, and he felt uncomfortable for a while!

Unexpectedly, the power of this Loose Immortal Demonic beast is so scary!

“This Loose Immortal Demonic beast, I am afraid it should be a 2 Loose Immortal!” Lin

The sea was running wildly while driving in the clouds, and shocked inside, looking back and watching! but

See this Loose Immortal Demonic beast, stand out, and leave the 20 or so Loose Immortal Demonic beasts behind, for a distance.

Obviously, it is the most powerful existence in this group of Loose Immortal Demonic beast! steep

However, Lin Hai’s heart jumped and a bold idea came up!

“Can you take this Loose Immortal Demonic beast !!!”

Looking back, I see the remaining Loose Immortal, and there is still a certain distance from this Demonic beast Loose Immortal.

Lin Hai’s heart was fierce, Mad, let go! Beat

Strike, a bike becomes a motorcycle!

Suddenly, Lin Hai stopped Xiangyun suddenly, turned his head back suddenly, and opened the third eye on his forehead. “

Magical power, burning light! !! !! “


Suddenly, a white laser was radiated from Lin Hai’s third eye. that

The sharp penetrating power seems to pierce the space, like a white line, and in the blink of an eye, it is close to the Loose Immortal Demonic beast!

This Loose Immortal Demonic beast is struggling to catch up with Lin Hai, didn’t expect Lin Hai to dare to start a sneak attack suddenly.

And the speed of supernatural light is almost incredible! Rao

This is Demonic beast Loose Immortal, already 2 Loose Immortal, but it was also scared by Lin Hai’s scorching magic! Roar

!! steep

However, this Loose Immortal Demonic beast roared, opened his mouth wide, and sprayed out! puff

puff puff puff!

Suddenly, dark yellow irregular stones spewed out of his mouth! boom

!! This

These stones, even in the fire and fire, with violent flames and violent impact, moved towards the scorching turbulence!

clang clang clang clang! !! !!

A crisp impact sounded sharply in the air, sharp and harsh! Scorch

Light lasing on these dark yellow stones, the stones were smashed for 2 consecutive times!

However, there are too many dark yellow stones. Rao is the glow of Lin Hai, but Heavenly Eye Technique from Erlang Shen. The formidable power is extremely powerful.

But was also blocked by this endless stream of stones, forcibly blocked, and finally turned into Guanghua and dissipated invisible!

“Roar!” And

At this time, Loose Immortal Demonic beast screamed again, preparing to rush to Lin Hai.

Suddenly, a terror attack suddenly appeared above his head.

I saw a fiery-red orb, burning with a blazing flame, and moved towards him quickly!

That destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth-like raging flames makes Loose Immortal Demonic beast’s face change!

He looked up in horror, but saw a man with a big waist and a round waist, spitting fire in his mouth, and was controlling the fiery red ball, which scared Loose Immortal Demonic beast! “

Loose Immortal for Shape Transformation! !! !! “This

Just a moment, the Loose Immortal Demonic beast is so scary!

At first glance, when he saw Zhu Zizhen who showed the red flame, he recognized that Zhu Zizhen was the demonic beast.

But that’s why Loose Immortal Demonic beast was terrified inside. but

For Demonic beast Loose Immortal, only after passing 3 9 Heavenly Tribulation can Shape Transformation be successful.

Doesn’t that mean that the man with the big waist and round body opposite is Loose Immortal with more than 3 robbers!

I drop a mother-in-law, but that’s more than the boss who just died, and there is more! Scattered

Xian Demonic beast was just a 2 robber Loose Immortal, and was persuaded by Zhu Zi on the spot.

“Roar!” One

Roaring loudly, Loose Immortal Demonic beast spit the flint again, with a raging fire, and banged with Zhu Zi’s real red dan.

Later, he didn’t even dare to look at it again, turned around and fled. One

Leaving, while moving towards Loose Immortal, who is about to follow, warns with a howling sound!

Loose Immortal from behind, when I heard that 3 Loose Immortal with Shape Transformation in front, suddenly scared the soul flew away and scattered, how dare to stay?

Suddenly the head of the team changed to the end of the team, fled with a tail between them! and

At this time, Zhu Zi was really flaming red, and the flint of Loose Immortal Demonic beast finally collided. boom


In the sky, there was a loud noise.

Flaming Dan and Firestone are both Fire Element magic weapons. When they collide with each other, they are setting off a blazing fire!

Suddenly, the whole sky seemed to be burned to red. mad

The violent flames fell from the air and fell into jungle.

The jungle that stretched for thousands of miles instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire, the flames soaring into the sky, hiding the sky and covering the earth! “

Huh ~ “Zhu

Zizhen suddenly a groan, the fiery red collided with flint, and suddenly a horrible impact made Zhu Zizhen’s chest hurt! he

Just after Transcending Tribulation became Loose Immortal, where is the opponent of 2 Robose Immortal Demonic beast? This

In a collision, Zhu Zi was suddenly injured, and the red flames of light were dark, falling from the sky. “

Close! Zhu

Zi Zhen took a mouthful and sucked hard, inhaling Flaming Dan into his mouth.


Loose Immortal Demonic beast, who was escaping frantically, suddenly froze with doubt on his face. on

Just now, it suddenly sensed that the flint that it spewed out collided with that Red Transformation of the Shape Transformation Demonic beast and seemed to have the upper hand?

how can that be? Scattered

Fairy Demonic beast looked blank, it was incredible!

However, the flint is the Life-Source Magical Treasure he personally sacrificed. How can there be false impressions from it? “

what happened? “

Loose Immortal Demonic beast grew more and more surprised, and couldn’t help but take a hint of surprise, stopped bravely, and looked back. Hum

!! he

Just turning my head back, suddenly a white light flashed in front of me. under

For a moment, Loose Immortal Demonic beast complexion greatly changed, and he was shocked to find that he was actually covered by white light and couldn’t move!

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