“I’m your father!” Zhu

Zizhen angry roar, then waved the palm of his hand suddenly, a blaze of flames rose into the sky, and instantly fell on the azure chain in the sky.


The next moment, these shaky chains were directly wounded into ashes, and the Murderous intention that locked Lin Hai suddenly disappeared.

“Loose Immortal!” Ah

The wood was crying out in surprise, suddenly sweating like a rain, and his legs shook even harder. just

Only when Zhu Zizhen appeared, his heart leaped wildly, as if under a strong suppression.

This feeling, he only appeared when facing Loose Immortal. instant

In the meantime, he had a sense of terrifying. The man on the opposite side was most likely a Loose Immortal! can

Yes, Loose Immortal is respected, and all are big shots standing at the top.

Which one is not the leader of the Great Sect or the Great Clans, how can it easily appear here? Yes

Therefore, Amu also had a glimmer of hope, maybe he felt wrong. but

So, this fluke was instantly destroyed.

Anyway, he is also immortal dao Paragon, and even in immortal dao Paragon, he can be ranked upstream.

Being able to wave his hands, casually smashing his void chain, even if it is stronger than his immortal dao Paragon, it cannot be done so easily.

What can do this is definitely Loose Immortal. king

It must be at this moment, but it is also shocked, revealing a deep panic.

Especially when he heard Amu’s exclaiming, knowing that the man on the opposite side was actually a Loose Immortal, Wang Bicheng immediately persuaded him!

Loose Immortal, how could there be Loose Immortal! although

Of course, his King Second Young Master can almost walk sideways in Titan City, no one dares to mess with it. but

Yes, this does not include Loose Immortal. complete

After all, the strongest person in their Wang Family is nothing more than a Loose Immortal!

“Senior, the young Wang will be, my old Ancestor, like Senior, is a Loose Immortal …”

Wang Bicheng had a smile on his face, and moved towards Zhu Zizhen with trembling with fear, stuttering in tone.

What he meant was very clear, just to tell Zhu Zizhen that their Wang Family also had Loose Immortal. hope

I hope Zhu Zi can be a little jealous. Don’t wave him and kill him.

In that case, this Wang Family Second Young Master can be a fool.

Zhu Zi really stared at the big eyes, before waiting for Wang Bicheng to finish, directly angry roar, like a thunder!

“Go!” This

With a throat, the movement was too big, scaring Wang Bicheng almost to the ground.

But when the reaction came, Wang Bicheng and A Mu were very happy.

This Loose Immortal actually let them go, there was no intention to kill them! what

Ha, very good! Two

In my heart, I couldn’t help but suddenly moved towards Zhu Zizhen, a nodded waist. “

many thanks Senior “

“Go, let’s go!” Said

After that, Wang Bicheng took Amu, just like a stray dog, and fled for his life, and ran a disappear without a trace in an instant.

The whole process did not even dare to go back.

Until the two men ran away, Zhu Zizhen turned around and looked at Lin Hai for a while.

“Master, why don’t you let me kill these two turtle grandchildren?”

Lin Hai slowly shook the head with a slight disdain.

“No need, a clown relying on the family power tyrannize, it can’t be a climate!” “

Killing such people has actually reduced their worth! “meaning

With a few thoughts, Lin Hai took Zhu Zizhen back into the demon pot.

After all, the chaotic space in the refining demon pot opened up a great cause, but Zhu Zizhen was still inseparable. king

Lin Hai didn’t take it seriously.

Stepping on Xiangyun, he fell a few hundred miles away from Titan City. One

While walking either forward fast or slow, Lin Hai took out his mobile phone and found Liu Ruyan’s WeChat.

Little confused: Hey, beauties, I’ve arrived in Titan City, and I still can’t meet you! (Behind is a raised eyebrow expression) No

After a while, Liu Ruyan’s message came back.

Liu Ruyan: Really, are you really here? (Behind is a surprise expression) Xiao

Confused: Yeah, it’s on the edge of Titan City now!

Lin Hai responded, sending a message to Liu Ruyan.

Liu Ruyan: I’m so nervous! (Behind is a tearful expression) Xiao

Confused: What are you nervous about? (Behind is a questioning expression) Liu

Ru Yan: I don’t know, I was so nervous when I thought of meeting you, my heart was almost jumping out. (Behind is a crazy expression) Xiao

Confused fairy: haha, rest assured, I am not a Demonic beast, not so terrifying! willow

Ru Yan: No, I dare not see you! When I think of meeting you, I’m going to suffocate! (Behind is a tearful expression)

“Fuck, isn’t it?” Lin Hai looked at Liu Ruyan’s reply, speechless.

I can’t think of Liu Ruyan, but she is still shy. When I met a male netizen, I became nervous like this. small

Confused: If you are really nervous, just wait at home, I’ll go to you! willow

Ru Yan: No, don’t come to my house! (Behind is an expression of fear) “

Uh … “Lin Hai is really wrong now.

If you do n’t come to find yourself, let yourself go to her. What the hell is this?

Little confused: What should we do? (Behind is a helpless expression)

Liu Ruyan was silent for a while and then replied. willow

Ruyan: Otherwise, find a hotel in the advanced city, and then … open a good room and wait for me! (Behind is a shy expression) Lin

Hai looked at the news, and suddenly a smirk appeared in the corner of his mouth, he could not help but joked and sent a message. small

Confused: Are you going to open a room with me? No one is mentally prepared! (Behind is a shy expression)

Liu Ruyan: I hate it! Not what you think! !! !! (Behind is a crazy expression) “

ha ha ha ha! “Lin Hai couldn’t help laughing as Liu Ruyan reacted so fiercely.

I expected that Liu Ruyan at this moment must be flushed and furious?

Little confused: OK, no kidding, just as you said, I am in advanced city, open a room to inform you!

Liu Ruyan: Well, I wait for your news!

Ending the conversation with Liu Ruyan, Lin Hai couldn’t help laughing. This

Fuck, why suddenly there is a feeling of cheating? no

Nai’s shook the head, Lin Hai quickened his pace, and in a short time, he arrived at the city gate of Titan City. “

Wow, so magnificent, so spectacular! “

Lin Hai looked at the city gate of up to several ten zhang, and couldn’t help but be enchanted. This

Titan City, just looking at the city gate, I don’t know how many times it is more elegant than White Rock.

The cities of the Tianyun Kingdom are even more incomparable. and

Inside the city gate, the bustling crowd is also extremely large. forest

The sea took a rough look. The cultivation base of the crowd is generally above the Great Ascension, and even the Spirit Transformation environment is rare.

This made Lin Hai, who had just broken through to the Great Ascension Early-Stage, hit hard. Ny

M, how do you get there, my buddy’s cultivation base is almost at the bottom?

It really makes people feel like they are entering the city. expensive

Stepping into Titan City for the first time, Lin Hai did not hang out, and found a high-end hotel, and opened a room. and

The price of the room also made Lin Hai startled. One

It takes 50000 Spirit Stones in a day!

“What the hell!” Lin Hai wanted to bullshitting. If it wasn’t a bit of savings, he couldn’t even open a room to see netizens. it is good

The level of luxury in the room far exceeds Lin Hai’s imagination, but Lin Hai is slightly relieved.

Lying on a comfortable, soft bed, Lin Hai took out her phone and sent a message to Liu Ruyan.

Little confused: Ask God Inn, Room 301, waiting for you!

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