“Ascend to the list ?!” Lin

Hai heard this name, his face blanked. and

The opposite Wang Family Second Young Master was complexion greatly changed, and then suddenly nodded.

“If you are on the list, you can understand!”

Then Wang Family Second Young Master looked at Lin Hai again with a touch of surprise. forest

With the Great Ascension Early-Stage, Hai defeated the Great Ascension Late Stage in a second. The potential of this fuck is comparable to the perverts on the list. heart

The first move, Wang Family Second Young Master moved towards Lin Hai, showing a kind smile.

“Before, my slave had offended the little brother, and I also hope that the little brother looks at this Wang’s face. Do not blame it!”

Hai Yiyi, surprised at Wang Family Second Young Master, didn’t expect this person to be reasonable. Vulgar

In other words, reach out and not smile at people.

Wang Family Second Young Master apologized to him so politely, and Lin Hai naturally would not care about it. what

Moreover, the domestic servant who offended himself had been killed by Wang Family Second Young Master himself.

Thinking of this, Lin Hai also showed a smile on his face, moved towards Wang Family Second Young Master, a cup one fist in the other hand. “

Brother Wang made a big point and didn’t take it seriously. “”

haha, that’s good! “Wang Family Second Young Master laughed, and then moved towards Lin Hai.”

I do n’t know, what is the name of the little brother and where does it come from? “”

My name is Lin Hai, and I am from Heavenly Kingdom! “

“Lin Hai, God of Heaven?” Wang Family Second Young Master stared for a moment, with a flash of contempt in his eyes.

The previous emphasis on Lin Hai couldn’t be lowered instantly. “

I can’t think of the barbarous land of Tianyun Country, there are even genius heroes like Lin little brother! “

With that said, Wang Family Second Young Master had a complete complexion, with a touch of pride, moved towards Lin Hai. “

Lin little brother, I am the Second Young Master of the Wang Family in Titan City. My name is Wang Bicheng! “”

Follow me later, as long as you are loyal to me, I can provide you with sufficient training resources! “king

In the words that must be fulfilled, love can’t help but feel a little aloof and remote. complete

After all, a small country of heaven, in Wang Bicheng’s view, is not even an ordinary Great Clans.

If it weren’t for Lin Hai’s potential to be a master on the list of immortals, Wang Bicheng would not even look at Lin Hai. forest

After listening to the sea, she smiled suddenly, shook the head with a trace of speechlessness. “

Wang Second Young Master’s kindness, Lin Mou led. “

“Lin has something to do, don’t stop there!”

With that said, Lin Hai was about to leave at his feet. and

Wang Bicheng on the opposite side changed his expression, and his eyes burst into a murderous intention. in

In his opinion, as his King Second Young Master, he personally recruited Lin Hai, a little cultivator from the Kingdom of Heaven, but gave Lin Hai full face.

Lin Hai doesn’t weeping bitter tears, even if he is deeply grateful, he refused him in person?

“I don’t know anything!” Wang

The face will become impossible, and I can’t stop immediately. Wave

Handing an earthen-colored brilliance, like a huge plow head, plowed the space out of a ditch deep in an instant, blocking Lin Hai’s way.

Xiang Hai of Lin Hai gave a sudden meal, stopped the cast, his face sank. One

Turning around, Lin Hai narrowed his eyes, looking at Wang Bicheng, and asked lightly.

“Wang Second Young Master, what does this mean?” Wang

Will become a face sank like water, Pi Xiaorou did not smile looking at Lin Hai, humming coldly. “

Lin Hai, I have spoken in person and invited you to follow me. What a big favor, how can you not agree? “”

Great favor? Lin Hai couldn’t help laughing for a while and then said rudely.

“Wang Second Young Master, still the words, your kindness was taken by my heart, but this so-called bounty, I Lin Hai is blessed and cannot afford to consume!” Said

After that, Lin Hai moved again towards Wang Bicheng a cup one fist in the other hand, differentiatedly said. “

Goodbye! “

weng! Lin

Hai tone barely fell, before he left, suddenly a terrible pressure fell on Lin Hai like a giant mountain.

Lin Hai suddenly a groan, if the chest was hit hard, a mouthful of blood spilled from the corner of the mouth.

Suddenly looked up, but saw a group of azure rays of light, like countless starlight chains, flying out of the void, suspended above his head. lock

Above the chain, Feng Rui’s fierce vigor sealed all his own retreats, as if it might fall at any time, and bound himself.

And Amu, who had been standing behind Wang Bicheng, was now blinking with azure glow, his eyes were glaring with icy murderous intention.

“Hmph!” Lin

The sea snorted coldly, slowly raised his hand, wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes flashed with cold glow, and fell on Wang Bicheng’s body.

“King Second Young Master, are you a little too much?”

Wang Bicheng was laughed, with deep drama on his face, and looked at Lin Hai with disdain. “

Lin Hai, this is no wonder to me. “

“I admire your potential, as long as you are willing to follow me, it is not even clear that your future will be on the list!”

But if you don’t want to … “Wang Bicheng slipped a corner, and a murderous intention flashed in his eyes.

“Hand-killing a genius who is expected to be on the list, it’s exciting to think about it!” Said

After that, Wang Bicheng’s eyes shone sharply, showing a sloppy face, moved towards Lin Hai coldly shouted.

“Ask you again for the last time, be my own, be a dog under my lap, do you want to!” This

Is that what you really are?

Lin Hai looked at Wang Bicheng, could not help shaking his head slightly, disappointed.

Losing oneself, I still liked him a lot, and pretended to be in trouble for a long time!

But if you think about it, even travelling requires house servants to clear the market in advance. What good can it be?

Since cast aside all considerations for face, Lin Hai does not have to be polite with Wang Bicheng.

With deep disdain, Lin Hai gave Wang Bicheng a cold look and shook his head in disdain. “

You don’t even deserve to be a dog under my lap! “”

courting death! “Wang Bicheng suddenly changed greatly, hair stands up in anger!

Before dying, Lin Hai dared to speak out and ridicule him! “

Amu! “

“Kill me …” Wang

The words that must be done didn’t finish, but suddenly came to an abrupt end. Follow

Afterwards, I just felt a cool air coming out of my head, making his complexion greatly changed, and the soul almost flew!

Because at this moment, without warning, he was suddenly locked by a terrifying murderous intention. band

With deep fear, Wang Bicheng looked up. but

Seeing Lin Hai’s side, a man with a big waist and a round waist appeared out of thin air, staring at him coldly! and

The terrifying murderous intention that locked him was released from the man opposite. king

It must be without the slightest hesitation. As long as he dares to act blindly without thinking, the man on the opposite side will definitely give him a thunderbolt. which is

Amu was there to protect him, and he had no chance of escape! “

terrifying, too terrifying! “Do not

As a result, Wang Bicheng’s eyelids fluttered endlessly, and the fear he never had in his heart made him instantly wet with cold sweat.

Involuntarily, Wang Bicheng looked with deep fear and moved towards Amu with the light of his eyes.

But with this hope, Wang Bicheng’s heart sank to the bottom of the valley instantly, more desperate than before.

I saw Amu at this moment, his eyes were dull and his face was terrified.

Looking at the opposite man, his legs trembled involuntarily, and his head was cold and sweaty.

His throat rolled a few times, and Amu Cai panted in horror, asked the man opposite towards moved towards.

“Dare to ask, who is the Senior?”

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