Lin Hai heard it, and was shocked, and hurriedly asked. ”

How many people are here? “

“3 of them are all women, and the strongest is similar to the one just caught!” Zhu Zizhen said.

“Oh?” Lin Hai raised a frown, similar to the fifth house cultivation base. Could it be another house keeper?

At this time, the 5th house owner on the bed suddenly changed his face and said hurriedly. “

It is my 3rd sister. Today is my 3rd sister and I are on duty. She must have come to work with me! “”

Oh my god, if I let my 3rd sister see me like this, I wo n’t be able to clean up after jumping into the Yellow River! “5

The palace master was suddenly shocked and ashamed, and anxious almost cried. forest

The sea looked pale, and moved towards Zhu Zizhen asked. “

Couldn’t you calmly catch them all without alarming anyone? “

“Reliable master, you can do it!”

“Okay!” Lin Hai’s eyes flashed, one of the palace masters also caught, and two were also caught.

Now that we have encountered each other, let’s just go together! “

Keep all three of them under control. Remember not to make too much movement to prevent others from being shocked! “”

Yes! “Zhu Zizhen agreed, and there was no sound. Lin

Hai is not in a hurry to ask the 5th house master. When the 3th house master is caught, ask the two together!

In this way, you can also prevent the 5th house owner from talking and deceiving himself.


After a while, there was a cry out in surprise outside, and then someone heard the sound of falling. “

Master, 3 newcomers, all caught! “Zhu Zi’s real voice sounded outside.”

Bring me the first one! “

Lin Hai commanded that Zhu Zizhen pushed the door of the hall, took a beautiful-looking woman, and walked in.

“Go in!”

With a bang, Zhu Zizhen threw the woman in his hand directly in front of Lin Hai.

Later, without looking, he turned out of the hall and closed the door again. I

by! forest

The sea was speechless. Fuck Zhu Zi is really this product, I really do not know how to have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex! Shua

!! One

Dao’s cold and sharp eyes suddenly fell on Lin Hai’s body, leaving Lin Hai on his back!

But seeing the beautiful woman on the ground, with a strong anger, moved towards Lin Hai coldly shouted. “

who are you! “

The woman had just finished speaking, and suddenly noticed that the 5th house owner who was on the back with a horrified face pulled on her back, suddenly complexion changed greatly!

“Sister, you …”

The complexion of the beautiful woman suddenly changed greatly, her mouth opened with surprise, and her face was incredible. “

3 sister ~ “5

Gongzhu saw a 3rd sister, suddenly ashamed and ashamed, bowed his head, no face to speak. 3

The master of the palace suddenly stopped, and it took a long time before it broke out into laughter caused by anger!

“He he he, okay, 5 sisters, I didn’t expect you to be so shameless, collude with men in your back, and do things in the hall!”

“3 sister, no, you misunderstood, I …” “

Pooh! “3 Princess tenderly shouted, with eyes full of hatred, falling on the 5th house owner like a knife.”

You bitch, now that the truth is here, do you still have to quibble? Alas, shameless stuff! “”

3 Sister, that’s not true! “5 The palace master was misunderstood, and anxious tears came down. Ran

However, the third house owner did not listen to her at all.

There is a man named Lin Hai in the house, and the owner of the 5th house is covered with futon, and his face is flushed. Is this still a fake? “

enough! “Lin Hai frowned, moved towards 3 Princess coldly shouted! 3

The palace master was coldly smiled and looked at Lin Hai with a scornful look. “

You shameless adulterer, dare to collude with this slut and break into my 7th star house! “

“Today, you don’t want to leave alive!”

Lin Hai glanced at the 3rd house owner with a sad expression, then lightly said.

“First, I’m not a shameless adulterer. Between me and the 5th house owner, I’m not as shy as you think!” “

She was only temporarily restrained by me and answered some of my questions! “

3 The palace master couldn’t help sneering and sneered.

“Do you think I can believe?” “

You love believing or not! Lin Hai was impatient, “That’s your business!” “

After speaking, Lin Hai turned his head directly, instead of looking at the 3rd house owner, but set his sight on the 5th house owner again. “

5 Palace master, you continue to say! “

“I …” The 5th house owner moved his mouth, but his eyes narrowed to the 3rd house owner, hesitant.

Obviously, there are concerns about the third house owner.

“You don’t need to worry about her!” Lin Hai indifferently said, and at the same time a cold glow in his eyes fell on the owner of the third house. “

If you worry that she is not good for you, I can kill her later! “forest

As soon as the words of the sea came out, the 3rd house owner and the 5th house owner changed their faces at the same time.


5 The chief of the palace is crying out in surprise, “Please, don’t kill my 3 sister!”

Lin Hai looked cold, with a warning sign, and glanced at the third house master again.

“It depends on her performance!” Said

After that, Lin Hai moved towards 5 Palace Master instructed. “

I have limited time, so I’m going to talk about the skyless thing! “

“No heavenly union!” The third house owner on the ground heard these three words and shuddered, as if was struck by lightening.

Then his eyes were deeply frightened, and he stared at Lin Hai inconceivably.

“You want to ask the skyless thing?” Lin

The sea narrowed his eyes and sneered dismissively. “

What do you think? Me and the 5th house owner, will not be like the gang you think! “3

The palace master’s mouth moved, but he didn’t say a word, his face could not help showing a hint of shame.

The 5th house owner, with a hint of fear, glanced at the 3rd house owner, and then slowly spoke. “

A few years ago, Wutianmeng sent secret emissaries to my 7th house of the stars, seeking 7 of our sisters! “

“When we heard of the coming of Skyrim, we were all shocked and even a little apprehensive.”

After all, the notoriety of the skyless union is simply too prominent for the entire Red Jade Kingdom. “One

Speaking of the situation of the day, the fifth house owner has a deep fear on his face until now. “

However, did you meet him? Lin Hai asked. 5

When the Gongzhu heard it, it was a bitter smile, helplessly said. “

Do we dare to see the skyless people? “

“That same day, seven of our sisters, with anxiety, greeted Sect’s door in person.”

“I thought that the secret ambassador of the sky would be a man with a vicious appearance, but didn’t expect to be a beautiful woman with a beautiful figure.” “

However, her face was covered by a black veil, and we could not see her appearance, but I can be sure that her beauty is definitely not inferior to that of our sisters! “”

Let me tell you the point, why did she come to you? Lin Hai waved his hand and interjected.

“I won’t understood this!” The 5th house owner shook the head slightly. “

Seven of our sisters welcomed her into the hall and asked her where she came, but she said that there were important things that she could only discuss with the heads of our 7 star palace! “

“Although the 7 Star House is our sister’s 7 co-heads, the person who makes the decision is our big sister.” “

So, the big sister took us back, and talked with the angel of the skyless alliance alone, one day one night. “”

What did they talk about? “Lin Hai brows slightly wrinkle, asked.

“This, we don’t know, just know that after one day one night, the big sister and the messenger of the skyless alliance fought!”

“Oh?” Lin Hai raised an eyebrow, surprised, and completely surprised. “

Are they fighting? “

Lin Hai asked in surprise, thinking that the Skyrim had bought the 7 Star Palace.

Just like buying Xia Houchuan and Jian Wudi in the Heavenly Fortune Kingdom, let them work for the skyless alliance.

But didn’t expect, it turned out to be such a result.

Did you guess wrong?

“So what’s the result?” Lin Hai asked with a surprised look.

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