“Ah, what are you doing!”

5 The palace master was frightened, crying out in surprise. Follow

Later, a scent of a man’s breath rushed out, Lin Hai pressed on her soft body.

That strange feeling had never been felt, and the 5th house owner was almost suffocated, confused. “

hehe Lin Hai smiled with a wicked look, his mouth almost stuck to the 5th house owner’s face.

The warm atmosphere made the 5th house owner feel an electric shock. The lovable body could not help shaking, and his face was panic.

And Lin Hai’s voice sounded badly in her ears. “

What do I do, don’t you really know? “


When the words landed, Lin Hai pulled the veil of the 5th house owner down. “

what! !! !! “5

Gongzhu screamed loudly, covering his face so anxious that he could find a place to drill into. “

You smily rascal, big bastard, get up, get up! “

sou! 5

As soon as Gongzhu’s voice fell, Lin Hai jumped directly from her. “

Uh … “5 The lord of the palace suddenly stunned, with an incredibly deep, incredible look at Lin Hai from the crack of his fingers. But

Seeing Lin Hai standing in front of the bed, the expression on his face kept changing, giving an extremely weird feeling. “

He, why did he really get up? “indistinct

Suddenly, the 5th house owner lost his mind for a while, even wondering if he was mistaken. from

I called Lin Hai up, and Lin Hai really got up.

Why is he so obedient?

As soon as he reached out, the 5th house owner pulled the quilt over the bed, covering his body. double

Pulling his hands tightly on his back horns, he stared at Lin Hai with panic and confusion.

She really didn’t understand why Lin Hai suddenly let her go. but

It was Lin Hai’s now glomyy and uncertain expression, but it made her more afraid.

What she didn’t know, however, was that Lin Hai at the moment was consciously entering a fierce quarrel with the Second Primordial Spirit.

“Hey, I ’m talking about the body, you are too much, pull me down at a critical moment, this is terrible, do you know?”

“If buddies fall into repercussions or something in the future, I can’t finish with you!”

2 Primordial Spirit was so angry that he pointed at Lin Hai’s destiny, Primordial Spirit, and roared. forest

The primordial Spirit of the sea is indifferent, looking at the Second Primordial Spirit, cold for a hmph!

“You still have to be shameless. I made you scare her, so that I could ask her about the lawlessness. I didn’t tell you to do it!”

If you really put her on, you ruined my Hai Haiyi Mingyi, how could he be a disciple! “

“Oh!” Second Primordial Spirit frowned, his face disdainful.

“It’s all men. What are you pretending to have! There is such a beautiful beauty, which is so coquettish, so stupid can’t go on!”

Stop it! Lin Hai scowled. “Lin Hai is an upright gentleman, not a jerk like you!” “

“Oh ~” Second Primordial Spirit scornful shook the head, “Don’t you blush when you say that?” “

Ontology, ontology, our body, just now is more honest than you! “

“Moreover, you are me, I am you, my thoughts are your thoughts!” “

It’s just that I represent the dark side of your heart, deliberately suppressed by you. If you don’t have this idea, how can I take action! “

“You!” Lin Hai’s eyelids trembled and he was dumbfounded by Second Primordial Spirit! “

Mad, now that you know it, let’s talk nonsense and keep suppressing the big brother! “”

The education of the big brother since he was a kid is that he can’t take advantage of the danger of men. “

“This is my bottom line and your bottom line!”

Second Primordial Spirit disdainful, shook his head in disdain. “

Suppressing your own heart and suffering alive, why are you suffering? “

“Hey, the main body, you can also practice the magic together, it ’s so good to do the magic, do as one pleases, let yourself be free, and you do n’t need to be a serious grandson like you now!”

You roll back to me! Lin Hai immediately became angry, and suppressed the Second Primordial Spirit directly.

hu ~ as

Later, Lin Hai exhales one mouthful of impure air, but he couldn’t calm down for a long time.

A voice, in the heart of Lin Hai, kept shouting.

The idea of ​​Second Primordial Spirit is really deep in one’s heart, the other one?

or is, this is the nature of human beings, why is it not manifested and is completely imprisoned by some worldly ideas and thoughts?

Suddenly, Divine light flashed in Lin Hai’s mind, as if he had touched something wonderful. can

However, this feeling is extremely vague, faintly discernable, just like hallucinations. Do not

However, Lin Hai is extremely sure, this is not an illusion, but an absolute reality! very

To Lin Hai, I have a feeling that once I hold this wonderful feeling in my hand, I will definitely open a door I have never touched! “

what exactly is it? “

Lin Hai tried his best to explore, but he was still a little bit behind, unable to see the whole picture of this wonderful feeling.

After a long time, Lin Hai sighed softly and had to give up. “

The road follows the fate, the opportunity has not arrived, no matter how exploration is useless! “”

Once the opportunity comes, naturally clear comprehension, let it be! “

After turning his gaze, Lin Hai’s indifferent eyes fell on the 5th house master.

“Ah!” 5

The palace master immediately shivered, grasping the quilt tighter, and looked at Lin Hai with horror. just

That scene really frightened her. dead

She wasn’t scared, but she was really scared, Lin Hai came back again! “

Explain everything you know about Skyrim! “

Lin Hai pulled a chair and sat opposite the 5th house master, saying coldly and harshly. 5

Gongzhu bit his lips, complexion pale, watching Lin Hai say nothing.

“En?” Lin

The sea stared, and suddenly a murderous aura descended on the 5th house master. “

How dare you disobey me? “

“Have you just forgotten so quickly? Is it necessary, do it again!”

“Don’t!” The palace owner heard it, and suddenly cry out in surprise, corner of mouth twitching, almost cried. “

Then give me an honest account! “Lin Hai coldly shouted, staring.”

You ask Skyrim, what are you doing? “5 The palace master calmed his breath, and then asked with a hint of nervousness.

Lin Hai’s eyes narrowed slightly, and she looked at her indifferently, coldly said.

“This, you don’t need to know, you just have to tell me everything about Skyrim!” “

Is your name Lin Hai? “The 5th house owner answered differently, but moved towards Lin Hai asked.

Lin Hai frowned, suddenly annoyed.

“Yes, my name is Lin Hai!” “

This is the 7th house of stars. You are dangerous to do this, you know? “

“The other 6 palace masters may come at any time, when you want to run you will be too late!” Lin

Hai suddenly changed his face and grabbed the 5th house owner’s wrist with a murderous intention coldly said. “

what do you want to say in the end! “”

I ask you about the skyless union! “

“You don’t give me care about it!” “

OK, I said! “5 The palace master was caught by Lin Hai’s wrist, and suddenly panicked. She

True Yuan in the whole body was sealed by Zhu Zizhen, which is no different from an ordinary mortal woman.

If Lin Hai uses her again, she can’t do anything. “

Many years ago, Wutianmeng sent secret emissaries to visit my 7th star palace once! “forest

The sea frowned, and 7 Star Palace really knew about the skyless alliance.

“go on!”

5 The palace master was nodded, and just about to speak, suddenly Zhu Zi’s real voice rang in Lin Hai’s ear. “

Master, someone is here! ”

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