Soon, Lin Hai entire group waited until they arrived at White Rock. forest

Hai was also polite, went directly to the family of Zishu, and was treated like a guest.

This time entered the unfinished mountain range, unconsciously, and 8 months have passed. A

Spending this dead dog with Murong Yanran, I don’t know what happened. although

As soon as he entered the city, Lin Hai sensed A’hua’s location, but Lin Hai was not in a hurry to call it back.

“The six of you have a good relationship with Murong in Baishi City. What is the relationship?”

Lin Hai moved towards the ten zodiac signs, 2 families patriarch, asked lightly.

These six stories are all shook the head.

The mouse stepped forward, some helplessly said. “

The host, Murong Yanran, was sent by the 7th Star Palace only one year ago to serve as the ambassador of White Rock City. “

“This person is indifferent by nature, not easy to contact, and also a woman, so I did not have a deep friendship.” “

Except she just took office and we visited the house, she had no other contacts. “Say

Here, the rat was silent for a moment, then hesitated. “

If is Master wants to find Murong Yanran to inquire about the Skyless League, I will wait for 6 people to go together. I expect Murong Yanran will sell us a face. “

“At this point, let me think about it!” Lin Hai gently exhales one breath saying, said differently. “

Well, the host has a good rest, I can’t wait to disturb! “ten

2 The zodiac signs are all human beings. Lin Hai said, how can I still understand that this is a per-customer order?

Immediately resigned, ten people retreated. “

A’hua! “

As soon as the zodiac signs were gone, Lin Hai immediately passed the thoughts and called A’hua. A

The quilt Lin Hai earns money through the demon pot, no matter how far away from Lin Hai, he can communicate with his soul. “

Father, I’ll talk about it later, I’m taking a bath with the beauties, wow ha ha ha ha! “puff

!! listen

By A’hua’s response, Lin Hai almost sat on the ground with his butt. Ny

Damn, this dead dog is okay! One

Thinking of Murong Yanran’s beautiful figure and appearance, and then associating with the scene of a rogue dog with A’hua, Lin Hai couldn’t bear to look straight. “

Mad, this is so good that all cabbages let pigs go. Okay, all dogs do. “Do not

As a result, Lin Hai sympathized with Murong Yanran. This

Although the girl’s strength is high, she is still a little tender, and she is blinded by the cuteness of A’hua! “

Do n’t talk nonsense, explain your situation, ask clearly! “

Lin Hai asked impatiently, no matter what A’hua was doing. “

Tell me about it? What’s up? “A’hua’s tone, with a loss. I

Rub, your uncle! forest

The sea almost lost his breath. Ny

Ma, this dead dog is so unreliable, at first sight, the beauty can’t help it.

I told him about it, but I forgot it directly.

“I asked you to ask Murong Yanran, do you know the news of Tianmengmeng, you have to do business and then pick up girls, OK?” Lin Hai said resentfully. “

Picking up girls is business! “A’hua said in shock.”

roll! ”

Lin Hai was furious, “Hurry up!”

“Oh, understood, wow, so white …”

“Bai your sister !!!” Lin Hai was so angry that he couldn’t wait to lift A’hua over immediately, fiercely’s violent meal.

“Father, are you jealous of me? There is such a good opportunity. No way, who makes me look handsomer than you!” A’hua’s lascivious smile passed over again. Do not

However, the dead dog was also smarter, and hurried to say before Lin Hai got angry again.

“Murong Yanran knows the news of Skyless Alliance!” “

Oh? “Lin Hai heard it, suddenly surprised, and said hastily.”

What is the situation of Skyless Alliance? Where is its headquarters? “”

She only knows that, more than 100 years ago, the Sky Alliance had a special envoy who had been to the 7th Star Palace! “”

Skyless League has been to 7 Star Palace? Lin Hai frowned. “What then? “”

Then she will not be understood. Murong Yanran is in the 7th star house, and her status is not high, otherwise she will not be assigned. “forest

After hearing the sea, his brows could not help wrinkling deeply.

“Putting it that way, want to know the situation of the skyless alliance, can only go to the 7th Star Palace?” “

Yes, but according to Murong Yanran, I am afraid that only 7 palace masters know about it in the 7 Star Palace. “”

In addition, the 7 Star Palace is not allowed for men to enter. If a man trespassed into the 7 Star Palace, he will be killed on the spot, so you must stop playing fancy flowers! “

pu! hit

Your younger sister, you think the big brother is as lascivious as you!

Lin Hai was completely speechless about A’hua, the dead dog.

“Father, do you still ask? If not, I’m going to enjoy the bath, wa ha ha ha!”

Lin Hai heard that, his face was black, and then he said in a vicious tone. “

No more questions, but one thing, don’t mention it didn’t remind you! “”

Little Hong, I’m on my way to you now, good luck! “”

what? Ahhh! Yeah! Isn’t it? “A’hua screamed when he heard it.

“Father, if you don’t bring this, you’re too cruel?” “

Help me, I ’m not going to wash this dog … ”Listen

At the scream of A’hua lose one’s head out of fear, Lin Hai corner of the mouth raised, showing a proud smile. small

Like, let you be a dead dog, do nothing good, and still be angry at big brother!

Big brother just say a word, easily play to death! forest

Of course, Hai Hai didn’t really release Little Hong. If you let Little Hong go to A’hua, A’hua would suffer. Present

At this stage, A’hua stayed beside Murong Yanran, and there were some uses. to

If you want to go to the 7th house, you also need to know where the 7th house is. and

In addition, 7 Star Palace will not allow men to enter, maybe you also need Murong Yanran, to refer for it. and

All these need A’hua to persuade Murong Yanran. A

Although this dead dog is tarnished, it has to admit that it is extremely clever.

After the conversation just now, Lin Hai believes that, without having to explain intentionally, A’hua already knows how to do it.

Ending his connection with A’hua, Lin Hai suddenly stretched out his palms and looked down. “

Second Primordial Spirit cultivation base realm breakthrough When you reach the Great Ascension, the magic ** has just unlocked a cultivation technique! “


Lin Hai’s thoughts moved, and in both palms, black glow suddenly bloomed, transfiguring two murderous-looking axes. “

Kill the army! !! !! “3

A domineering word that came to Lin Hai’s mind is exactly the name of this cultivation technique. broken

Army killing: Chi You’s axe method is fierce and overbearing, and it can make the enemy dull, numb, and eventually lose the ability to move, leaving it alone!

Looking at the descriptive information of the army kill, Lin Hai could not help shrinking his pupils, and he was shocked. Do not

Needless to say, Chi You’s cultivation technique is not ordinary! Do not

However, the move is overbearing, and the enemy’s actions can be affected during the battle, which definitely belongs to the control skills of Niubi! “

Have a chance, you have to try it for someone! “

Lin Hai was overjoyed, there was a feeling of being eager to have a try.

“Master!” Suddenly

However, Lin Hai’s mind was clear for a while, and then Xian’er’s shadow appeared suddenly. “

Xian’er, is there something wrong with me? “forest

Hai Yiyi, Xian’er has always been obedient, there is nothing special, it seems that the Young Master is looking for himself.

Xian’er is slightly smiled, revealing two beautiful dimples, gentle and elegant. “

That Loose Immortal, I want to see you! ”

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